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im furious

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im furious

Post by jane »

spoke with my sister today and she was ****ing yelling at me telling me that this is all in my head. that she never smelled it and im driving myself crazy w/ the "shit that i read over the internet". i almost lost my head. i told her a/b the tonsil stones and that they give me really bad breath, she's like "everybody has tonsil stones! and yeah they smell when thyre put under your nose. and yes, theyre uncomfortable for EVERYBODY but trust me they wont make someones breath stink."

she just didnt get it, even accused me of making up problems that dont exist because.. i dont know.. im a masochist or something. im a couple of weeks away from getting kicked out of my house b/c my mom finally lashed out a/b me being unemployed. the stones are still there. they still stink. i cant get a DENTIST appointment until december to get a referral and wait another month or so before an ENT appt, and who knows if they can ****ing help me. i went on an interview yesterday and barely survived the ****ing train and bus ride there. my whole family's upset. im incompetent. whenever i step foot out my house im half breathing. and i think im just gonna throw myself down a flight of steps. if i dont die, i can at least spend some time in the hospital, able to breathe and anxiety free for once. i wont be a burden to my family any more. and hopefully by the time i recover my breath will be better and i can start over. either way, im happier than this because i just cant deal with any of it anymore. you know, its when something like this happens to you when you realize how good you had it before, and how all of that shit you strssed a/b was nothing in comparison.

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Post by Jimi Stein »

This is like my story, my parents turned out to be the worse kind of scum, I cant say anythigng nice about them. THey because animals, like yours are towards you.

Say to yourself, ***k you and leave them. You can support yourself, just leave that house, they will destroy you like they did me.

Trust me your house is a ****ing mess and you need to move out. Get a therapist, you will understand how to be stronger and be able to detach monsters liek they are.

Really go to a therapist, you need to release this stress. DOnt choose one who will put you on ****ing drugs, those are useless, choose a therapy session.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Btw tell your mother she is a scum like my mother is and they could go out for coffe together and praise themselves how good mothers they are, I just ****ing hate ****ing parents like that.

DOnt do anything stupid. Just dont reveal feelings to them DON't. That might cost you in the future like it did me.

My mother would ****ing kill me if she could and I never did anything harmfull to her. SHe wanted to shoot me, she wanted to poison me with gas exaust etc. pm your number I can call you if you want. Dont do something stupid, you might end up in institution, your mother just wants to get rid of you probably like mine does.
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Post by m_s »


Like some of us, you probably have BB but not at every moment, and that's why your family thinks you are imagining things. It's funny how sometimes the people who we are most socially intimate with are not our family members. Unless you are super close with your family, i.e. lying in bed together talking, hugging all the time, cooking together in the kitchen,etc. They are not really going to notice your breath as much, but when we are in a bar or at the movies or on the train, our "bubble" no longer exists and people noses are within inches of our face. I really can't think of a time when my mother or my sister was within inches of my face.

A temporary fix that worked for my tonsil stones before I had the tonsillectomy, was an oral irrigator. Buy a oral irrigator that has many different attachments so you can switch them out depending on the part of tonsils you want to reach. Start off using the lowest setting, eventually your tonsils will toughen up and you will be able to increase the pressure.

There are some tips out there that are designed just for the throat
but I personally liked a pointy yet rounded tip so I could put the tip in the tonsil crypts and flush them out. Sometimes I would flush out stones that were not visible to my eyes, which was very satisfying because otherwise they would have been hiding out for god knows how long.

You can start out using just water, or a very mild hydrogen peroxide solution. This is what I did religiously before I had my tonsils out. But it's not something I would have wanted to do forever. But it helps until you can get the surgery.
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Post by Happylife »

m_s ..Did Tansllectomy help your BB?...I want to go for it in future..
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Post by DRASTIC »

Jane, please dont do anything negative to yourself. I know what you experienced all day just going out on buses and trains. Then not to have an understanding family is very difficult. But think about your life. I experience the same problems like you. I just went to the supermarket just now. Even that was a big step for me joining the queue and going up to the cashier. I just go in get the basics and then out not browsing because i know that I smell and other will start coughing and such the minute I enter the store.

