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How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 10:57 am
by JKL12134
My nasal bb is room filling. I have a constant pain in my left ethmoid sinus. I've already had my CT scan and nasal endoscopy . The doctor prescribed macrolides antibiotic, Fluticasone, and Flo Sinus. The doctor said I have a chronic sinusitis but I didn't have yellowish to greenish mucus just clear one which constantly drips down at the left side of back of my nose to my throat. However, I could tell my nose still smells when I clear my throat from their reactions. What to do next? I'd really appreciate it.

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 2:14 am
by Ghana3
We can’t manage that curse, Mouth & nose are connected, if mouth smell is strong it ll come out your nose and vice versa. Permanent cure of bad breath is our only way out of this nightmare

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:14 am
by JKL12134
Thanks for your response. I can actually manage my bad breath coming from my mouth. I can talk face to face with no reaction at all. It lasts for a day or two. It doesn't matter whatever I eat. Let me share it, what I do is I mix two tablespoons of baking soda with lemon until it becomes a paste and I apply it on my toothbrush and clean my tongue using it starting from the back part until all the white stuffs are removed and pink tongue is achieved. It doesn't taste good so I brush my teeth and tongue immediately with toothpaste. My mouth feels so fresh afterwards. However, my white tongue returns after one to two days but it's a big relief. I just do it once a day before going to work. It has saved me. Nasal bb is only my problem now.

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:29 am
by Tee
Thanks for sharing your regime. However Baking soda+ lemon doesn't remove BB, not even temporarily. I understand u feel fresh afterwards, it just a feeling my friend, the feeling in turn boosts your confidence, so u talk and don't expect reactions. Try going someplace new after your regime and watch for reactions.
I've got the worst nasal plus oral BB. I wish I could find something that could last only 30mins, NOTHING has worked for me, including 3 major surgeries.

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 4:06 am
by JKL12134
I talk a lot and deal with many people and no reactions at all. Just the nasal bb. It's room filling.

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:33 pm
by Worst breath
Tee wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:29 am Thanks for sharing your regime. However Baking soda+ lemon doesn't remove BB, not even temporarily. I understand u feel fresh afterwards, it just a feeling my friend, the feeling in turn boosts your confidence, so u talk and don't expect reactions. Try going someplace new after your regime and watch for reactions.
I've got the worst nasal plus oral BB. I wish I could find something that could last only 30mins, NOTHING has worked for me, including 3 major surgeries.
Have u tried any diet?,i hv the same problem as u.i have had oral nd nasal as long as I can remember myb since birth i dnt know,nothing has help not even temporarily bt i am trying the Dr mcdougall diet or the Low fat vegan diet am on day 2 now,fingers crossed

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:26 pm
by Tee
Diet works only about 10%. It's bad , it's potent, but not terrible kinda BB. Asides that, dieting is difficult and one relapse takes u back to square one. It sucks

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:27 pm
by lanegro
Man smh don’t get discouraged reading the comments. Baking soda and lemon definitely can work for some people and you clearly said that the smell is coming from your nose not your mouth. My advice would be to buy a neti pot from Walmart or walgreens and fill it with DISTILLED water and add a few drops of grapefuit seed extract. I’ve heard that Aloe vera juice and baking soda helps also. Try rinsing it 2 times a day during your shower and before bed and see if that does the trick!

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:30 pm
by lanegro
=P~ And diet only helps 10%? if thats the case you’re definitely 1 of 1. You need to stop filling the comment section with so much negativity. If you can’t help yourself then maybe delete your account and let someone else have their own input! You aren’t doing these people any help by unloading all of your doubt and insecurities on them

Re: How do you manage your Nasal BB?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:24 pm
by Thiscantbelife
I’m on a low Fodmap diet I’ve been on it since I finished the elemental diet (not supposed to but I do) I’m no longer constipated so that is a major improvement but not a big difference in bb.. what I have notify is that once I eat low Fodmap foods the smell lessens. It’s the gasses from the sibo Bc once I eat I pass gas like crazy