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Streptococcus salivarius K12 WORKS!!! (for me)

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

They dont care at all. You see that anthony dailley mentallity, a freak is charging a lot of money and he probably wants you commited if oyu think otherwise.

I must say these are criminal acts. Doctors must not LIE TO PATIENts, is there a ****ing law that will prevent this?

Are these fuckers getting away with it so easy.

I did an interview with Blis Dr. Chris Chilcott now he dose not reply anymore, probably he is concerned about his sales.

It is like it is, this is reality. We are a big pain in their ass. ANd the easiest way is to just ignore us.


Post by BronxJazzy »

lastone69 wrote:I'm really getting sick of all this Bulls**t!!!! I f**kn dont know who to trust on this damn forum!! After a couple of post reading I get all happy and motivated and then later Im depressed thinking that a certain method to help my BB is probably a hoax! Stop accusing people of being false and if there are actually people on here that would trick people like me who are so close to s*****e to make a few extra bucks then please get the hell out of here and I hope you feel good giving false hopes to people and driving them over the edge!!
Lastone i totally understand where you are coming from a yr or so ago i felt the same way you do. On the verge of s*****e, but I made it through and now my breath is at least 99% normal. Just because something doesnt work for you doesnt mean nothing will work for you. I am proof that ch can be taken care of its all about finding whats causing it. Dont give up hope.
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Post by cindyscursed »

:? I am left confused

anyway, I've ordered it and yet to try it out... giving my second chance to this K12 thing
emotional rescue
Posts: 453
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Post by emotional rescue »

I don´t think there´s any spammer on the site right know,

Anyway, i ordered K12 from new zealand directly, it would arribe in about 10 days and I write my review too,

I only ask one thing to all the members:

Angry or not, dissapointed with the site or not, please all take a moral commitment with the other sufferers and please write your updates, Succesfull or not.
it´s the only way for this to make this all worth.

And, like someone suggested on another topic, we should start to make some sort of data base about products, so the new members allready now what has been succesfull and what has been failed in the past, and we don´t go around in circles again and again. (the same way Katz has all his reviews together, saying ¨how great are all his products¨) we should get together all our reviews, or at least the more representative about each product. It´s the best way to take care the money and the health of all the new sufferers that keep coming to the site.

good luck to all
Jimi Stein
Site Admin
Posts: 2218
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United States of America

Post by Jimi Stein »

I was for Blis at the minute I read ahbout it, it seems to me the best choice becausse it seems natural, and yes dont mind the spammers, just try it and you will see. And yes order it from Blis directly not from Threrabreath,

Or order it from Threabreath and if you dont like it return it. At least Katz has money return and he is not like others.

SO bad Blis ignores me, I don't know why, I always had the best words fro Blis.
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Post by Bloorain »

I so wanted to order this from New Zealand but the shipping cost and the length of time it takes to get here is rough. I ended up ordering from Therabreath. Its $62 - buy 1 get 1 free and $7.95 or something to ship. New Zealand is $29 to ship or something like that and it takes about 10 days to get to the states. I hate to say this though but I have absolutely no faith in this product. I think my ordering this is just so I can scratch it off my looong list of products that didn't work. And considering my history with Therabreath I've got good reason - I've tried all the mouthrinses except for this one. I've given that man sooo much of my hard earn money. But we'll see - I have my family to tell me the truth so they'll tell me if its any good or not (for me that is).
hand over mouth
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Post by hand over mouth »

I'm new to this site, but I'm OLD to the internet and this Therabreath mess. If I were on this site a few years ago I would have been gullible and would have believed everything that everyone recommended.

Now it's a new day and we aren't falling for the scams. People I know you really want to believe that something will work, I used to be gullible as well. Being desperate and at your wits end will cause you to ignore the red flags that some of us refuse to ignore.

So to those of you that are getting mad at some of us for warning you about these scams, you need to realize that we are helping you. We are trying to warn you about these people because there was no one there warning us when we wasted hundreds and hundreds (and possibly thousands ) of bucks throughout the years on useless products.

If I see a pattern that I've seen all over the net, and I smell BS, I will call it out. Sorry that your dreams are temporarily dashed in the process, but it's better that you're warned about useless products and companies before you waste your money. Believe me, you will be way more dperessed if you find out after the fact.

