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is probiotic along with fermented foods the answer?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:34 am
by naom
This is a study that talks about probiotics and BB:

So i have bb and positive I have silent reflux too and IBS.than I found out that the lack of probiotic can cause SIBO,acid reflux/silent reflux and other issues that can cause BB.Dr Eric Berg said that Also probiotic cures acid relflux/ silent, sibo and IBS So i bought probiotic and than I reaserched about probiotic and I found out that most probiotics Are waste of money! That basically if they do survive the stomache acid than its very difficult too make them thrive and stay in the intestines/colon.

you should first check:
-if the store keeps it refigerated and it says in packet too keep refigerated. thats because when its cold than the bacteria is inactive .
-To be a true probiotic, a product must contain live and active bacterial cultures, and it should indicate this on its packaging
-it needs too survive stomach acid
-it needs too be at least 50 billion bactteria per caps

Have you tried too eat huge amount of fermented drinks and food? like apple cider vinegar,kombucha, saurkraut,sour milk,kimchi.Im now testing out I drink a half bottle of kombucha(tastes amazing), 2 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar in glass of water, one bowl of saukrat a day along with probitic pills.

im not sure about taking probiotc if you have sibo. Som sources says it will cure sibo others says the opposit

Re: is probiotic along with fermented foods the answer?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:55 pm
by kira_kira
I had been combining no sugar+no milk+no flour diet together with big amount of probiotics(homemade kimchi and sauerkraut) for 2 months long.However,after 2 months my breath wasn't improved at all.The diet did provide some little improvement because I avoided my trigger foods,which are basically sugar and pasta.But as soon as I started eating anything I wanted,my maximum strenght BB was back very fast.Apart from probiotics,I was consuming also lots of prebiotics(green leafs and vegetables).Probiotics from pharmacy and apple cider vinegar also didn't work for me before.