Jane we all live with this. Try to be strong. Hold your head up high its not your fault. Maybe God wants us to learn something out of this- being stronger persons or learning humility. I never knew that I was this strong until now. My thoughts are with you. Take care of yourself. There are many people in your shoes like me, Jimi and lots of others on this site. Take encouragement from each other and keep positive even in the midst of the storm.

m_s. Did the tonsillectomy cure you in any way. I am considering doing that.

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Post by j0n1982 »

ok, im going to let it out for goodness' sake.

f u c k jimi and yes i mean it f u c k u some more, homeboy.

this is your site and everything but honestly man, you a big f u c king a s s hole. you are not helping her case, man. shut the f u c k up. all you do is whine and f u c k people up with all your negativity.

let it go man and go easy. everybody goes the same pain and aches that you go through. we need to tone down our attitude and go over this in a manner in which we will all feel better about ourselves. come on.

@ jane,

im sorry to hear about your story. you are not alone, we all go the same heartaches, every waking hours that we have i tell you.

but you know, i'd tell you to relax, baby.

let go just for a second, just f u c king breath. don't be so stiff. it will make you more miserable. people will comment and that will hurt your feelings. it is important that you develop a thicker skin though. i know it is not going to be easy, however that is all that we can do for the meantime. you have to accept that somehow you are here for a reason.

i know your family don't mean to hurt you. you just have to get your feet wet. learn and live whatever life that we have. if you don't start exposing yourself to the world, when are you supposed to do it? your family won't always be there. you have to take care of yourself (on your own) sometime, right? cmon, you can do it!

smile, baby... just smile and take things easy
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Re: im furious

Post by troublingmind »

that's what everybody say 2 me they say i don't now what i'm talking about i guess it's just human nature and they think that everything will be o.k. by telling you that u don't have it and i'm like i know i have it, i need your help not ur sympathy but any way u can try this go to the store and by some hydrogen peroxide and baking soda get a cup and pour 3 full tops(peroxide) in the cup and a dash of bakingsoda and a dash of salt stir it up and let it sit while u brush (i use breath rx toothpaste)ur teeth the top of ur mouth and ur tounge then scrap ur tounge real good now get ur cup with mixed ingredients and drink it just playing (lol) but gargle for about 6 seconds with it spit out and then rinse your mouth out with water real good and take good deep breaths when u breathe and i think this helped me out a little and in about 2 months i'm going 2 see a ENT doctor
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Post by Jimi Stein »

j0n1982 wrote:ok, im going to let it out for goodness' sake.

f u c k jimi and yes i mean it f u c k u some more, homeboy.

this is your site and everything but honestly man, you a big f u c king a s s hole. you are not helping her case, man. shut the f u c k up. all you do is whine and f u c k people up with all your negativity.

let it go man and go easy. everybody goes the same pain and aches that you go through. we need to tone down our attitude and go over this in a manner in which we will all feel better about ourselves. come on.

@ jane,

im sorry to hear about your story. you are not alone, we all go the same heartaches, every waking hours that we have i tell you.

but you know, i'd tell you to relax, baby.

let go just for a second, just f u c king breath. don't be so stiff. it will make you more miserable. people will comment and that will hurt your feelings. it is important that you develop a thicker skin though. i know it is not going to be easy, however that is all that we can do for the meantime. you have to accept that somehow you are here for a reason.

i know your family don't mean to hurt you. you just have to get your feet wet. learn and live whatever life that we have. if you don't start exposing yourself to the world, when are you supposed to do it? your family won't always be there. you have to take care of yourself (on your own) sometime, right? cmon, you can do it!

smile, baby... just smile and take things easy
Look asshole dont type ***k in that way, UNDERSTAND!!!!!!

I hide the f word on purpose, but it still helps do write it down.
So you ***k you are suggesting how her mother loves her probably, and the bitch want to throw her out of the house.

Do you really think I will praise that bitch? I was booted out of the house for the same reasons, ****ing bb, I was different, I had to take all the agression from my parents only because of bb, nothing else.

I am familiar with a type of people like that so I am sugesting a girl to move out, or she will suffer some kind of consequences.

For god sake she is sufferening in that fuckin house you moron, or who the ***k you are. Probbaly you are an old mother who is abusing their children inthe same way.

And dont write ***k in that way or I will boot you off this site and the whole ****ing city you live in.

