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Hyperventilation : a solution for blood borne halitosis ?

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Hyperventilation : a solution for blood borne halitosis ?

Post by spyr »

Hello everybody,

I have serious bad breath from mouth and nose from some years now, and it's a type of bad breath that I can't smell myself, I always have to trust people's reaction to know how bad is my breath. I probably have a blood borne halitosis (exhaling fart smell from lungs, specially hours after eating).

I recently realized that one day I didn't get any reaction to my bad breath. And that day, I did some hyperventilation in order to try apnea with my friends.
I didn't realize the absence of reactions could be linked to the hyperventilation I did.

So yesterday, I made some research about what hyperventilation does to your body. And I found that it changes significantly the concentrations of gases in blood. It is said that it reduces the concentration of CO2 and increase the concentration of oxygen in our body. There is no study for other gases like hydrogen sulfide, so all I'm saying is hypothetical.

For me, hyperventilation may have an impact on the "bad" gases that are present in our blood (like hydrogen sulfide).

Since yesterday, I tried hyperventilation 3 times, and I didn't really get any reaction, but I cannot confirm I don't have bad breath now. I have to try it during weeks to be sure.

People who think they have blood borne halitosis, you can try hyperventilating once or twice during the day and see if it has an impact on people's reaction. For doing it, you have to take 20-30 deep and quick breath in a row with your mouth only (inhale and exhale with your mouth). But be careful because hyperventilation can be dangerous if doing it too much.

Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:06 pm

Re: Hyperventilation : a solution for blood borne halitosis ?

Post by juliang86 »

hello, what about the results? they lasted?
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