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What cured me

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Re: What cured me

Post by jame2023 »

I am from china. There is a therapy colon cleanse. But I dont know if it is the same therapy you do. Can you descibe it more specific? what equipment do they use? how deep does it reach?

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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hey, jame! I just googled the term and the name of my town and I found clinics near me, so use google to see if there's a clinic near by you that offers this service..

And yes, research, make sure it's the right type, some 'colon cleansing' can also refer to enemas, which are too superficial and inefficient.
The price tag should be higher and they should tell you if the whole colon is cleaned or not. 'Colonic' or 'colonic irrigation' are more precise terms, depending on how they get translated in your language.

I found a video on youtube that explains the process of this procedure.. In my clinic you just lay on a normal (hospital type) bed.
There might be a bit of discomfort while they introduce the device (in your rectum), but nothing to be worried about, relax and it will be fine.. I know it can be a little off-putting, especially for men. Embarrassment has no place in this.

I know the video says 45 min. Well, a lot more came out of me after 45 min, different clinics have different standards (plus, the price might deter poeple if they have to pay double). And this therapy seems to still be in its infancy, not many people know about it., but I heard it being on its way to be introduced in hospitals.
And also it depends from person to person how much time they need, how big their digestion problems are.
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Re: What cured me

Post by jame2023 »

thank you. man. I searched chinese internet which seems there is no such service in china. just normal enema. sad.

And one last question. How far could your bb transfer?
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Oh, sorry to hear, maybe you will get to opportunity to travel and do it..

Hard to estimate how far, it happened when I opened my mouth. Wouldn't say it would fill up a room, but then again, I was mostly quiet. Hard, hard times. Again, getting a little panic attack just thinking about it.
Good luck!
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

NoWayJose wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:58 pm Oh wow, congrats! Can't be pleasant to drink the salt water... did the smell at least decrease?

Ah, the practitioner gave me some mixture, I post the picture here. I am from Sweden, so you probably have other similar products in your country.
Mine are all liquid and taken with food (like a teaspoon in water). One was for parasites and candida, other was for killing bacteria, just clearing the system. I suppose you can go to the health food store (I think it's called) and ask..
I didn't take it for more than one month, so that is sufficient.

On the lable of this one it says:

And the ingredients are: Wormwood, Black Walnut, German Chamomile and Clove. It tastes horrible (and I have tried a lot of gross things...).
The other one has very weird name plants. A product that contains those ingredients must be good to use.

I think it's a great idea to incorporate these things in your 'detox'. Let me know how it goes!


Hey nothing changed as far as bb is concerned. It’s still the same. People touching their noses whenever I open my mouth to talk to them. Thanks for the herb names. Will check if I can get those over here.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hey, in what ways do you measure the smell, besides people's reaction? Do u do the lick (saliva) test?

You mean you did the salt water, or a colonic? Sorry to hear, but don't give up
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

The saliva lick test is a mix of both neutral and fecal/vinegary. Floss smells too between different teeth on different days. So I know it’s there. But sometimes even when nothing smells from the above I do get reactions from people all the time. They always always cover their nose while I speak. It’s heartbreaking.

I did the salt water only as of now. Have shortlisted a colonic centre in the vicinity. Will probably take an appointment soon. Yes am not giving up for sure. Am hopeful that 2023 will be the end of my suffering. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Thanks for all the help.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

I'm so sorry to hear that. But I love your attitude!
I read about the salt water from a forum, I never tried it. It definitely clears out poop, but how efficient is for plaque, I still wonder.
Though I found this on google:
thumbnail (16).jpg
thumbnail (16).jpg (40.91 KiB) Viewed 2211 times
I thought it would be good for me, to prevent plaque from ever forming again.
I understand it is very hard to estimate if the smell decreases a bit.. When I had diarrhea ocasionally, it almosy felt like the smell could leak and be felt even more (since plaque is present, causing leaky gut).

