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What cured me

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What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hello everyone! I have promised myself that if I ever found a cure I would share it, in hopes that it might help other people. Even if one person benefits from it, my work is done.

I saw it being mentioned here before. People can get very skeptical, I am not here to convince anyone. This is my personal experience and we are all different.

I pinpointed the source of the problem as coming from the most bacteria-loaded organ in the body, the colon. The fecal smell is no coincidence.
I had a lot of questions I tried finding the answers to, so here is the conclusion I reached.

Now, what goes wrong in the colon that makes this happen? Since all fecal matter smells pretty badly, what's the difference between poeple who smell and those who don't? Why and how does the smell escape and emanate outside the body?

Personally, I knew my digestion wasn't the best, I have had troubles with constipation all my childhood, plus, I am lactose intolerant and fructose-sensitive. But there must be something more, because many people with digestive problems don't smell, so it was very confusing.

I researched how to cleanse your colon and I ended up reading about colonic irrigations. Imagine the feeling of having a clean colon after such a session. Like taking a shower on the inside. A lot of bateria and fecal matter is eliminated. This is very different than an enema. This cleans almost the whole length of the colon.

There's another catch. The microbiota will repopulate again, it's not that you get rid of bacteria for good.
What is important is that, while you irrigate the colon, you get rid of the MUCUS, that has accumulated over time, that looks like white clumps.

With each colonic you can watch with horror as disgusting things that have been inside of you for years, come out. Years of bad digestion and constipation causes mucus to build up and harden on the walls of the colon. imagine how such conditions can cause smell to penetrate through the wall and excrete through the airways or mouth.
This is called MUCOID PLAQUE and getting rid of the load is paramount for any healing/detox program.

To make an analogy, imagine this plaque in the colon as 'buggers' (hardened mucus) in the nose. It gets stuck on the mucosa and doesn't go out by itself.

As long as the intestinal transit goes smoothly and there is no build-up, there will be no smell.
I stopped smelling even if I eat lactose,

There is no more nicer feeling than having your stomach flat and feeling so clean on the inside.

The downside is that these sessions are expensive, but with each session you get better and better, there is no rule how many you can have.

Creepy, guys, one time I saw a big white clump with brown, the lady told me it look like years-old plaque.
In order to get more things out I took a tincture against parasites and candida, that helps the mucus detach from the wall.

I try to go regulary, it is a good thing for health in general.

Please find a good clinic where you can do, it should never last less than 1,5 hours, the longer the better, in the last half an hour (mine takes around 2 hours) there is A LOT coming out, that would not be emilinated if the irrigation would last less time. The water needs to reach far up in the colon.
Also, many of us have pouches in the intestine (diverticulum) where mucus gathers, that is also a problem that can affect the permeability of the wall and cause smell to escape.

I hope all of you stay strong and never give up hope!

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Re: What cured me

Post by Redazzz »

Are you totally cured after this? How many sessions did it takes to see results? Can you provide some of your bb background?
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hey! I felt a difference right after the first session, but not !00%, it took maybe some 5 sessions until I got 100% confident and sure I could live like a normal person. Now when I lick the back of my hand, saliva is super clean, whereas before it was not good at all.

In my case it came from the mouth, it's even hard backtracking, since it opens up so much trauma. I still feel the need to pinch myself. I am now living life in the best that I can and becoming more social. I pretty much had it since I remember and I sufferened from constipation my whole childhood. Had a nasty taste in my mouth. Got comments and isolated myself.

Wanted to add that mucoid plaque adheres to the wall of the intestine, thus increasing its permeability, exactly like sibo does.
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Re: What cured me

Post by naom »

NoWayJose wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:09 pm Hey! I felt a difference right after the first session, but not !00%, it took maybe some 5 sessions until I got 100% confident and sure I could live like a normal person. Now when I lick the back of my hand, saliva is super clean, whereas before it was not good at all.

In my case it came from the mouth, it's even hard backtracking, since it opens up so much trauma. I still feel the need to pinch myself. I am now living life in the best that I can and becoming more social. I pretty much had it since I remember and I sufferened from constipation my whole childhood. Had a nasty taste in my mouth. Got comments and isolated myself.

Wanted to add that mucoid plaque adheres to the wall of the intestine, thus increasing its permeability, exactly like sibo does.
Hi wouldnt taking bentonite clay/charcoal/zeolite do the same? and its takes the bad stuff along whith toxins out like the bad stuff attaches too it,binds it and you poop out. When treating for black mold you take glutathion(takes the toxins out of blood),phospatidyl choline(pulls out toxins from the fatty celles and tissues).
I see that you have only treating the colon. I suspect that alot of us are have black mold,mycotoxins in the body! what do you think??what caused this mucoid plaq?
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Re: What cured me

Post by naom »

im taking bentonite clay/charcoal/zeolite for treating black mold ,thats what they use too treat black mold(it realeses mycotoxin) with plenty of water. wouldnt it do the same?
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hej! Sorry for the late reply!
This plaque accumulates thoughout years, there is co comparison between some pills you can take (how effecting can they be in dealing with such lasting problems).... and a total cleanse on the intestine. A shower on the inside.

