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What cured me

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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

Will start pysillium husk or an Ayurvedic laxative for the plaque and dead worms. If you find a better alternative to colonics then let us know.

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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Oh girlie, unfortunately, colonics are the latest and most efficient method. When the water is flushed out it goes out fast putting some pressure on the wet plaque to detach and get expelled. I still had old plaque coming out on my third session. It is too hard to eliminate otherwise.
No pills or anything you can swallow could do that. And even if they do help, imagine what a long slow process it would be, moving like a snail.
Have a great evening!
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

As long as the plaque is there, everything you eat will affect the smell.
Once the plaque is gone and there is no permeability anymore, the smell won't escape no matter what you eat.
Good luck!
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

I totally totally get what you are saying. But what else can I do when there isn’t a proper colonic in the place where I stay. Till then let me try the slow process. Something is better than nothing.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hey Grateful! You're doing great things! The only extra thing I can think of as a good laxative is Magnesium citrate pills.. They gave me the runs without stomach pains. I took a little more than the regular dose.

I remember tho the smell got worse when i had the runs, since it was smaller molecules that could escape, but after the cleanse it should be better and get back to normal.

Curious if you will see nasty things on the toilet. Then you know it's working.
Stay strong and keep us posted!
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

I will try the magnesium pills. I try to look for parasites in the stool but havent seen anything unusual so far. It is somewhat working as am having unusual fatigue and skin rashes which are detox symptoms. So slowly but surely it’s working. Need to be patient here and unlike your case where you had got a super deep cleanse I think I need to eat a super clean diet to speed up the process else it would be very slow. Sometimes I think my head will explode with this crazy overthinking of the solution. It has become the mission of my life now. It’s disheartening not to see results after trying so hard.
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Re: What cured me

Post by thejust »

NoWayJose wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 5:30 pm Hey guys!

Oh Grateful, I pray to the universe for you! An enema would have never worked on me. they are too superficial.
I can't find info on how deep an enema cleanses, but the colon is 1.5m, I mean that's a loooot of space untouched, no matter how deep the enema tube goes (it can't go too long). There would be much plaque left that causes the smell.
So the colonic is soo much more 'aggressive', does a localised deep job. If you still have old plaque, now with the parasites dead, not all might come out, since it's not deeply cleansed. I really hope you get to have a typical colonic, Grateful!

And with the plaque still attached to the colon, the bad food will definitely make the smell worse. Even now, when I eat cheese, the stool becomes smellier. But it never escapes anymore.

Good luck, everyone!
was ur bb room filling bro and what did it sell like
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Re: What cured me

Post by jo317 »

I made my own post recently saying I saw a difference after I received my first colonic treatment as well. Figured I’d post on here with some questions for others which have gotten it done.

As for not having access to it, have you tried any magnesium oxide supplement ? The most common brand is called mag O7 or something like that. That is supposed to use oxygen to break up feces that have been sitting in your colon a long time. I noticed a bit of a difference when I used this in the past.

I got my first colonic done about 2 weeks ago. I did have a really good bowel movement because of it that was very dark brown. My lady who did it for me said that the darker the poop the longer it’s been in your body so that was a good sign. I did take lots of probiotics after and felt a difference (mouth felt cleaner etc.). I just did 2 more treatments this week and NOTHING. No big release of brown stool just pieces of undigested food and still having lots of reactions (they went away and came back) I’m wondering if this means there’s nothing else super old in there to come out and this ISNT the issue?? Or if it’s just soo old and backed up that it’s gonna take multiple sessions to get the really stubborn stuff out.

for those of you who have seen improvement, or even if you didn’t.. did you have an actual bowel movement every time?? Did you do anything else that you felt made it more effective?? (Diet, exercise, supplements etc.)
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Re: What cured me

Post by ripa »

I would so much want to believe in colonics as a cure. However, I don't know what to think about the fact that I have gone through colonoscopy and my colon was completely clean. I saw it with my own eyes from the monitor. Only thing I saw there was one small piece of tomato skin (because I had forgotten that vegetables were not allowed the day before the procedure). There was no plaque of any kind, just healthy looking pink colon. My understanding is that this is how things always are if the preparing colon flush is done properly.

So I just wonder what are these plaques if they are not visible in colonoscopy. Do they com from small intestines? Does the water reach that far? The preparing flush I did before the colonoscopy was very gentle, so I'm pretty sure it can't have flushed the plaque away. And, on the other hand, if laxatives were efficient enough to remove all the plaques, why not use them instead of colonics? They are so much more comfortable and cheaper and all.

I'm not saying colonic irrigations can't be helpful but I just keep wondering this thing about invisible plaques that are often claimed to be very visible when they come out. I just think it doesn't add up. Maybe there's a different explanation to it's benefits than the plaques?
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Re: What cured me

Post by Uber »

Today is Monday and I am going to have my first colonic this Friday. It is for 1 hour can't find any longer than that. I plan to fast before the colonic and try to have as little to no food inside of my colon to see if anything old comes out. I have my doubts that this is my cure but you never know.

I'm 47 have been dealing with bad breath since at least teenage years. I think its coming from my stomach. Previous doctor also thought it was coming from my stomach. Anytime I eat the odor gets worse. Beef, Alcohol and coffee make the odor really bad. I can not smell it myself.

I had a little success with this diet. Eliminated all animal products along with low carb and no sugar. It was a difficult diet to maintain. Weight literally fell off with very little exercise. Was 200 pounds got down to 163. I'm currently 168. I think when I have no food in my stomach it does not smell as much. During the peak of this diet I sat across from a friend talking for hours and later on he said he smelled nothing. Which is highly unusual for me. If the colonic does not work I plan to go back to this diet and try it again.

My Issues
Of course people cover or wipe there nose
White tongue
Lots of plaque on teeth I scrape it off daily
Tonsils have been removed
'Constant Flem in my throat
Constipation since teenage years I thought it may be due to hemorrhoids but not sure
Sticky hot mouth taste salty
Heart burn when I eat to much although this is as I have gotten older
Used to have bad under arm odor that has reduced greatly since low carb no sugar diet. I can smell this myself.
Feet odor not sure if that's due to always wearing socks and shoes
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Re: What cured me

Post by halley »

I love that it worked for you. My bf left me bc of my bb, the latest thing i'm trying is drinking a teaspoon of baking soda and i've bought loads of supplements, mouth spray mouth wash etc. My biggest problem is fecal breath and the smell of food lingering in my mouth. Never neutral breath it's disheartening.
I read this on the internet. ... oilet.html
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hey, everyone! I will try to answer some questions, hopefully it will assist in your journey! :)

I was also offered probiotic implant, it is not necessary, I skipped it... it's the environment created by the foods you eat that will dictate which bacteria will proliferate (bad or good). enemas.. sounds very unnatural, plus, there is some controvery around it..
I would suggest keeping things simple, don't do any 'extras' that cost money or complicate things. :)

Ah, I would say eat regulary, new meals push things forward, preferably healthy foods before and after, I know it's hard, I messed up many times. That's not what's the most important tho...
What matters is how long the session will last, it has to be long enough to reach the whole colon.. How long is the one that you found? :)

And what's paramount is that the tincture is taken (that will be suggested) against parasites and candida (the main ingredient would be wormwood). I took it for 1 month, and on the following session a lot came out, dead parasites and spores. I never suspected I had parasites, what a creepy thought, nor candida, never saw any signs of it. Parasites latch on the wall of the intestine, contributing to permeability along with all the debris. I am not an expert, that's the conclusion I could draw from my experience.

The feeling of being clean on the inside is amazing, there is only to gain from it. :)

Good luck, everyone!
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