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Other things not directly related to bad breath
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Post by billie »

Hey !

Just wanted to know what you´re gonna do this Christmas.
I really hate it cause everybody is happy and the only thing i can think about is my breath.
I just don´t know how to act when everyone comes to celebrate Christmas at our house.
My brothers girlfriend (really don´t like her) always gotta let me know that i stink.
by rubbing her nose or something.
I´ll be more then happy when it´s over.
Christmas just reminds me that i have to live with bb another year :x :(
So what are you gonna do?
Do you like it or hate it too
or are you celebrating it alone cause of your breath? :(

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Post by me »

Hey !

Just wanted to know what you´re gonna do this Christmas.
I really hate it cause everybody is happy and the only thing i can think about is my breath.
I just don´t know how to act when everyone comes to celebrate Christmas at our house.
My brothers girlfriend (really don´t like her) always gotta let me know that i stink.
by rubbing her nose or something.
I´ll be more then happy when it´s over.
Christmas just reminds me that i have to live with bb another year
So what are you gonna do?
Do you like it or hate it too
or are you celebrating it alone cause of your breath?
I hate it 2, all i can think of is about my bb as well and makes me get more desperate about not yet finding a cure for it. O well i can only hope some day a cure will be found and ill be cure, sooner rather than later
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Post by Renee »

OK you BAD BREATH BAH HUMBUGS you made me do it!
We're gonna play a little game. One point for each celebrity you can name with bad breath. If someone challenges your claim you must post a link that offers reasonable doubt. If you cannot supply a post then 2 pts are deducted. Whomever has the most points by noon MST on January 1st, 2008 is the winner.
I'll kick it off!

Celebrities with Halitosis -

Ben Affleck, Beyonce (Renee +2)
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I dont think it is fair to mention names even if they are celebs, they suffer the same as we do, you would not want somebody to mention you have bad breath

That is just my suggestion
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Post by Renee »

I thought ppl would feel better knowing that there are others out there with all sorts of success and accolades with a similar problem. (As per greenmans post under nonsense.)
If offends that was not the intent.
Sorry, no harm meant.
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Post by saveme »

No worries Renee :) It gets depressing doesn't it? Sometimes when we see all these glamorous celebrities and we all wish we could be like them. But I know I'll be nowhere near and I feel so inferior even among ordinary people knowing the "more-than-slight" problem I face. I made a Christmas wish already and it came true.I know I can't be selfish but if I could have another wish, I'll wish for this bb to go away and never come back. I used to like Christmas, but not anymore now. I dread the thought. Guess it's no surprise why we all hate mistletoes.

Let's pray hard together my friends. It makes me feel so much better knowing that we aren't alone and we're all fighting it together. God Bless.
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Post by spygirl »

Just came back from my brother-in-law's Christmas party. I managed to make myself look presentable as I was debating whether to go to this party or not. But since my BIL invited me personally, I decided to go. So I told myself, if I am going to stink in there, I will stink in style. Anyway, I still could not bear placing these people in an awkward situation. They cover their nose whenever they pass my way or when I talk to them but I can see that they try their best not to, as their hands will slide from their nose to their ears (or elsewhere in the face) when I am talking to them.

Anyways my BIL who used to always go to Israel for business told me how strict immigration inspection is in Israel. But he said that he knows a lot of excellent researchers there (unfortunately not in BB arena).

Have a very blessed Christmas guys.
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Post by hopeful »

Yes, I somewhat survived my Christmas outing last night too(from what I can remember...before the memory lapse began with all the alcohol in my body). I was NERVOUS and stressed. Luckily I was able to sit on the end of the couch and use my boyfriend as a buffer for the most part. The way the sofas were set up was actually really good with not having to be face to face with anyone(REALLY lucked out on that). I can't speak for whatever may have happened after I started blacking out but what bb I had then that I wasn't coherent enough to control(chew gum) I guess I could always just blame on the booze. My boyfriend said I smelled like booze all the today. Yikes.
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Post by Busted »

All I did was work :?
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Post by iwillbecured »

On Christmas eve, I went to aunt's house with family for dinner. I'm pretty close with my aunt's family. A cousin I saw often didn't react to my bb. The other cousin who only comes home twice a year due to school reacted a little. When I talked to her, she would scratch her nose. My family doesn't react to my bb anymore. I guess they are just so used to it. But my brother's girlfriend cupped her nose with her hand the whole time. But when I looked her way, she would slide her hand down to her mouth or chin. Well, can't really blame her for reacting that way. And I think she's trying to be nice to moving her hand to not upset me too much. But overall, the dinner went ok because I know no matter what, my family still accepts me and love me for who I am.

Then on Christmas day, my boyfriend invited me to his house for dinner. That was a lot more stressful then hanging out with my family. My bf's brother always reacts to my bb by breathing out or signing really loudly. I hate it when he does that. But I just try my best to ignore it. I met my bf's aunt and cousin for the first time. Cousin started having running nose after talking to me. Since it was the first time we met, they kept on talking to me and asking me questions. I tried my best to give brief and short answers. His aunt didn't really react though. I just tried to drink wine nonstop, hoping my breath will smell more like alcohol when I talk.

Holiday time sure causes lots of stress. Mine turned out to be alright. I hope everyone also had a wonderful Christmas.
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Post by mike987 »

interesting stories people.. Busted, I'm sorry you had to work on christmas.

I didn't really have many reactions on christmas, though I tried to go as few places as possible.. Let's see... My little brother definitely gave a reaction (and I swear I brushed my teeth thoroughly a half hour prior) when I tried to make a short joke about me riding his new bike.. It was a wince, with a hand by the face thrown in... I didn't care too much cause it was my little brother, but it still bothered my that brushing seems to do nothing for me.

Hm.. I could probably pick out a few more but there's not really enough evidence to declare them as true reactions to my breath, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt... I was really only around my family, and most of them are sort of used to it, so my holiday wasn't so bad.

When I wasn't around my family, I did the typical things.. Like talking while turning or walking away from someone (rude but effective) or replying in short sentences or with gestures. And of course, the best tactic, distancing myself from others.
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