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Wisdom Tooth as a possible cause O.o?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Wisdom Tooth as a possible cause O.o?

Post by greenman »


Someone seems to have been cured of it by having wisdom teeth removed. I am the same except I have control over it now. My problem however lies with the baggage i developed while sufferring from the BB. Even though I no longer have BB i feel crippled somewhow and it's bullshit i can't deal with yet u know.

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Post by perrymason » don't have BB?!

What were your symptoms (pnd, nasal odor?)

How did you get rid of it...????
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Post by yeagermeister »

Was your odor the same type as thee other guy? The way he described his odor, a cheesy,foot type odor is exactly like my odor.
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Post by Lifesucks89 »

I found this great site covering alot of things about wisdom teeth and bad breath problems caused by it.

check it out

general things bout BB and possible cause of it: ... um.disease

All about wisdoom teeth, kinda made me wonder if this might be my problem. ... _tooth.htm
(at the bottom of the site u can go to the next page, for those who might think its just one page!)

Im going to ask my dentist to remove my wisdom teeth, some show the signs listed at that site, which might cause my bad breath.
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Post by greenman »

pervy19 don't have BB?!

What were your symptoms (pnd, nasal odor?)

How did you get rid of it...????
I have control of it to the point that "I no longer have it" o.o;

I had nasal ordor mainly and it was very strong and always fecal. in the past it had different types of smell but fecal was the common scent.

I believe getting my wisdom tooth taken out was the start that eventually fixed?released? bad tension? nerve? uhhh i just don't know, however i do know that i have to drink water though a straw. i still get that icky feeling in my upper throat/nasal area which i couldn't clear before even with nasal irrigation. i drink the straw with pursed lips and sorta drink it by focusing on where the congested area is and it helps to clear it.

my uncle was here two days ago and we have a chat about his and that and eventually i felt the congestion and noticed that i would start to smell bad again so i drank water through a straw and cleared my throat. i still feel it but i know that the drinking all liquids through a straw is definitely what is helping me at the moment.

I advise getting xrays on your wisdom tooth to see any irregularities. You know i hope this helps us, I for one still get BB however I have it under control and I am thankful for that.
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Post by Cured »


It'd be therapeutic for me to chat with you about your experience sometime since we both apparently found the cure through extracting our wisdom teeth...

I too am now slowly working to pick up the pieces of my social life (how ever litte of it remains) and start over. God knows it isn't easy. For one thing colleagues at work who don't know or don't care that I've gotten better and still act the same around me as in the past. The other enemy is myself and regaining my shattered confidence and self-esteem after what feels like post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological damage built up over eight years.

I also have a very hard time forgiving those cruel individuals who through their rude actions behaved as though they were better than me because they didn't have this problem. There's a part of me that wouldn't mind seeing some of these people burned at the stake.

For the rest: in addition to the links already posted, these are some anectodal ones that got me thinking about wisdom teeth: ... -this-okay

There was also a Yahoo! Answers question page that was really helpful, but alas, I can no longer find it...I'll post it if I do...
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Post by greenman »

I'm sorry, there isn't much to talk about. In this fog of halitosis I've become a bad person, done bad things, and now my mind is always in the wrong place. I am not sure if I can "cure" myself, it's almost as if the weight of karma on me is very strong. I am paying a price for "curing" my halitosis, the price is very debilitating, I will "attempt" meditation, body cleanses, exercises, etc.. All in the attempt to find what's good in me. I feel good, deep down I have a good side, but it's a tornado that turns on anyone including myself.

"Your mind is your body, your body is your mind" I will follow this philosophy and make my body healthy and strong, maybe then my mind's aches and troubles will also be fixed.

I say this as a good bye to this website, I've said everything I've done to help myself in my post's. Good bye, I will return when I am out of my shell.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

wow great news!!!

2 ok 1000 to go.

I can't remember about my wisdom tooth, but most probably it erupted when the bb started. I think so, I cna not really remember.
only the top was showing up.

Later it came out more and more, but I can see how the gum os overlapping the tooth. But I can not believe this can be the cause for a strong bb. Or can it be?

So anybody who has them pul them out.

But I dont want to pull it out just for nothing, because that is the only molar that was not destroyed by amalgam filling. ****ing dentist bastards.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I was poking around my molar and I could see how much stuff could be there. It seems like there is a lof of room for bacteria to hide. ANd later that day I felt like my who mouth tasted strange. And today peopl ewere giving me real strong reaction, I have never received them before.

SO it might be that. Can somebody do it please quick, I am really impatient.
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Post by perrymason »

you know Jimi, if you do the fingers test with the back of your tongue, and it stinks, it isn't your molars. Also, your molars probably won't be the cause of your BB if you have nasal odor.

Just felt like inputting, but somebody should do the thing just so Jimi and myself as well can eliminate this as a cause, or finally have a cause.
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Post by daveparker »

I think theres something wrong with my molars, they taste bad, I poke my tongue around them and they taste different from the rest of my teeth, they taste real bad, i wondering if their abscessed or something, im going to my dentist next week, i hope to God they are screwed up and are the ones causing my bad breath. [-o< [-o< I can only dream of what it'll be like to talk face to face with someone without worrying. But I'm not going to get my hopes up. :-k And last time my dentist told me that there isn't enuff room for my wisdom teeth to come out right, so maybe they created a pocket or something holding in the bacteria...if its not my molars, I'm going to get my wisdom teeth removed, i'll gladly spend all the money in checking account to get rid of this problem quick.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Is there somebody who is wihout wisdom teeth and has strog bad breath??
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Post by Happylife »

This is interesting...I have both, wisdom teeth and BB
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Post by JZ »

I have let them removed, a long time ago, on the advice of my ENT.... to cure the BB.
They had to cut them (4x) out of the jaw. Because they where still under the surface.
But it did not help to cure BB.
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Post by daveparker »

I'm going to get them removed if the dentist once again says my teeth and gums are fine....because I have a bad taste in my mouth always and its coming from my back teeth, both sides and top and bottom, no matter how many times i brush, no matter how long I brush, whatever toothpaste I use, flossing doesn't help, waterpik doesn't do much, the only thing that helps is a salt water rinse, but the taste comes roaring back after like a half an hour. It's worth a shot right.... :mrgreen:
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