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An update on life: 9 years since tonsillectomy

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An update on life: 9 years since tonsillectomy

Post by coconuthead »

Hey Friends, Coconuthead here! It’s been nearly 3 years since I made a post so I thought it would great to give you all an update.

Just a quick backstory since there are so many new people here since I last visited. I joined this forum back in 2011 when I was 18 years old. At that time, I had been suffering with BB for at least 8 years. I first learned I had BB from very close friends at the age of 10. However, it did not begin to affect my life until I reached high school where I was severely teased because of it. Unfortunately, at the age of 19, I attempted s*****e as a result of my BB. I was severely depressed, hopeless, and was at one of the lowest points of my life. I survived and I’m so thankful for that!

During the summer of 2014, I had a tonsillectomy which turned out to be the cure for my BB. Since then, I have graduated from college, started a career, gotten married, traveled the world and lived in 4 different cities. I’m 30 years old now.

Unfortunately, years with BB (especially during the most fundamental years of my life) has left a permanent scar. I still suffer from very mild social anxiety as a result of childhood trauma such as severe teasing and rejection because of my bad breath.

I just want to let you all know how much badbreathhalitosis has helped me. It provided a place to vent, to be heard and understood. Knowing there were other people out there like me and that I wasn’t alone helped me get through each day. I hope you all can find a cure. I often think about the people I met here 12 years and wonder if they are all doing okay. I hope they are!

- Coconuthead