Are there products out there that work? Who the hell knows? Probably. But I will call out all obvious BS. Again, don't get mad at US, we're just warning you guys.
Total Newbie
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Post by forest »

Jimi wrote:
Can you just volountarily leave this board, your post smells 100 % spam, or do I have to boot you!
wow... it was not spam, just posting what is happening in my case...

but, yes, I'll leave..
no problem..

Posts: 147
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:21 am

Post by sadgirlbb »

Wow I have only been here about a month and I cannot believe all the accusations here. For everyone's information, I'm NO rep of ANY company for bad breath. I work at a lawfirm and am a single mom. Just look under jokarol on myspace and you'll see I'm just normal person. Just because someone says they are going to try something all of a sudden makes them a rep of a company??? I didn't appreciate the accusation that guy made about me just because I suggested he read Sweets thread. She gave me hope and that is all I was trying to convey. Is that a crime here? I have not been here 3 or 4 months and have not been openly or publicly supporting ANY product. I have stated that Therabreath has not worked for me in the past and have not endorsed ANYTHING,
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:39 am

Post by 04paynem »

Jimi wrote:
forest wrote:Hello,

I have been using K12 blis for more than a month and it is working!
I am not a Therabreath representative, I am a software engineer and don't need to work extra hours.. :)

I actually found a New Zealand website that sells the same product for a lower price and I am buying it from there..K12 blis is not a product created by Therabreath, they are just importing them

I am glad it is working for others too.. and I am writing this because it could work for some more people too.. I know how it feels to have bad breath, very frustrating..

btw, I had a very strong case of bad breath, I am not only taking K12 blis,
but I have been taking probiotics and anti-candida herbs for years, with a slow improvement.. and I keep taking them.. I don't think K12 blis by itself would keep clean my inners.. it is doing a great job with my mouth, something the other probriotics did improve but not to the extent that K12 is doing..

Sorry that K12 blis is not working for some others..I have found out that some days I need to take 2 lonzeges instead of 1 (during my period and other days).. it makes the difference...
actually I started taking 2 lozenges instead of one (more than a month ago), just because didn't read the instructions carefully, maybe that is why I experienced such a huge difference in my breath... then I went to one a day... but then found out, by experience, than I need to take two some days..

hope this help for some..
Can you just volountarily leave this board, your post smells 100 % spam, or do I have to boot you!
I created this thread to support what Sweet07 has been posting. I purposely put in that therabreth toothpaste makes my BB worse so that everyone on here who is cruel wouldnt automatically dismiss me as some idiot. I wouldnt say that if i was trying to sell their product. Im "new" here because you people scare away anyone who posts something other than what you believe, and people dont want to be attacked when they post.

I have been lurking around for months, just too nervous to post. Im sure this guy is the same way.

oh, and i tried the losengers and they were WAY LESS effective then the powder form.
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:39 am

Post by 04paynem »

hand over mouth wrote:I'm new to this site, but I'm OLD to the internet and this Therabreath mess. If I were on this site a few years ago I would have been gullible and would have believed everything that everyone recommended.

Now it's a new day and we aren't falling for the scams. People I know you really want to believe that something will work, I used to be gullible as well. Being desperate and at your wits end will cause you to ignore the red flags that some of us refuse to ignore.

So to those of you that are getting mad at some of us for warning you about these scams, you need to realize that we are helping you. We are trying to warn you about these people because there was no one there warning us when we wasted hundreds and hundreds (and possibly thousands ) of bucks throughout the years on useless products.

If I see a pattern that I've seen all over the net, and I smell BS, I will call it out. Sorry that your dreams are temporarily dashed in the process, but it's better that you're warned about useless products and companies before you waste your money. Believe me, you will be way more dperessed if you find out after the fact.

Are there products out there that work? Who the hell knows? Probably. But I will call out all obvious BS. Again, don't get mad at US, we're just warning you guys.
Have you tried the product? If you have, and it has not worked for you, maybe you and i just have different causes of BB, did you think of that? You keep denying that this product DOES WORK for some of us, and I am officially leaving this forum because......MY BB IS GONE.

Good by to all of the assholes who cannot be supportive to fellow BB sufferers and believe that they are better than everyone else.
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:39 am

Post by 04paynem »

One last update for the people who are trying this product and want more information. for myself, i have found the powder form when mixed with yogurt works much much better than the lozenges/powder for with water.

