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Maxillary jaw missing bone

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:35 pm
by fuckbb123

I have bb since 11 years old.
In my case on my right maxillary is missing a lot of bone, also visually is a little bit dropped but not noticeable.. it only can be seen in the photos. I was born with this thing.
My theory is that bb started around 11 years old because than my molars fully developed around this age and also the maxillary sinus in a child fully develop between 10 and 14 years. And as there is a lot of bone missing the molars damage the sinus and create infection.
I have tried in the past to do a bone graft in order to get an dental implant which failed because on my right jaw there is a lot of infection, I also have pain on my right cheek. My right gums are swollen and bloody. I have bad smell only in my right nostril and also smelly post nasal drip coming in the right side of my throat.

I'm curious guys do you also have missing bone in one side or both side of your jaw?
Here are the 3D CT of my maxillary jaw.
Don't make case about the plates on the left side, is because I had a trauma 4 years ago, and I dont have problems with that side thats very healthy, the bad breath is coming from the other side where the bone is missing.