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somethings working!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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somethings working!

Post by kim »

hi guys my names kim and I have had bb for 17 years. to cut a long story short, I had wisdoms extracted to no avail. Tried closys and retardex, they didnt work. lately I have tried profresh and its working!! husband confirmed it! It tastes horrid but well worth it. i do the double dose- 4 tubes per bottle. follow instructions closely. its not a true cure since you have to buy a product but for now it has given me my life back.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

surprisingly few people claimed profresh is working only in the last week, none of these successful stories appeared before

****ing spam
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lol jimi

Post by kim »

lol jimi
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genuine person

Post by kim »

the only reason u read about profresh before is cos my story appears under story as well! i am a teacher in Africa and let me assure you I dont work for profresh!! In fact i was surprised they shipped here! It is the first thing that has worked for me and i wrote it to try help even one other person. at least then i would feel i made a valuable contribution
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Post by Hank »


If you read the homepage carefully, you'll know why Jimi (and many others I'm sure) are skeptical. Even so, if it has worked for you, it's good to share. But it might be helpful to have more information, such as how long you've had bb, what effect it has had on your life, what other symptoms you had (PND, stomach issues, etc), what you've tried that didn't work, and why you think ProFresh is working while all other things didn't. The reason is that I'm starting to detect kind of an "in-group"/"out-group" dynamic in this group where you kind of have to prove that you're "one of us" before we'll accept an advice. Some of us have tried so many things, spent so much money without success, been really frustrated, etc. that it's hard to accept that there's a conventional commercial product out there that's working for someone.
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Post by kim »

[i][url][color=black][/color] I am amazed at the hostility I have received especially from vickster. please phone profresh to verify that they do not have agents/spammers in south africa. what the hell am i supposed to do to prove i am not a spammer. i am mortified by these reactions.[/url][/i]
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Post by Eric »

I agree with Hank. You very well may not be a spammer, there is no real way to know for sure, but just posting that profresh is working without more background doesn't really cut it on here. If we let everyone do that these boards would turn into those ridiculous Therabreath 'message (advertising bs) boards'
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Re: somethings working!

Post by Cured »

kim wrote:I had wisdoms extracted to no avail.
Hopefully you didn't do that as a result of reading my story, and if you did, you shouldn't have. I'd never advise anyone who hasn't even tried retardex or other name brand mouthwashes to have them out to cure bad breath, and certainly not someone who could be close to other people enough to be married to them. What a misguided thing to do!

Extracting wisdoms/tonsils is only a last resort and only for people with the real deal, someone whose bad breath is so insidious that others pinch their noses shut with their hands when they pass in front of him or her just from being able to smell it from the air coming out his or her nose even with mouth fully closed.

Any "bad breath" resolved by a store-bought mouthwash or like standard product isn't anything to win one's life back from. Not when there's people here who've spent their life savings only to still barely fend off a nervous breakdown when they have to walk into a room full of people. Forget about even having friends. Now there's life-consuming distress.

The hit-and-run manner in which you dropped your story doesn't help either. So don't be surprised at reactions of hostility if people don't believe you, or resentfulness even if they do.
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Post by kim »

[b][url][color=black][/color] jini i cant post it keeps saying no post mode specified?[/url][/b]
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