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How do you deal with your bb?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Beast »

I can’t get rid of my room filling bb no matter what I do. For now I can only tame it. I can’t even tell if my regime works but this is what I do. Waterpik, tongue scrapping with an Oolit, then a Tung Brush, brush my teeth with an electric toothbrush using chlorine dioxide toothpaste, rinse and gargle with chlorine dioxide rinse, then brush a little Hibiclens on my tung with the Tung Brush. All this 2 or 3 times daily and my breath still stinks. It doesn’t even go away for at least a little while after I brush. What do you do to help your bb, and how do you live with it? Right now I have no life and stay at my house unless I really need to go somewhere. I’m afraid that this will be my life permanently.

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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Dillerpov »

Are you sure you have bb?
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Beast »

I’m positive I have bb. Family members have told me, and even strangers will make a rude comment now and then. On the plane, people next to me complained about the smell, and I wasn’t even speaking, I was just sitting there breathing
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Just4life »

Welcome in the club... You can live with BB but not with room filling. Room filling is changing all - you are fucked - no social life anymore. I feel your pain but remember you are not alone. After 20 years BB I believe my BB is gut related and I can use all mouthwashes but nothing will work.

Stay strong my friend.
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by FuckBB »

Man it's so sad reading this but don't be emnarssed man you have to control your brain you are worthy of life too like everyone, I have a feeling you're a good person but don't let anyone disrespect you man, I feel like bb is such a mind state and if you train your brain to not give a ***k then your life will be much easier that's easier said than done, if someone respects or loves you they will stick with you even if you have bad breath it doesn't matter your brain has to be strong,

Room filling could indicate liver stomach or dead tooth, how long have you had bb and do you happen to know what might have caused it?
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Dillerpov »

Beast wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:29 pm I’m positive I have bb. Family members have told me, and even strangers will make a rude comment now and then. On the plane, people next to me complained about the smell, and I wasn’t even speaking, I was just sitting there breathing

Do you have bad taste?
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Beast »

Yes I have a bad taste, always. @fuckbb, I’ve had bb for over 20 years. It’s not my teeth, my teeth are actually in perfect shape, and I get them cleaned every six months just in case that will help. I thought about being my liver, but I took milk thistle and other supplements for the liver for years, not much difference to my breath. I’ve tried countless remedies nothing works. You are right about having people in life who love you no matter the bb, without them, I’m sure I would be dead. It’s hard to not to care what people think of me and I hate being known for having bad breath. My life really sucks because of it
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cured after 13+ years

Post by NewMan »

All praise to the most high I’m finally free of it. I would like to start by saying my post is going to sound strange but this is the God honest truth and I have no reason to lie. I’m not selling or recommending any products. I’m not an expert and I don’t claim to know more than anyone here. Let’s get back to how I’m cured. So I have suffered from bad breath every since the age of 15 or 16, I don’t know how it started but it happened, ever since the I tried every product I can get my hands on, I was living in a third world country when it started, I remember going to the dentist and getting my teeth cleaned and trying mouth sprays , none of it worked. My breath was so bad , I was chewing 10+ gums a day, it was so embarrassing but then I moved to the UK and my breath has gotten worse and I was chewing 2 packs of extra chewing gums a day at university and when I’m meeting people and later on i came across dental probiotics, dental probiotics work and they gave me a relief but it’s a cover and not a cure. When I stopped using them my bad breath comes back in no time, and they cost a lot too. So to get back to how I’m cured, so around January I came across a video that changed how I viewed porn and ejaculation, it was a video about semen retention, avoiding porn and sex and ejaculation, and I researched a lot about the harmful side effects of porn and decided to give semen retention a chance, mind you, I have been masturbating and ejaculating since I was a teenager and sometimes multiple times daily. So I decided to go on semen retention and completely cutting out porn and masturbation, I started saying daily prayers every night before sleep and taking cold showers in the morning, since the 15th of January 2022, one month went by without masturbation and I reconnected with God spiritually and working on myself and being a better person. so fast forward to now, it’s been 100+ days but at 90 days I noticed my breath feels fresh and my mouth feels clean, and that week I realised my underwear smells natural and there’s no stain on my white underwear and then I realised I didn’t even need a deodorant. My whole body is clean. Guys I swear semen is what powers our body, just think about it, semen creates babies, that’s how powerful it is, it is THE LIFE FORCE so if you are masturbating please please try semen retention, stop porn. I know all of this sounds completely strange but I swear on my life, that’s the honest truth. I have suffered from it for most of my adulthood but all praise to God I have came across this wisdom and now I’m cured. Try semen retention for 90 days that’s all, use dental probiotics while you are on your 90 days journey but please please if you are a guy I’m telling you it will transform your life and think about say all of this a nonsense right but even going 90 days without ejaculating and porn, what do you have to lose? Literally what do you have to lose?. I wouldn’t waste my time coming out of all the places on the internet, why would I come to this forum? Just think about it man. All I am asking is do it for 90 days and let the your body get what it needs from THE LIFE FORCE (your semen) it’s a complete detox. It cleanse your body and if you want a relationship with God , it will reconnect your soul too. You can laugh or mock me or say I’m stupid but all I’m doing here is share my experience with you, even if only one person takes me seriously then I’m happy, I hope you all find this and finally have some rest and live a fulfilling life without the shame of this terrible odour that destroys social and work life.

Peace guys. Love to you all. Send me a message if you have any questions or anything you want to know
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Beast »

I’m so happy for you that you found a cure! That is my dream, to be cured and live normally. The problem with your method is that I am a woman, so it wi t work for me unfortunately 😞
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by spyr »

If you have a room filling bb, the origin might be your throat. Did you try Raymond's breathing method ?

If the origin is the throat, things like pnd and acid reflux (or lpr) can make everything much worse.
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Beast »

I was worried it was coming from my throat, but I had it checked and was told my throat is normal. As for acid reflux, I actually had a Linx implant placed around my esophagus, and that stops acid reflux. Unfortunately, the implant didn’t help my breath at all. I haven’t tried the breathing method yet, but I will try anything at this point. I couldn’t hurt to try. Thank you for the suggestion
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by spyr »

How did you check your throat ? You can have billions of bacteria causing bad breath in your throat and they are invisible.
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Beast »

An ENT checked my throat with a scope. Do you know of a test that measures bacteria in the throat? Or what kind of doctor I can go to? Thank you
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by spyr »

I don't really know if there are tests for bacteria in the throat. I know that some people in this forum made test of bacteria species of their mouth in some labs I guess. Maybe you can make that kind of test but focused on lingual tonsils, you can ask to your doctor or to some labs.
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Re: How do you deal with your bb?

Post by Grunge »

I've been trying a lot of things to find a cure. Nothing has cured me, but I have noticed there are things that have greatly alleviated the bad taste in my mouth (that's how I know when my breath is really bad...gets worse throughout the day).
My bb may be coming from either the gut or from my blood (food doesn't get digested properly and toxins go into my blood). I've had acid reflux for years and I'm burping all day long. I'm about 50 lbs overweight, so I've got a nice round belly lol.
Weight loss is important when trying to tackle bb. Of course, changing up what you eat helps a lot!
Here's what you can try doing -
Don't over-eat
Don't drink too much with meals (water, soda, beer, tea, etc)
Stay away from beef as much as possible
Stay from sweets as much as you can
Give your gut a break (fasting) every now and then

I think you or someone mentioned the liver. I think taking supplements for it isn't enough. You have to help it by eating better, and giving it a break to heal.

In the past I've posted what I've tried and has helped me, but man it is hard to continue to keep up with it all.

Hope this helps. God bless.
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