*ALSO* the directions say to take once daily, and stop after 1 month. I dont do this, i take twice daily and will be continuing after the month.
Last edited by 04paynem on Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
emotional rescue
Posts: 453
Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:34 am

Post by emotional rescue »

It´s very annoying to see how some prick (hand over mouth in this case) that no one knows and no one knows anything about him feels that he has the right to come to say what is good and what is wrong for the rest of the people and making silly acusations that doesn´t drive anywere

You can see all the red flags around you in your life and be a paranoid asshole if you want, do what you want, but please don´t come here to preach what other people should do or say especially when you aren´t saying nothing new.

¨oh oh oh Dr Katz don´t care about us, Dr Katz is all about the business, Dr Katz is a scam, Dr Katz stoled the eyeglasses to my grandmother....¨

Let me tell you man, NO ONE CARES ABOUT US!!!, NOT KATZ, NOT DAILLEY, NOT THE THOUSAND OF DOCTORS THAT WE HAVE SEEN BETWEEN ALL, we only have each other to support us, to share experiences, to help us, we are the only ones that knows how it feels to be a CH sufferer.

No one is selling therabreath, we all know who Katz is, we don´t need your Wise-god-spotlight to open our eyes.
We are talking about a specific product that Katz doesn´t even develop, he just import it and sell it.

I can say FROM MY SELF EXPERIENCE that the K12 helped me a lot the month that it took me to empty that powder, and i don´t care a ***k if you think it´s a lie or not,


even if at the end maybe we fail, like most of the times happends.....

just to change the mood of the site from time to time you know??

Please all the members that had been getting improvements with this product keep posting your updates, at the end we will know the truth

Post by BronxJazzy »

emotional rescue wrote:I only ask one thing to all the members:

Angry or not, dissapointed with the site or not, please all take a moral commitment with the other sufferers and please write your updates, Succesfull or not.
it´s the only way for this to make this all worth.

And, like someone suggested on another topic, we should start to make some sort of data base about products, so the new members allready now what has been succesfull and what has been failed in the past, and we don´t go around in circles again and again. (the same way Katz has all his reviews together, saying ¨how great are all his products¨) we should get together all our reviews, or at least the more representative about each product. It´s the best way to take care the money and the health of all the new sufferers that keep coming to the site.

good luck to all
I totally agree with that. It's a very good idea to make up some kind of database with things that work and dont work, because alot of people are wasting money using things that we've already tried and know dont work. LIke Jimi can you do something where we review the products and rate them from 1-5 and leave comments on what we thought of the product like they do on .
Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:49 pm

Post by bleh »

04paynem wrote:
hand over mouth wrote:I'm new to this site, but I'm OLD to the internet and this Therabreath mess. If I were on this site a few years ago I would have been gullible and would have believed everything that everyone recommended.

Now it's a new day and we aren't falling for the scams. People I know you really want to believe that something will work, I used to be gullible as well. Being desperate and at your wits end will cause you to ignore the red flags that some of us refuse to ignore.

So to those of you that are getting mad at some of us for warning you about these scams, you need to realize that we are helping you. We are trying to warn you about these people because there was no one there warning us when we wasted hundreds and hundreds (and possibly thousands ) of bucks throughout the years on useless products.

If I see a pattern that I've seen all over the net, and I smell BS, I will call it out. Sorry that your dreams are temporarily dashed in the process, but it's better that you're warned about useless products and companies before you waste your money. Believe me, you will be way more dperessed if you find out after the fact.

Are there products out there that work? Who the hell knows? Probably. But I will call out all obvious BS. Again, don't get mad at US, we're just warning you guys.

Have you tried the product? If you have, and it has not worked for you, maybe you and i just have different causes of BB, did you think of that? You keep denying that this product DOES WORK for some of us, and I am officially leaving this forum because......MY BB IS GONE.

Good by to all of the assholes who cannot be supportive to fellow BB sufferers and believe that they are better than everyone else.

SERIOUSLY!!!! I didn't know posting MY own personal experience would cause such an upheaval. You're probably right, you don't need me here so I probably will just ***k off. I was gonna leave a donation because I have so much respect for you (Jimi) but now that I know you hate my guts then what's the point? I thought I was helping others once like myself who needed inspiration and experience to determine whether or not I would want to try a product myself. If it were up to me I wouldn't have chosen to buy it from Dr. Katz, it just ended up that I wanted the 30 day money back guarantee and extra supply if it worked. My bb is 85% gone, 15% due to a severe case of dry mouth and PND. But yes, like the many others above me, I won't continue to post anymore. Why waste time with people who don't want to hear it or are thinking that they're doing everyone a favor by steering them away from a product that might be helpful to SOME people.
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