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Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

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Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by jo317 »

I have had lots of thoughts recently about mindset and where I think a lot of us are going wrong and I thought I’d share and see what others think.

So many of us are so set on “finding a cure” that we focus on one thing at a time and give up on it quickly if it doesn’t work within a few days, weeks, a month etc. Unfortunately, I think there’s no one pill that’s gonna cure any of us, as for most of us this is clearly a systemic problem that has been building for years and years. If we want to our life to change, we have to change it. So living your life the same way you have been but trying berberine or chlorophyll etc. is not going to help you, even though the supplements may be beneficial themselves. I genuinely believe that most of us (who have eliminated sinus infections/dental problems/tonsils/allergies etc.) are dealing with acid reflux caused by and/or worsened by gut imbalances.

I am a part of some LPR / acid reflux groups on fb. A lot of these people don’t struggle with bb, or don’t say that they do, but some do. Regardless of their symptoms, there is a collective understanding that healing TAKES TIME. There are some people they say it took them up to 6 months - a year of consistent life style changes before their symptoms go away. Many of us probably struggle with low stomach acid, we take betaine HCL for a week and our bad breath doesn’t magically go away so we say “well that didn’t work” and we move on. To fix gut health and reflux we’re gonna need to change our entire life style, our eating habits, our chewing habits, our sleeping habits, our exercise, our stress levels for MONTHS before we see a change. What got you here will NOT get you there. Regardless of what the problem is, our bodies AND our minds are in survival mode and they need holistic changes to be given a chance to slow down and heal.

Additionally, this summer I’ve been intentionally focused on my mindset. It is so easy to have a negative, self pitying mindset. Let’s face it, most of us have a very deep seated self hatred going on. How do we expect our body to fight for us if we are living in negativity day in and day out??? The mind is a powerful powerful thing. I’ve started writing out affirmations and saying them on a somewhat regular basis. I am looking for more ways I can give myself intentional self love. Not even self care like destressing but like .. actual self love. Looking myself in the mirror and telling myself I am proud of myself, I love myself. I have stopped focusing on everything I am doing wrong or messing up, like if I cave and eat ice cream once when I’m supposed to be sugar free. As long as I do 1% better everyday I am closer to being rid of this. This has been really monumental for me. Our bodies hold stress and trauma and self hatred and reflect it in chronic illness. We gotta let that shit go. And even if it doesn’t help physically, you’re better for it anyways.

That said, I have seen some improvements! And like I said, healing is a slow process. Any amount of improvement matters. This is not going to go away over night. I’ve never been very healthy. I didn’t grow up in a family they stressed healthy eating or an active lifestyle and I’ve always been somewhat thin regardless so I could “get away with it”. I’ve had a “slow” digestive system since I can remember. I once had my biome tested and it showed up as having low diversity and contained a bacteria that is correlated with autoimmune disorders. I posted a little while back seeing some improvement have a colonic treatment. It didn’t last forever but honestly it changed a LOT for me. The first big meal I had after, I was so bloated and felt so uncomfortable. That, in addition to the fact that it probably flushed out some bad bacteria, I drastically changed my eating habits. What ever your dominating bacteria feeds off of is what you crave. I have no “sweet tooth” but instead crave salty things. After that colonic I started eating much healthier and for the first time in my life I found myself craving fruit. I’ve cut out gluten, and dairy (though I’ve started to slowly cut that out) and the “dirty dozen” like onions, garlic, tomatoes, coffee etc. I’ve mainly just eaten meat, vegetables and a tiny bit of fruit. I’ve been sleeping at an incline, exercising on a regular basis and focusing on that positive mindset. I HAVE seen improvements. I started using my waterpik on my tongue as well. I am noticing that it takes less and less time to wipe away my tongue coating and that when I do, it stays away for longer. It’s not perfect but it’s healing. I’m still getting some reactions but the taste in my mouth is better and the reactions seem less often.

