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try chlorella

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try chlorella

Post by trustme »

HI guys,
i just want to suggest that anyone suffering from bad breath to try chlorella. It is agood detoxifier and good to your digestive system. No this is not an advertisement. I become a member to this site just because i want you guys to try this out. You can buy chlorella at any leading pharmacy. it comes in tablet form.

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Post by trustme »

Anyway guys, i read that some of you have been trying on soap for washing your mouth. But i believe that teh real root of the problem of chronic halitosis does not come from the mouth and rinsing your mouth with soap could probably temporarily mask the odor but i believe chronic halitosis stems form some internal disorder. It's probably due to malfuncioning of liver, lungs or the digestive system or the spllen. That's why this problem got to be tackled by repairing the internal system. try taking supplements that boost your digestive system and your liver to detoxify like chlorella. Then monitor yoursellf. the best product is one that slowly progresses and not necessarily gives resuly instatantly like chlorella. should try it.Trust meI really hope it works
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Post by jess »

Is this a product that you're using yourself? If yes, can you tell us about the condition of your breath before and while using the chlorella.
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Post by trustme »

Yes i'm using it..the result has been good although it takes about two weeks to see the full result. Hope it works for you :)
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Post by jess »

There are many sites selling chlorella. Can you tell me where you buy yours?
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Post by baguio »

Meh....its new year - so I've picked up a bottle of chlorella tabs....It sounds like it could be otherwise beneficial - solving bb might be to tough a challenge for it. I'm fairly sure this is something i've tried before...but hey, ya never know.

Keep on smilin'
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Post by oneway »

I am going to try it too. I found it at holland and barrett in the UK. Worth a try. I also suspect I have too much acid in my body. It might help with that. Will keep everyone posted.
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Post by noptical »

Yeah I'm going to buy it tomorrow. A long term member on a completely irrelevant to bad breath forum posted that she had horrible halitosis since she was a kid and after using chlorella she didnt get any bad breath at all and hardly even morning breath.
She also said it takes a while until it works. She said to start with 3/day for a few weeks then 2/day and eventually 1/day will be enough. However I think there are different chlorella pills on the market (bigger/smaller).
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Post by oceanside »


I did experimented with Chlorella for roughly three months, with the member Coeric when we were over on another site. I did extensive 18,000 mg of Chlorella a day. Yes, that's 18,000 mg. I am a person who believes testing to the limits. It didn't work, but that doesn't mean it won't work for others since we all have different matabolisms. What may work for some may not work for others. In fact, the person Noptical is taking about who experienced success using Chlorella post regularly with us. I won't reveal her identity. Her and I PM each other regularly.

So, nothing is a sure bet. But in order to really know you just gotta try. I also spoken to a female who reported that she was cured using CleansSmart. She said that about a month her bad breath was gone. I tried to get as much information from her as I was able to but the moderator warned me he would banned me if I don't stop asking her about BB since that forum was on dieting and not bad breath. You could go to the healthboards to verify what I am saying. It's on there. Chronic bad breath/internally caused? by oceanside.

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Post by noptical »

oceanside wrote:In fact, the person Noptical is taking about who experienced success using Chlorella post regularly with us. I won't reveal her identity. Her and I PM each other regularly.
The person I'm talking about is not her John ;) Its another one to the list of the succesfuly cured. She reported 100% success after using chlorella for a while (and she still uses it). The one I'm talking about is not from a health forum.
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Post by oceanside »

noptical wrote:
oceanside wrote:In fact, the person Noptical is taking about who experienced success using Chlorella post regularly with us. I won't reveal her identity. Her and I PM each other regularly.
The person I'm talking about is not her John ;) Its another one to the list of the succesfuly cured. She reported 100% success after using chlorella for a while (and she still uses it). The one I'm talking about is not from a health forum.
For real? Maybe I need to go back and do another 18,000mg of chlorella for 3 more months? Just kidding. It cost me over $100 bucks each month when I was experimenting with it. It's strange, some people are lucky to experience relief from simple remedy. I just wish I was one of them.

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Post by waitingforrelief »

noptical wrote:Yeah I'm going to buy it tomorrow. A long term member on a completely irrelevant to bad breath forum posted that she had horrible halitosis since she was a kid and after using chlorella she didnt get any bad breath at all and hardly even morning breath.
She also said it takes a while until it works. She said to start with 3/day for a few weeks then 2/day and eventually 1/day will be enough. However I think there are different chlorella pills on the market (bigger/smaller).
hi noptical,

would you mind posting the dosage that she took? and also how long it took her to experience an effect?

thanks a lot.
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Post by noptical »

waitingforrelief wrote:
noptical wrote:Yeah I'm going to buy it tomorrow. A long term member on a completely irrelevant to bad breath forum posted that she had horrible halitosis since she was a kid and after using chlorella she didnt get any bad breath at all and hardly even morning breath.
She also said it takes a while until it works. She said to start with 3/day for a few weeks then 2/day and eventually 1/day will be enough. However I think there are different chlorella pills on the market (bigger/smaller).
hi noptical,

would you mind posting the dosage that she took? and also how long it took her to experience an effect?

thanks a lot.
this is her exact post:
have her take chlorophil tablets... they're about 25 bucks for 100 tablets that you can get at any health food store, and perhaps even at your local wal-mart (also called chlorella) she should take 3 per day for the first two weeks, then ease down to 2 a day for a few more weeks, and after that 1 a day should be enough to keep the bad breath at bay. I've had horrible halitosis since I was a kid (regardless of diet or brushing my teeth, flossing or tongue scrubbing) and since I started taking the tablets, I barely even get morning breath anymore, let alone any bad breath.
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Post by oneway »


Maybe you took too much chlorella? Try it at the recommended dosage and see how it works.
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Post by Jojo »

I bought chlorella today, I am going to take 6 pills/day which provides 3000mg. This is the recommended dosage on the bottle. I bought it in Holland and Barnett in the UK (thanks for the info, Oneway). So I'll see...
However, I bought Nettle tea as well. From time to time I have it, it's good for my skin, and as i remember it had a slight effect on my breath as well.
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