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Other People Can Eat ANYTHING

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:20 am
by hallytoesis
It is so frustrating being at a party and seeing everyone enjoying the food with onion, garlic, all types of spices and flavors. They are drinking alcohol, eating sweets- as they should! I even see people going out for a smoke, when they come back- no smell on their breath at all.

Yet for me, even after brushing 3 times before the event, eating a small flavorless meal beforehand and even brushing in the bathroom at the event, drinking tons of water and only eating low sugar fruits, my breath is absolutely rancid.

Re: Other People Can Eat ANYTHING

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:19 pm
by Grunge
I hear you. It’s not fair. People can shove anything down their bellies and still not have breath as bad as mine. I think it’s something having to do with our gut. Like GERD or SIBO. I thought being overweight would almost certainly give you GERD or Acid reflux 100% of the time, therefore giving you BB, but not so. I’ve seen big ppl - bigger than me- not have a problem with BB. I once went to a birthday party and we all sat around a long table. The person next to me talked to me for a bit…by the time i realized it, she had already scooted further away from me lol. I envy ppl talking face to face, up close. You really lose out on life and friendships. It sucks.

I have GERD, Acid reflux, so I’m eating better to try and lose about 40 lbs in the next few months. This month I’m fasting from any kind of meats and eating low amounts of sugars. Haven’t been able to let coffee go, but I’m starting somewhere. SIBO and FODMAP make complete sense to me. I’m not sure if that’s what i have but i may even try some kind of cleanse.

Everyone, please keep posting. I’m swinging by more often and i need the motivation to stay alive in this fight against BB.