Plus, the irrigation also helps the small intenstine clear up and empty in the colon (against sibo), this is good for overall health. A healthy body starts with a clean gut. No way around it. This can be done as a holistic thing, it helps the body work better, there is no loss in trying.

It cleans the whole length of the colon, which is 1,60m long, imagine how much can get stuck in there (+diverticuli, which is common in many people).

Plus, I took this herb mix tincture that apparently kills parasites and candida. I thought they just wanna sell stuff, but next session a LOT more came out.. these things work... like wormwood which is know to be very effective against parasites. I never thought *I* had parasites, and had no sign of candida, but white spores were seen coming out in the beginning. Until they didn't. My candida cleared out. Also it helps with many other alignments.

I don´t know if you´ve seen those creepy photos on the internet with what people had coming out of their colon, they are awful and won't come out on thier own. Actually, you can google 'mucoid plaque' and see the pictures that come up..
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Re: What cured me

Post by nd_gillis »

Wow this is great to hear, congrats!

How often did you get them done? I had my first session last week & while I didn’t notice a change in smell yet I’m hopeful! Do you also have a clean diet?
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Hey, you haven't? Sorry to hear.. There can be, ofc, other causes, but I think the colon is the most common/mysterious source.

Nowadays I do it once a month (in the beginning 1 every 2 weeks). But as long as the intestinal transit is working well (my problem was constipation), the plaque shouldn't build up. Depends on how healthy one's eating habits are.

It's been a month since my last session and the smell hasn't returned. And with each session, it becomes better and better.
I did notice an improvement right after the first treatment, but not completely. I was scared this was a temporary fix and that it would come back, but so far so good... This fights the source of the problem, not just masks a symptom.

What did you experience after your first treatment? Did you feel 'cleaner', lighter,...Noticed any other benefits?

I try hard with my diet. But sometimes I fail. I am supposed to stay away from lactose and other foods, but I don't follow through. Before, lactose would make the smell 10x worse. Now it doesn't make any difference. And if there is damage, it gets washed away when I go next time.

Are you planning on going again, may I ask how long did it take? Best of luck!
Last edited by NoWayJose on Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

I am scared that this is a dream and that I will wake up.
But in each session there is old debri from years that gets eliminated. It's a longer process, years of damage can't be fixed in one-go. Hopefully this applies to your case. And I know.. they can be expensive :(
I've gotten so much more confident lately tho!
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Re: What cured me

Post by nd_gillis »

Yes I felt great after my first appointment I wouldn’t say nothing happened I felt lighter and healthier. I’m concerned because my session only lasted 30 mins so that could be why I didn’t feel instant change in smell. The lady who helped did say she saw a lot of mucus coming out of me as well. I’m still hopeful and thinking maybe I should try more sessions. Constipation is def one of my issues along with poor eating habits at times, constipation was my main reason for going. I’ve suffered with the bb for as long as middle school I believe, so I’m ready to find what works for me. I’ve been thinking this would help maybe more sessions is what’s needed.
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Re: What cured me

Post by Redazzz »

Very interesting I've also always dealt with constipation but you know can be anything.

I've read that colon irrigation can be dangerous, what you doctor told you about collateral effects?
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

nd_gillis wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:06 am Yes I felt great after my first appointment I wouldn’t say nothing happened I felt lighter and healthier. I’m concerned because my session only lasted 30 mins so that could be why I didn’t feel instant change in smell. The lady who helped did say she saw a lot of mucus coming out of me as well. I’m still hopeful and thinking maybe I should try more sessions. Constipation is def one of my issues along with poor eating habits at times, constipation was my main reason for going. I’ve suffered with the bb for as long as middle school I believe, so I’m ready to find what works for me. I’ve been thinking this would help maybe more sessions is what’s needed.
Omg! The first clinic I went to (lower grade) used to do it for 1,5 hours.
I found another one (more expensive ofc) that does it around 2 hours, depending on the need, sometimes maybe even 2,5 hours, it's pretty long!
It is absolutely not the same to have several short sessions, with having 1 LONG session, where the colon is cleaned in depth. I can only imagine how superficial the treatment was and how little it reached.
In the last hours of the treatment, A LOT comes out :o

30min is insanely short! No wonder you barely got any relief.
Please please, don't go to the same place!

If you google such clinics around you, do you find other places that look more serious?
They do claim that after a several hours treatment, the whole length of the colon is cleansed, to the junction with the small intestine, but again, it can take hours.