And there are other things to consider, like if you're dieting/don't eat and get into ketosis, you might expect to smell, as most normal people do when they burn ketones.
Yes, don't give up, this might still be your case!
I've tried all the things under the sun looking for a cure for years. Salt water would not have cured my smell, but I would have thought it could make a little difference, temporarily.

I felt a BIG difference after my first colonic. But it took like 3 sessions and the parasite tincture to get (all/most) of the old plaque (years and years of build-up) out of me and feel 'cured' (but still paranoid). How many colonics one needs to wash away all the residue, it depends on the person.
Tho I have to express my concern on how short these sessions seem to last in other countries. Duration is the key, otherwise it might not reach all the way up the colon, doesn't sound so thorough.

I keep an immaculate hygiene in my mouth now, sometimes I feel I am fresher than a normal person. And the smell of what I eat doesn't linger.
I recommend xylitol (one can buy it in a bag, looks exactly like sugar) but it's the best thing for teeth. Takes away the stale smell from inbetween and protects them. Just rinse or dissolve it in your mouth. It's the same thing that gum contains, but the pure stuff.

And yes, 2023 will definitely be the year you get your problem fixed, it's time now!
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Re: What cured me

Post by Crazyred91 »

Did you have any symptoms aside bb?
Like constant mucus / white tongue / bloating / diarrhea

I am gonna try it will see if it helps ;)
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Crazyred91 wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:11 am Did you have any symptoms aside bb?
Like constant mucus / white tongue / bloating / diarrhea

I am gonna try it will see if it helps ;)
Hey! I always had residue on my tongue, had to scrape it, or brush it every time.
Bloating hahah I got bloated even from water, extremely sensitive yes, and fruits would bloat me immensly. A lot of gas too.
My baseline was constipation, but sometimes I would take laxatives or magnesium citrate pills which made it runny. What's awful is that after I took those pills and before emptying my bowls, the smell would turn even worse, diarrhea-like.
Do you mostly have diarrhea?
Hope you will get results, good luck!
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

NoWayJose wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:51 pm I'm so sorry to hear that. But I love your attitude!
I read about the salt water from a forum, I never tried it. It definitely clears out poop, but how efficient is for plaque, I still wonder.
Though I found this on google:

thumbnail (16).jpg

I thought it would be good for me, to prevent plaque from ever forming again.
I understand it is very hard to estimate if the smell decreases a bit.. When I had diarrhea ocasionally, it almosy felt like the smell could leak and be felt even more (since plaque is present, causing leaky gut).

And there are other things to consider, like if you're dieting/don't eat and get into ketosis, you might expect to smell, as most normal people do when they burn ketones.
Yes, don't give up, this might still be your case!
I've tried all the things under the sun looking for a cure for years. Salt water would not have cured my smell, but I would have thought it could make a little difference, temporarily.

I felt a BIG difference after my first colonic. But it took like 3 sessions and the parasite tincture to get (all/most) of the old plaque (years and years of build-up) out of me and feel 'cured' (but still paranoid). How many colonics one needs to wash away all the residue, it depends on the person.
Tho I have to express my concern on how short these sessions seem to last in other countries. Duration is the key, otherwise it might not reach all the way up the colon, doesn't sound so thorough.

I keep an immaculate hygiene in my mouth now, sometimes I feel I am fresher than a normal person. And the smell of what I eat doesn't linger.
I recommend xylitol (one can buy it in a bag, looks exactly like sugar) but it's the best thing for teeth. Takes away the stale smell from inbetween and protects them. Just rinse or dissolve it in your mouth. It's the same thing that gum contains, but the pure stuff.