And ***k you.

I try to help the girl, because I had the same problems in my home. And it is ****ing reality.

And who are you you lazy ***k, what did you do for our community, you dont hav any respect nothing, you are jsut a piece of shit , nothing else, how many emails did you send out, what did you do you ***k tell me.

I never attacked one of our members, I am fighting for the whole community and you ***k come him and blabber and act lie you are a big shot, first do something you lazy ***k and then be smart.
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Post by Busted »

Don't fight your parents. It is pointless. Do not tell themm about pnd and CH either cause they will just think you're crazy. You have to ifnd the cure yourself one day. Instead you have to keep attacking your family with your bb until they really can't take it anymore.

This is still a taboo and it'll probs stay like this forever. If you go out and tell one of your friends "hey, I got CH" he'd be like "WTF?". And most likely they do'nt want to tell you that you have bb. Maybe because they don't want to hurt your feelings. Or maybe they are unsure if they might have the problem theirselves.

It would be a real joke to tell someone he has bb, when you have it yourself. I know it's not fair, but wth can we do about it.
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Post by jane »

thanks everyone for your advice. i had some brandy, chilled, then went to see a friend to snap myself out of it. afterward i felt kinda silly posting what i did.. i didnt mean to just let go like that.

and yeah, im not gonna talk about this with family or friends anymore. i made the mistake of confiding in a friend of mine a/b it, whom i dont trust. she didnt betray my trust or anything ( yet) but she's kind of a snobby bitch. and a flake. im just going to keep strong and stick it out when i start working.

and DRASTIC, i truly do believe that God allowed this to happen to us in order to strengthen us. but then i think, this has been going on for a while now.. when will it end? i already learned the lesson that i was supposed to. i used to have severe social anxiety and i have a rare skin problem which is really disgusting to me, but now i realize that worrying about that stuff is so stupid. first of all now i actually HAVE a reason to be anxious around people, and the skin thing.. its alright b/c its not even as disgusting to ppl as i imagined. thats something your personality can outshine. i thought i needed medication for the anxiety and i really try to avoid that, not saying its a bad thing its just not for me. i dont even take asprin for a headache unless im in agony.

i see a dentist tomorrow (hopefully. my insurance company's playin games) and im tryina practice what im going to tell him so i can get the referral.
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Post by TIRED »

My family thinks I'm crazy too. I just stopped telling them anything. I really think I have TMAU. Look it up if you haven't. People with TMAU say that family members can't smell their breath, but it is very offensive to others. I gave up eggs (the yolk), beans, soy, nuts, peanut butter, broccoli and fish and I think that my breath has improved because I do not get the awful responses that I use to get. My breath used to fill a room and make peoples eyes sting it was that bad. I had my tonsils taken out thinking it was the stones too, and my breath was still bad.
Now, when I eat eggs (which is the worst - very high in choline) I can smell the offensive odor myself. Lots of foods have choline, but just giving up the very high choline foods may help you. Try it. I am a stay-at-home-mom so I don't have much opportunity to test my breath on others, but I truly think it has improved. When I do want to eat something high in choline I take copper chlorophyll - you can take it all the time, but I don't because I'm pregnant right now.
I found an article that said that the onset of puberty or a hormonal change can bring on TMAU. My BB started when I started taking birth control pills at age 19 and has plagued me on and off since then. I am 36 now. It was at it's worst after my first child was born. I think this is due to the fact that I developed a hiatal hernia from carrying him. So now my esophagus stays open, like a sink drain and exposes my digestive gases to the world. But, not everyone with a hiatal hernia has BB, so that is why I think I have TMAU too. They say it's a rare disease, but I really don't think it is all that rare, because many doctors will not test for it and many do not even know about it. None of my many doctors over the years had even heard of it. Also, many people are embarrassed to go to a doctor about bb.
I just makes sense to me that this is what my problem is. I also lost the enzyme to digest milk at age 19 - so maybe I lost the enzyme to digest choline at the same time???
Also, on my whole"sink drain" thought - what do you put down your sink when it smells? Orange peels, right? So I think that eating oranges helps too - maybe that is why people had success with Vit. C?
I know I've told my story before, and I know it helped one person on here. Maybe it will help you. Hope so!
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