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Email from Dr. Preti

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Email from Dr. Preti

Post by BronxJazzy »

I wrote to doctor Preti and he seems very sweet at least from our emails. Anyways he wrote this too me after I gave him a detailed history of my health, family backround, etc...

Ms. ******: Thanks for the mail. I will add you to our waiting list but are you sure you do not have chronic halitosis and not trimethylaminuria (TMAU) ? They are independent conditions; although some folks have both. While I am more than happy to send you a home test kit please first consider this:
Chronic halitosis originates on the posterior dorsal tongue surface
where a bacterial plaque developes; similar to the plaque on teeth and
gums but caused by a different group of microflora. It is unlikely to come from
your digestive tract.
Chronic oral malodor may leave you with a malodorous cloud in your presence that you or others may falsely interpret as a "body odor." The odor is projected each time you exhale or speak. Further, stress will tend to dry the mouth making the odors produced in the plaque more airborne due to lower salivary flow.
I recommend the product "Profresh" , available via it's web-site. A number of my patients who I have diagnosed with bad breath have used this product with good success. It is something to consider as a long-term solution to your problem and
certainly should be tried (if you haven't already) for a month or two to see if it
We at Monell derive nothing from the sale of Profresh but I know it does work. Let me know how you wish to proceed, we can have a kit to you in several days.
Sincerely, George Preti

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Post by baguio »

@BronxJazzy: Who is dr. preti?

Also, has anyone here tried this mouthwash ('profresh') that he recommends? I checked their website and it says its a chlorine dioxide based wash. I cant remember if I have/have not tried a chlorine dioxide chlorine dioxide-based wash before.

Post by BronxJazzy »

Dr. Preti runs a program in Monel hospital in Philidelphia for people with bad breath and body odor. Its kind of like a bad breath clinic kind of thing except they work with people who have body odor as well. He also does at home testing for TMAU. Where you order a kit and send it to him to get tested. He was mentioned by Jennifer in the previous post about tmau. He was a very sweet man and told me that he thinks I don't need to get tested because it doesn't sound like I have TMAU and instead try the profresh for a couple of months. I personally have never tried the profresh but I heard of others who have and it didnt work. But once again everybodys situation is different and just because it doesn't work on one persons case doesnt mean it won't work on yours.
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Post by baguio »

Thanks for the clarification Bronx.

As regards the 'profresh', I looked a bit further through the product website and I *think* its one I ordered up a few years ago - with no positive outcome.

Post by BronxJazzy »

No prob baguio. Yeah I've heard of the product and like the many others it didn't seem to help people very much. But I agree with you 100% about the interview, and the tmau testing. Thats alot of money to be wasting when you could be using that money on something that could actually help you, and since he works for a clinic that evaluates and helps people with odor problems he should be very informed on bb as well as tmau. If I lived in the Philly area I would check him out he does very thorough examinations to find out where the odor originates and what can be done about it. It costs $300 and he must be busy because the waiting list is between 6-12 months.

Post by BronxJazzy »

I decided not to get the testing done just yet seeing as it costs $300 for the test and additionaal costs of around $50 for shipping expenses. I think that lady was a spammer anyways because all of her facts were wrong and as the doctor stated to me in emails he doesnt think I have tmau .
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Post by noptical »

BronxJazzy wrote:I think that lady was a spammer anyways because all of her facts were wrong and as the doctor stated to me in emails he doesnt think I have tmau .
What lady?

Post by BronxJazzy »

Hey noptical it's nice to see you found this site. It's Luckyhope from the healthboards. Anyways the lady I was talking about was some lady that was sending Jimmy emails that we should get tested for TMAU because she had bb and found out she had tmau. Of course I was tripping because she said you could expel it from your lungs and that we probably have it and don't know etc... She gave us a number for Dr preti a specialist in Breath and body odors who does a home test for tmau and said it only costed $150. Well I started to investigate because I figured he would have a website to contact him. I found a website for Monell which is where he works and wrote him emails. He said TMAu isn't expelled through the lungs people with bad breath from TMAU get it through their saliva and not everyone with Tmau has bb. They are two completely different conditions. When he sent me the email it had his information and it was a philidelphia area code not NY which is the area code of the number that girl gave us. Also the test costs $300 not $150 like she stated. When Jimi called the new york number some angry lady picked up and was badgering him to get a test. Dr. Preti was the exact opposite and said that he would send me a test but felt that I really didn't need to take the test and my money would be better spent on Profresh. Also in researching the internet on different healthboards like this one I find that there are these random people that leave notes that people should get tested for tmau etc.... and leaving that New York number to get a test from. Just really fishy to me.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

No But I called Dr. Preti and this woman attacked me, he is like a coworker of his and he was so aggresive, I have never seen something like that.

Post by BronxJazzy »

I don't believe that the number you called was for doctor preti I have a completely different number for doctor preti.
George Preti, PhD.
Monell Chemical Senses Center
3500 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Adjunct Professor, Department of Dermatology
School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania

He is affeliated with Monell hospital which is in Phillie not New York. Usually when someone works with or is affeliated with a doctor they work in the same state as them but in a different area of the state. Also did the place that you called sound in any way like a hospital. When she answered the phone did she say anything along the lines of Hello this is (name of hospital) may I help you or something like that because thats what businesses do? Did she want you to give her any money upfront like pay her to send you a test?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Bronx can you tell me in which post I posted the number? I forgot so I will check this thing out. If that woman that I talk is a spammer I will make a lot of commercials on this site, bad ones!

Post by BronxJazzy »

Jimmy that is the contact info I have as well. 8-[ My bad I guess I may have been a bit easy to jump to conclusions because I know for sure that this information is legit. New York is 212 not 215 but easy to mistaken the two. I know she had her facts all wrong though. She shouldn't make people worry and waste money like that if she isn't really sure about her facts because that is alot of money to waste on something that doesn't even fit your symptoms. If I didn't do my own research or have gotten the lady you spoke with I would have wasted around $400 on nothing. Luckily Dr. Preti was kind enough to explain TMAU and its symptoms to me and tell me truthfully that in my case it would have most likely been a waste of money.
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Dr. Preti Interview Transcript

Post by baguio »

I came across a reference to an interview with Dr. Preti over on the yahoo groups board.
Makes for interesting reading, albeit that some of the feedback indicates a bleak outlook..

Link ->
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I have the right feeling about this Preti Whitecoatie

When I called to his center a woman picked it up the phone and almost forced me to take a test that costs 300 usd. I said why to take a test if there is no cure? And she started to become so aggressive like hell. I have never experienced such a strange respond from anybody. I was shocked.

I now I read that this Preti does not expect a cure it the time of our lives. I suggest just ignore this moron and find other options. I do not wanna be his test bunny. He is probably a fat jerk with a beer in his hand just observing us as test bunnies and collecting money.
He says only genetic engineering will cure TMAU and probably bad breath.

.... him
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Post by baguio »

In fairness its the ones that 'guarantee' they can solve the problem that I would be more concerned about. Its much worse to get peoples hopes up without any basis for doing so..

Dr. Preti's view that a solution to TMAU will not be found in 'our lifetime' is food for thought. However, it doesnt mean that we should give up finding a cure - not forgetting that TMAU is not the culprit for all cases of BB. We've been around too long to give up.
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