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Does anyone want to chat/meet up? UK

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Great Britain

Does anyone want to chat/meet up? UK

Post by dm31 »

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well!

Like us all, BB has completely destroyed my life and self confidence - I won’t go into detail as I’m sure we’re all in the same situation!

I have never opened up to anyone about my BB before as I’m too embarrassed! But the issue is, I have no idea exactly HOW bad it is, and the various treatments I try I’m not sure if they are having a positive impact or not!

I was wondering if anyone from the UK would like to be pen pals possibly? It would be absolutely amazing to have a friend who’s in the exact same position and be able to share our journey together. I think it would also be great to have someone who we can be completely open and honest with and have them tell us exactly how bad our breath is and what it smells like - as I’m sure asking friends and family isn’t so reliable as they are more likely to spare our feelings and tell us we don’t smell! I think this would be a great way to help us figure out a cause (e.g. nasal BB or mouth etc.)

If anyone is interested please DM me! I would love to connect with someone who’s going through the same and to help each other!

I’m 25 and from the north of the UK - but happy to travel!

Best wishes to you all and I hope we all find a cure to this awful life destroying condition. Much love to everyone.

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Re: Does anyone want to chat/meet up? UK

Post by jo317 »

We need more of this on this forum! I’m the US, but it’s a wonderful idea and I hope someone in the UK replies.
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Re: Does anyone want to chat/meet up? UK

Post by dem »

I agree we need more of this in this forum, I'm interested I just sent u a pm
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Re: Does anyone want to chat/meet up? UK

Post by Lokocolo »

I live in london and its so fkin mad have worked in retail it was really bad experience and now i m working in warehouse dont know how to cure my nasal bb tried everything had 10 colonic session but still no cure. Would like to connect and talk.
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Location: India

Re: Does anyone want to chat/meet up? UK

Post by Lokocolo »

I live in london and its so fkin mad have worked in retail it was really bad experience and now i m working in warehouse dont know how to cure my nasal bb tried everything had 10 colonic session but still no cure. Would like to connect and talk.
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