And yes, 2023 will definitely be the year you get your problem fixed, it's time now!
Hey did my first colonic today. But it was different than the one you had shared in the YouTube video. It was a traditional basti Kriya (colonic). Something similar to enema but the lady put some 700 ml of herbal water through a catheter inside the system and then the waste comes out when we visit the washroom. At home when I did enema I use to put 300 ml. Anyways it is an Ayurvedic centre where I went and the doctor after listening to my symptoms and problems suggested me to do Virechan (one of the Panchakarma treatments) where for a few days we have to drink medicated ghee and we purge on the 7th 8th day. Followed by 7-8 enemas. Virechan kriya balances the gut flora she said. It is costly so am yet to take a call on whether to do this or not. So this would be a full body detox as per her. This includes oil massages n steam baths as well.

I wish we had colonics like your country which looks way more convenient in the video. Will keep looking but I doubt we have it over here in India.

Have a question though. You took the herbal meds for a month right. You felt bb free before starting the meds or post that. You had mentioned earlier that it you noticed a difference after the first session but only after a couple of sessions you got confident. So when exactly or after which session ( session with the herbal meds or without it) did you notice the difference.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Oh, glad to hear! Interesting, it's a yoga practice too. There's no doubt that it is a great holistic treatment, no matter what.
I googled a little about Basti Kriya and very positive things came up!

Such as:

''According to Hatha yoga pradipika, shatkarma is a preliminary practice that cleanses the body internally and then prepares the yogi to attain spiritual goals.''
''Basti kriya washes away or cleanses the entire colon. It removes any harmful bacteria, toxic impurities, accumulated stool, threadworms, and heat from the intestines.''
''It stimulates the digestive organs and improves the efficiency of the digestive system.''

Among other things..

Guess the big question is have you felt any difference?
I know, the price tag can be insane, and yours sounds like it would be a difficult experience.

It is pretty hard to estimate. The smell almost faded after the second colonic, Fresh most of the times, BUT sometimes it wasn't fresh.
After the second treatment I started with the tincture. Then it got a bit gross, but after the third one, you could see the results of the herbs. Like I mentioned before, the lady said that weird-looking bit of debri looked like it was 10 years old. Festering inside for 10 years, attached to the wall.

I would say it took about 1,5 months to feel confident. I am still paranoid ofc, but people are nice and seem like they aren't affected. But ofc I still chew gum and other things.
Hope I answered your questions! Keep up the good spirit!
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

Hey yes this clears almost all my doubts. Thank you so much for all the help. Even if this doesn’t clear my bb, this process absolutely clears the unwanted debris stuck in the colon since years. This is like a much needed deep cleanse and am sure my body is thanking me for that right now.
Worst breath
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South Africa

Re: What cured me

Post by Worst breath »

Keep us updated how it goes,if it goes well for u i will try nd go on a 2 days fasting nd do enema with sea salt water nd drink warm sea salt water,i will do both at the same time so it will be more effective bcz i dont think there is a clinic like this in South Africa nd if they do have it i probably wouldn't afford it,but i think its best if u do this cleanse u must take a good probiotics to put good bacteria in ur gut,bcz myb this cleanse wipes away every waste in ur colon including good nd bad bacteria
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

NoWayJose wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:58 pm Oh wow, congrats! Can't be pleasant to drink the salt water... did the smell at least decrease?

Ah, the practitioner gave me some mixture, I post the picture here. I am from Sweden, so you probably have other similar products in your country.
Mine are all liquid and taken with food (like a teaspoon in water). One was for parasites and candida, other was for killing bacteria, just clearing the system. I suppose you can go to the health food store (I think it's called) and ask..
I didn't take it for more than one month, so that is sufficient.

On the lable of this one it says:

And the ingredients are: Wormwood, Black Walnut, German Chamomile and Clove. It tastes horrible (and I have tried a lot of gross things...).
The other one has very weird name plants. A product that contains those ingredients must be good to use.

I think it's a great idea to incorporate these things in your 'detox'. Let me know how it goes!


Hi, I googled the one with weird plant names and most of the ingredients are common in the two like wormwood, walnut , clove . So I have ordered a mix with the above three ingredients. Let’s see how it goes. Will update in a weeks time. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
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