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So how is everyone coping/feeling?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Post by jc »

Sorry to hear that jon. We`ve all been there when everything & everyone`s against us. Just hang in there. You`re still young. The medical technology improves every year so who knows if there will be a cure in 5years.You`ll only be 30 by then & you can start over with your life. You`re a talented & hardworking guy so you`ll always have a chance.Don`t give up just yet.

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Post by jc »

katie wrote:I know what ye are going through guys. I am desperately struggling to cope at the minute & fantasise about s*****e frequently even though I am quite sure I could never go through with it. But I wake up ever day just wishing I didnt have to live it. I went on anti-depressants Zispin but they made me feel worse, just heavy and tired and a bit spaced out as if I couldnt feel anything at all. I am going back to a counsellor tonight in the hope that it will help me to get out of this hole as I have not always felt this badly despite having bb for the past 25 years. It is nothing short of a nightmare and I feel old and tired and sick of it all. I have also isolated myself from society, have never had family support or havent had a partner in about 10 years.The real tragedy is that I have an 11 year old daughter & I am just eaten up with guilt about what this is doing to her.
I know how it feels Katie. I`ve also had zero lovelife for the past 14 years.I`m coming into a realization that I may have to live like this for the rest of my life but I still try to fight the loneliness & depression by finding happiness from other things. Just stay strong.
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Post by findacure »

emotional rescue wrote:i´m on a downspiral right now

i´ve allways had plans and things to look out, always very curious, trying to be positive after all....

but lately i just don´t care about a thing, this is getting me dry
Yeah Im feeling abit down today, just the lonliness is getting to me, im bursting in to tears at random times, it just crazy! Im thinking af joining a gym, coz u always feel good after a work out, but i kno i will fill the air around me in the gym, but i just dont really care now what ppl think!
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Post by findacure »

Eric wrote:Yeah I am trying really hard to not be depressed and build a shell to people's reactions. I'm trying to let my personality shine through and if people want to treat me like dirt after I've been cool to them then they are not worth a second. Be strong comrades!
First time uve spoken sense!! :)
Last edited by findacure on Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by findacure »

j0n1982 wrote:i am feeling so down today. i just came from a job interview and the interviewer was wondering why i kept covering my mouth, so i put it out in the open and guess i stunk out the joint. 3 seconds later the interview was over...

i have been unemployed for 4 months and 2 days now. my mother has been talking bad things on me, of how i am a bum and useless etc... i feel like i hit rock bottom. there is no where for me to go. i am unable to live a life. i really want to kill myself..for several times this past week now but doesnt have the strenght to end my miserable life... i cant take it anymore. i dont know whats going to happen. i feel like crying.

:( :( :( :( :(
Hey, be strong, u never no...I went to an interview for a buisness course, hundreds applied and they only had 20 places. I sat on a table like a board room, and all the ppl on the board were rubbing there noses and looking at each other. But i carried on selling myself to them. With the reactions i got i thought there not going to accept me, and to my surprise i got a letter tellin me i had been accepted, i was sooo proud of myself...So dont give up hope yet.

And if u feel like crying, cry...u will feel better, dont hold it in, u will just feel worst -x-
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Post by destined »

If you feel like crying, cry. It may help you feel better and allow you to move forward. I am sorry to hear about your interview. Maybe that was not the job for you. You have to try and stay positive and professional to the best of your ability. Make sure you exceed all of the other criteria for the job you are applying for, that way it will be difficult for them to turn you away because of your bb. I mean your resume has to be perfect, your attire has to be spot on, ask plenty of questions, act confident, offer suggestions etc...

I have my share of bad days but if I give up hope it will only hurt me. I have to remind myself to stay positive all day long. There are people that have it a lot worst than us!

Explain to your mother the efforts and attempts you have made to find a job. Maybe that will help her to understand you better.
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Post by Ice »

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Post by daveparker »

Terrible, in the past month its been just awful, i've taken a turn for the worst, the past few years were bad but now im an adult, my family has expectations for me, i still feel like a 15 year old kid, i dont want responsibility, i cant handle it, i can't do anything with this crippling problem, so many people who dont have it, take that blessing for granted, and look at us. We do everything, brush several times a day for god knows how long, we floss, use waterpiks, use mouthwash, use everything that might help, but to no avail, while others brush for a minute a day and don't produce any kind of odor. i dont know what i did to deserve this type of life.
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Extremely Pesemistic

Post by mizz123 »

:( I feel extremely paranoid all day long everyday. I feel sad to think that one of my children has to go thru life this way also. I feel like this is a living hell. :evil: I pray everyday that they will find a cure. [-o< I used the Eclipse gum and I saw minimal difference for only a half hour tops. Like with everything if it works, it only works for a short time. There is no possible way to rid your mouth of the bacteria that cause bad breath. I have just come to the conclusion that all you can do is try to control it. These bacteria live in your body for some reason and they are not going anywhere. No matter what any scientist says, unless they have bad breath they don't know what they are dealing with.

I also ordered this stuff called breath patrol. It worked for about a half hour also. I guess I should order a 100 year supply. LOL
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Post by Snobuni »

I'm feeling the same way. I've had bb for 20 years and am usually able to live a relatively normal life, but for the past four months or so I've been feeling so bad, the worst I've ever felt in my life. I think about s*****e every day too. The only thing keeping me going lately is that soon after I became depressed my partner was diagnosed with a serious illness. I feel so selfish being down when he's so ill, but as bad as it sounds, I'd rather have what he has than live with this bb anymore, at least he'll be cured eventually.

I really feel like after I've helped him through it that I'm going to do something to myself. I'm a grad student, due to finish after Christmas, and the thought of going for job interviews and having to work around people makes me feel even more desperate. I feel like my life is less than half lived and completly pointless, it's hardly worth sticking around if it's going to be like this for the next 50 years.
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Post by Busted »

Man, once you find out you have CH, your life will go downhill fast. And bobody will really understand what you're going through.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

Man, i got to say that after 12 years of dealing with this nightmare i´m better that ever...
Not cured, but waaaayyy better!

Spiritual, soul, phsically, and from the bb to...

I´m not sure why, but my breath is like 50% better now

My last changes were nothing weird, but something in this kit is helping:

-Concious use of the tung brush and tung gel. (i got the feeling that this is important).
-Intake of multivitamis, like centrum or one a day.
-Drinking Activia with L-casey and another probiotic that i dont remember now
-and one other thing that i feel is doing a great change: doing aerobic exercise the most that i can (in my case three times a week for to hours each). In my case i´m training boxing, and i feel is doing some kind of change in all my body, an i feel great.

For the first time in like maybe 8 years i have an official girlfriend, two months now and we are great, no bb complains, althouhg i´m still paranoid and i don´t talk to her straight to her face....

good luck to all
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Post by halihope »

I am so happy for you and it's great to hear you have a girlfriend, keep us posted.

I just noticed a curby/zigzag line on my filling and if I don't floss for a day or two the dental thread smells bad. Too bad I have to wait until August to see my dentist. Right now I am brushing with baking soda mixed with a bit of allspice powder and rinse and gargle with half and half of peroxide and water and scrape tongue 3 times rinsing the scraper in water in between scrapes. Don't know if it's working need to verified with my halimeters the public. I am not using salt, it is too rough and leaves my gums and the inside of cheeks feeling raw.
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Post by curious13 »

I feel like I smell......yesterday it was "raunchy", today its like shit
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