The women from these places were very enlightened may I say, and spiritual (like myself), and educated in healing, meditation. They started their business because they knew this is an essential treatment that jumpstarts healing.

They showed me pictures of people clearing out their eczema, psoriasis, obesity, many other infections, books written about it.
Many problems stem from an irritated intestine, even back pain, knee pain, you name it!(well, not in all cases)
Last edited by NoWayJose on Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Redazzz wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:02 am Very interesting I've also always dealt with constipation but you know can be anything.

I've read that colon irrigation can be dangerous, what you doctor told you about collateral effects?
Yeah, costipation makes all the nasty stuff stay inside, get hard and fester/rot.
Imagine, years after years..
I also have the habit of chewing too fast, so some 'undigested' food was seen, great environment for bad bacteria.

And I'd say, no.... the treatment is not dangerous at all.. As long as you don't have any previous condition that affects the colon.
Plus.. not to be a conspiracy theorist, but a lot of medicine would become obsolete if people turned to such treatments. Where I live, it is not popular at all.
And well, people are skeptical and put off by the 'invasiveness' of such procedure, especially men.

There is nothing to lose from this, make sure you eat veggies and fruit after, so the flora of good bactera thrives in right conditions.

Plus, it fixed 100% my constipation! I became so much more regular.
And... such a clinic should also have tinctures for detox, they made things happen so much faster. And the nastier they taste, the more effective they are hehe

It's been a process, but feeling relief after each time. Hand-licking-test nowadays, saliva, always clear, or depending on what I consumed, but never that nasty scent as before. That is gone. And ofc I noticed different reactions (or may I say no reaction) from ppl (and I am very observative of that).

Like the worst for me used to be later in the evening, before bed.. now it is clear..
Still trying to get used to this good reality..
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Re: What cured me

Post by Grateful »

Many many congratulations !!!

Nothing beats the happiness of reading cured stories to us sufferers. Recently I read a story by DEALING WITH LIFE who was cured by saline nasal wash 3 times a day. I did it almost religiously along with changing my diet to dairy and gluten free. Nasal odour is almost gone with this routine. However I think mouth odour is still there though not very bad but it exists.

Colonics look promising and logical as well. Will have to look for a good centre. Your hardened mucus analogy make so much sense.

Are you taking any dietary measures to make sure that the body remains as clean as possible. Would like to know about your typical diet in a day.

Thanks for posting your story.
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Re: What cured me

Post by NoWayJose »

Grateful wrote: Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:32 am Many many congratulations !!!

Nothing beats the happiness of reading cured stories to us sufferers. Recently I read a story by DEALING WITH LIFE who was cured by saline nasal wash 3 times a day. I did it almost religiously along with changing my diet to dairy and gluten free. Nasal odour is almost gone with this routine. However I think mouth odour is still there though not very bad but it exists.

Colonics look promising and logical as well. Will have to look for a good centre. Your hardened mucus analogy make so much sense.

Are you taking any dietary measures to make sure that the body remains as clean as possible. Would like to know about your typical diet in a day.

Thanks for posting your story.
Thank you, I appreciate it [-o<
And I am happy the nasal wash helped you! I am just afraid it only masked a symptom, but didn't solve the cause.

And you're right, it's logical and it does make sense, I have thought about correlations all my life and the pieces of the puzzle fit.
Since the colon is about 5 feet (150 cm) long and 5 cm in diameter, it makes it like a looong pipe, and we know how clogged and nasty pipes can get! Not to mention a pipe full of poop! And it is the hardened bits that stick to the wall (plaque) that are affecting the junctions, increasing permeability and thus allowing the smell to escape.
It's not entirely the microbiota in the gut, I know people who don't have such a problem, but their stools smell like there's no tomorrow. Even if the smell inside is awful, it shouldn't escape. Except when there's plaque..

Are you guys (and girlies) also lactose intolerant? I also suspect I am fructose intolerant, bad digestion all my life. Yoghurt for example was the worst for me. But then I also noticed, not all lactose intolerant people smell. Well those who don't might have a better digestion or just no propensity for this, their transit works more smoothly at least.

Haven't tried yoghurt, cause I don't like it, but I ate a lot of cheese and it doesn't make any difference.
Unfortunately I am not very conscientious with the diet, as I have an eating disorder, but after a bad period, I do an irrigation and it's like a fresh start. I try to take lactase pills and enzymes, which are great for digesting every single molecule.
Some of the foods that totally agree with me and I like eating and eggs and bacon hehe
I'm trying to introduce psyllium husk in my diet, it's soluble fiber that turns into goo and as it passes the intenstine it traps toxins and expells them.

I suppose over time, it can build up again, but that would take years of bad habits, and you can always wash it anytime.

I love you all and I know how hard and hopleless it can feel, nobody deserves this, please stay strong!
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