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Anyone that's tried oralchroma?

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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:05 pm
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Anyone that's tried oralchroma?

Post by Kaybay »

Any room fillers with nasal bb tried oralchroma and what were your results? I'm trying to understand what gases us sufferers with the worst case of halitosis produce? Reason why. I've talked to over 10 people that have the selenbp1 gene those with family members with BB like themselves and I've noticed something about them, most of them if not all don't have any nasal bb and they also state their family members not having nasal only mouth bb but us that weren't born with this gene have even way worse bb then them have room filling from the nose. That is just crazy and confusing to me. I know they produce Dimethyl sulfide but what about us room fillers? Are we producing more of this gas or are we producing other gases as well that makes it room filling?? That's what I'm trying to understand. So please if youre a room filler and been tested can you please post your results it would definitely help me understand more 🙏