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Post nasal drip

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post nasal drip

Post by austuser »

I am convinced this is the reason for my bad breath, because yesterday my PND somehow completely went away and is still gone today, and my breath is clean. I havent been able to breathe through my nose like this for years.

For years Ive been using rhinocort (hayfever spray with cortisone) and FESS nasal spray which really doesnt do much. I think because yesterday i stood in the rain for about an hour maybe i caught some bug which reversed the effects of hayfever?? Normally standing in the rain does the opposite!

anyway, i know my PND will come back, so who can tell me of the best proceedures available to get rid of PND. Btw my doctor told me years ago i have a deviated septum.

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Re: Post nasal drip

Post by xoxo »

austuser wrote:anyway, i know my PND will come back, so who can tell me of the best proceedures available to get rid of PND. Btw my doctor told me years ago i have a deviated septum.

Have you tried Oil Pulling? It doesn't stop post nasal drip but it sorta help drain mucous in the sinuses. I've been doing it for a little over a month. Do a search on lots of info there. HTH.

Happy 2007!
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Post by austuser »

jusdt remember, after anyone eats their breath changes. My brother doesnt have halitosis, but after he eats, i can easily detect a sort of bad breath, or rather un-fresh breath if that makes any sense. It doesnt smell like shit, but it doesnt smell fresh. Then about 15 to 30 minutes later when salyva has washed it away, it returns to normal.

Also, other friends of mine who dont have halitosis, they do get "bad breath" if they havent bruished their teeth for a while or when they drink and smoke, but it aint HALITOSIS.......its hard to explain. I definately notice a smell, but i dont retreat in horror....
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Post by Busted »

Hey, I'm new to the forums here and I know exactly what u mean. My friends can also get bad breath but it is never as bad that I need to back away from it or touch my nose. I have suffered from this problem pretty much my whole life, but I don't think it was that bad when I was i child, cause now it seems like people can smell it from 5 to 6 feet away. I do remember talkin to people when I was a child and people always looked at me in a disgusted way, but I only found out that it had to do with my bad breath until the age of 13.

I think my bb is also caused by post nasal drip. My mucous is like glue, it sticks to anything. I remember spitting mucous in the toilet and when I flush the mucous still sticks to the toilet for 1 or 2 seconds until it finally gets flushed away. I guess this explains why the coating on my tongue is so hard to remove, which I think is a mix of mucous and bacteria in my mouth. If only I could get an ENT to believe that I might have a chronic sinisitus then maybe I can solve the whole problem.
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Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:25 am

Post by austuser »

well my PND and blocked nose came back today with full force (I knew it wouldnt last) and bad breath is back. So i think i can safely assume my bb is caused by PND.

Anyone ever use a humidifier before? Did it help with PND?

anything else apart from surgery which i will hopefully have this year?
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Location: UK

Post by hungrygirl »

You mean humidifier as in humidifying the air in your room?

I used to have blocked nose every time i woke up and thought it was from the dry air, so bought one, but it only made my room moldy.

What helped me was a change in my diet. Cutting out all refined food and artificial sugar. Oh and diary (whatever the spelling is) milk products. That deffinately made pnd better as i noticably had much less mucus.

Changing my diet was great for my wellbeing and general feel and looks and blocked nose and excema, but the BB still there although the coating on tongue is not as havy so it must do some good.
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