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[SUCCESS] This is why you have BAD breath

Tell us your story with bad breath
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[SUCCESS] This is why you have BAD breath

Post by xjek »

Hello everyone,

I want to share my experience, which I believe can be helpful to all of you. I've been suffering from bad breath for about 8 years and have seen dozens of doctors and tried countless therapies (I even had surgery on my nasal septum!), but nothing has helped me like what I started doing a few months ago: maintaining a healthy diet over a long period of time. There's not a quick fix or a secret supplement.

I want to remind you that for 2.5 million years, we have lived like Paleolithic beings, primarily eating vegetables, meat, and fruit only when in season. In the last 200 years, we have lived through the industrial revolution, which has radically changed our diet. Processed foods are present in almost everything we consume, turning foods into products with lists of chemical ingredients known to cause illness and disease.

Our bad breath is our body's response to poor nutrition. Imagine your bacterial flora as a city and the processed food we ingest as fires we create in our stomach. In this analogy, bad breath is the smoke resulting from these fires.
I always ate poorly and then tried to fix the symptoms by taking all kinds of medicine or supplements, complaining when they didn't work. I didn't understand that I needed to treat the root of the problem, not just the symptoms. Give this lifestyle a try, and I promise it will not only improve your breath but also your mental clarity, libido, sleep quality, mood and much more. However, you must be consistent!

Here is what I recommend for the next 2 months (yes, it takes time to re-establish the bacterial flora, even if the media want you to believe otherwise):
• Start, if you feel like doing it, with a 24-48 hour fast, drinking only water (this will help you eliminate cravings for junk food and give your stomach time to reduce inflammation).
• Eat only foods with a single ingredient (e.g., eggs, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, legumes). Avoid packaged foods or those with preservatives. Eat naturally, as we used to, and how our bodies are structured to eat.
Drink only water, and drink at least 3 liters of it (please, measure it).
• Limit alcohol consumption to weekends.
• Avoid caffeine (it’s the worst thing for bad breath, trust me).
• Eat kefir for breakfast (it is great for the intestinal flora).
• Walk at least 10,000 steps a day (this will help with bowel regularity, which greatly affects bad breath).
• Avoid fruit juices that are not freshly made in front of you.
• Eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep.
• Don’t overindulge in dairy products (I would stick to Kefir, Greek Yogurt and Parmigiano Reggiano)
• Stop taking supplements/medicines for bad breath or reflux. Any medicine you take affects the intestinal flora.

A typical day for me looks like this:
• 3 eggs
• Kefir yogurt (plain, without any additives)
• Blueberries
• Cinnamon powder
• Fish with vegetables or meat with vegetables
• A handful of almonds or walnuts
• Greek yogurt
• Fish with vegetables or meat with vegetables

I train 3x week and prioritize sleep to make sure I get at least 7h of sleep .
You don't have to be super strict (even I have made mistakes and some cheat meals), but please remember that your bad breath will be a consequence of your habits, not an incurable curse.

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Re: [SUCCESS] This is why you have BAD breath

Post by Longtime »

You may be right there hasn’t been one week where I did not eat something with more than one product. Going to try this. What is the latest time that you eat.
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Re: [SUCCESS] This is why you have BAD breath

Post by xjek »

Hello, I usually finish my dinner at 9pm and go to sleep at 11.30 max.
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:48 pm

Re: [SUCCESS] This is why you have BAD breath

Post by hopelovefaith »

Gerd is the root cause of bb, but gerd surgery is quite complicated. Google link between gerd and ent disorders. The permanent solution is laser halitosis. Google laser halitosis in india. It's only 300 dollars in india and they also have it in the west . Youtube search subliminal for halitosis , self hypnosis for halitosis and binaural halitosis . Try xylitol , nac supplements, gerd supplements, magnesium and zinc for temporary solutions . I just want to help
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