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Lactose intolerant???

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Lactose intolerant???

Post by Bloorain »

Check out this article on lactose intolerant and bad breath ....

I never thought of it in my case, sort of accidentally came across the article and I wonder if this might be the case for some of us. I don't eat a lot of dairy foods, but every now and then I do have a slice of cheese, cream cheese a lot for breakfast. I never drink milk. Check out the hidden sources of lactose in foods list.

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Post by Bloorain »

So I wonder if this is the case if its just a matter of taking a lactose intolerant supplement.
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Post by jc »

I became lactose intolerant about the same time I began having bb but I think bacterias in the gut have something to do with both unfortunately there isn`t any available hydrogen breath test in my country the last time I checked. I`ve also taken digestive enzymes for only 3 months so the result was inconclusive.
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Post by chloe »

I want to thank you for this post. I am lactose intolerant and have been my whole life. The link you attached convinced me to look into it. Especially this part:

The bad breath is caused by the lactose rich foods sitting in the person's intestines and fermenting. The body tries to get rid of the gases that are produced as the result of fermentation by having them reabsorbed by the bloodstream and exhaled out.

I have been taking Lactaid pills (about 5 a day) for two weeks now. The first 4 days were terrible. The gas and poops I had were awful, the smell in particular. I was going to the bathroom about 5 times a day and could not believe the smell. But it was around the 3rd day that I noticed my fecal BB was gone. IT'S GONE. My husband and my daughter have confirmed it.

I have started to give my 4 year old daughter one pill a day as well. Her morning breath is awful and I noticed she has gas and goes poop after every glass of milk. It's working for her as well.

I should have guessed it was the absnce of the lactose enzyme that caused my BB. My mother says it started when I was 3 but she never thought it could be milk. The funny thing is I have a twin sister who was born allergic to milk. SHe had hives and rashes and stuff.


The thing is I never drink milk because it gives me gas but I never relaized how much stuff has milk or whey or milk powder in it.

For those of you who have had BB their whole lives try taking a lactose enzyme. You can buy it anywhere. They have pills and chewable tablets. I bought the brand Lactaid because it was at the drug store down the street but I see there are cheaper generic brands sold everywhere.

Give it a try and let me know if it works for you. I've had two great weeks so far.

Thankyou again Bloorain,
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Post by Bloorain »


Awesome - that's terrific news! Isn't that something?? Milk. Who woulda thought. I didn't even know until I did that search that one of the symtoms of lactose intollerance was bb. And imagine how many people with fecal odor are thinking they have this TMAU thing and its really something else. By you posting you've had this excellent result, hopefully other folks will look into this as well. I sure hope you’re doing something to celebrate Cloe! You deserve it!! We all deserve to get rid of this horrible thing and just have one great big old party!
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Post by mike987 »

it's unlikely in my scenario, but i'll give it a shot.

Lactaid pills.. Lactose enzyme. Hmmmm.. I'll try to look for such a thing.

I used to drink 4 or more glasses of milk everyday... I suppose it's possible that I've developed the allergy, so I'll try it anyway.
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Post by billie »

I never drink milk and i don´t eat butter but i do like to eat cheese
I east lots of mayonais i don´t know if that got lactose.
I eat a lot of chocolate too.
I´m suddenly thinking bout something ... When i was lil and my mom was still alive
we never drunk milk or anything that taseted like milk or butter . After she died we stayed in a orphan house It wasn´t a orphan house but you know, a big house with a lot of children whose parents could´t take care of them. One of their rules was that we had to drink milk twice a day
But i don´t know maybe i´m just hoping that i´m lactose intolerant.
But anyway, I´m gonna give it a try.
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Post by Bloorain »

Give it a try guys. Hey - you never know. What've you got to lose. Its $3+/- here in New York.

I should take my own advice. I've yet to buy the thing.... :roll:
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Post by mike987 »

Bloorain wrote:Give it a try guys. Hey - you never know. What've you got to lose. Its $3+/- here in New York.

I should take my own advice. I've yet to buy the thing.... :roll:

3 dollars?!?? Are we living in the same country?

Well I'll check it out tomorrow, but that sounds way too affordable for america.
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Post by Help »

I think somebody had posted about colon cleansing a few months ago. So Im thinking it might be related to this case here ( lactose intolerant). Anyways thanx for the post, I don't think Im lactose intolerant myslef but I guess tryin wont kill me either. By the way, does it have side effects...the lactaid thing?
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Post by mike987 »

they didn't have a lactose enzyme at the grocer.. so i'll have to try a pharmacy tomorrow.

er.. wait a second..


I didn't realize it looked like this.... I was looking for pill type bottle. Hm..
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Post by billie »

I just ordered it 2 min ago and they have it for me tomorrow
I hope it helps for me !
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Post by elliott »

Milk takes my breath up 20 notches, and the smell manifests and lingers for days. I have confirmed this. On fridays, I like test what I can eat, just to see what smells linger past the weekend. The last 3 fridays I ate something for lunch that had cheese, and I felt like my breath was 50% stronger the next week, each time.

I have also noticed it with ice cream. I'm staying away from dairy. I can tell the difference his week, as I haven't tried it the last week. Still bad breath, but I just feel like it's not as bad in comparison.

I love ice cream and cheese, but it's not worth it. Eggs too. bad bad bad.
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Post by Busted »

I think food in general makes your breath worse. I can't think of anything that does not make your breath worse. :roll:
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Post by jedan08 »

i dont know if im lactose intolerant.if i take this lactaid pills does this have side effects if i dont have lactose intolerant?
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