Most importantly, I posted about a product recently called Restore 3. It’s a biofilm disrupter. It was made because the creator researched biofilm and cured their fibromyalgia with biofilm disrupters. Once again it states that it could take up to 3-6 months to get the full benefit. I really started to think about biofilm when someone posted on here managing it with a hydrobrush (a waterpik with a toothbrush head). I believe this is probably so helpful because it is physically removing biofilm in our mouth. I am now under the impression that all of that slimy pnd we have and the slimy tongue coating is not mucus, but biofilm. The creator of this product claimed that they felt the biofilm coming out of their nose when they started this protocol as well. I’ve been taking it for only a week and I already see improvement in my digestion (this is also due to the fact that I have been consistently healthy in all avenues for over a month now). I have had a bowel movement daily for the last 3 days and that is UNHEARD of for me. I caved and ate a serving of mint ice cream last night and still today I was able to brush my tongue all the way to pink.

It is not perfect but I’m staying positive and reminding myself that I am on the right track. I am listening to my body for queues of what it does and does not like. Every symptom is a communication. But overall, there is no easy solution. We have to heal our bodies looking at the big picture. It is a marathon not a sprint and we will heal and we WILL be okay. I love you all ❤️

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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by nd_gillis »

Well said & thank you I needed this message! I have been on the mindset journey as well @ it’s definitely helpful, when the smells finally subside we won’t have that awkward transition phase from being paranoid of bb to feeling confident, it would be much easier!
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by the_winter_soldier »

i love what you wrote, i also just saw a TED talk about a guy who cured an Uncurable disease, he actually was able to reverse his illness, i will follow his solution as a last resort.
Failed Attempts:
- Tonsilloctomy
- Coronectomy
- Treated H.Pylori
- Fasting
- Aloe Vera Juice
- S-Acytl Glutathione
- Treated SIBO ( only reduced bb)
- Celery Juice

Currently trying:
- Pantothenic Acid
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by jo317 »

Yes exactly! I have been thinking about how when I do figure this shit out I’ll still be left sad and lonely because I put my whole life on hold because of it.

What was the ted talk called?
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by the_winter_soldier »

The Psychology of Beating an Incurable Illness

And there are a lot of people in the comment section telling their own stories, our body has the power to heal itself, we just need to stop feeding it junk
Failed Attempts:
- Tonsilloctomy
- Coronectomy
- Treated H.Pylori
- Fasting
- Aloe Vera Juice
- S-Acytl Glutathione
- Treated SIBO ( only reduced bb)
- Celery Juice

Currently trying:
- Pantothenic Acid
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by Jimi Stein »

the_winter_soldier wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:15 pm The Psychology of Beating an Incurable Illness

And there are a lot of people in the comment section telling their own stories, our body has the power to heal itself, we just need to stop feeding it junk
I watched the video....but it is clear the guy had horrible he avoided all junk food then he did meditation and exercise and that cured him... not some miracle or positive thinking
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by jo317 »

What are you implying Jimi?
Jimi Stein
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by Jimi Stein »

jo317 wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:52 am What are you implying Jimi?
that it was not a miracle...i think many people could get cured with diet and what he is doing
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Just some recent thoughts and what’s been helping me

Post by jo317 »

A cures never gonna be a miracle. If your comment about not being cured by positive thinking is in response to my post, I think you missed my point. Of course thinking positively is not going to magically cure anyone but I do believe it’s definitely a piece of the puzzle. Our minds and bodies are chronically stressed, which many experts would agree physically affects the body. Also if we give up every time something doesn’t work right away or we return to bad patterns, we’ll never solve this. If I’m stuck in negative thinking, I’m never gonna be mentally strong enough to stick it out to figure out my cure.

Still haven’t watched the Ted talk but I’ve personally made big changes to my diet recently (not perfect but somewhat sustainable) and my digestion has improved IMMENSELY. My bowel movements have been the most regular they’ve ever been. I’m hoping more healing follows.
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