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CALLING MEMBERS WHO HAVE BEEN CURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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CALLING MEMBERS WHO HAVE BEEN CURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by DRASTIC »


Just thought that it would really be beneficial to hear some updates from members who were cured of BB long ago.

E.g. Chris, Sean among others who were truly cured of bad breath a while back.

Give us some updates it would be good for boosting morale and hope for the rest of us.


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Post by Anne »

A lack of vitamin B6 causes bad breath. Try taking a 50mg tablet of vitamin B6 each day. Best taken with vitamin B2 or in the longterm you'd create a deficiency of B2.

This has worked for me and the people I've recommended it to...I got this from a nutritionist. Definitely worth a try...I hope it helps ALL of you!

Not expensive, so try it and let us all know.

Good luck,

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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Anne,

Are you now bb free? Would you put it down to a vitamin B6 deficency and nothing else? I'll give this a go. :)
girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

Thought this was interesting...
Vitamin A and Vitamin C help maintain teeth and gum health. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is used in the treatment of Halitosis encourages more efficient digestion. Betaine HCl is a source of hydrochloric acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the stomach that helps digest food and break down dead tissues and is therefore important in the treatment of Halitosis. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps improve the immune system. Zinc is an essential mineral that is a component of the enzymes needed to repair wounds, boost immunity, and protect against free radicals. Each nutrient in the Vitamin B Complex 50 performs a unique role in maintaining proper metabolic function and they are essential for oral health and consequently central to the treatment of Halitosis.
See How It Works ... FQodtkxVLg
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Post by Anne »

Hi there, bb was only an occasional problem for me and so it was easy to cure. Whenever I suspected my breath was a bit 'off'' I took a 50 mg Vitamin B Complex tablet and that corrected it. I still take it, for all the other benefits we get from the whole range of B Vitamin, but not every day.

I also take other vitamins and minerals for optimum health. I do know quite a lot about them - and what they are needed for...sometimes I get a text message asking for the answer to someon'e problem! Also I cure baby colic, which most people say isn't curable :) and I have a website offering that cure.

Been meaning to put up a website about curing halitosis but I'm always so busy...I'll do it soon, hopefully but for now I wanted to help you guys if possible.

B6 can work like magic. Very fast to correct bb...Worked in less than a day for one of my grand daughters (yes, Im old!) and here's part of an email I got from a guy on another halitosis site.

Dearest Anne,

I thank Allah(Almighty God) for letting our paths cross. Praise be to the Almighty, the most merciful.

I've enjoyed the best month of fresh breath. i've seen over 100% improvement in my condition. Thanks abundantly for the unselfish way you shared your information with me. May Allah(Almighty God) bless you abundantly.

I didn't know him but I felt sorry for him and contacted him by email.

I'm guessing Vitamin B6 won't do it for everyone as it depends on the cause of bb but I'm really pleased you're going to try it.


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Post by DRASTIC »

Hi Anne,

you say you used vitamin B6 to cure your bad breath. But was it only occasional. Alot of people here have bad breath that is Chronic, 24/7, no break even when they brush and scrape tongue and gargle and floss.

Was you breath chronic where people could smell you from 10 feet away?

Because for people like me whose breath is Chronic halitosis, 24/7 even after cleaning I dont think a vitamin pill is going to make any difference in me.

I am not discouraging other people. It might work for other people.

But Anne who would you say would most benefit from this vitamin B6 treatment? Occasional bad breath which can only be smelled up close to the person's face or bad breath that is Chronic bad 24/7?

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Post by Jimi Stein »

Anne wrote:A lack of vitamin B6 causes bad breath. Try taking a 50mg tablet of vitamin B6 each day. Best taken with vitamin B2 or in the longterm you'd create a deficiency of B2.

This has worked for me and the people I've recommended it to...I got this from a nutritionist. Definitely worth a try...I hope it helps ALL of you!

Not expensive, so try it and let us all know.

Good luck,

Dont take her story serious, she is a little ku ku, she contacted me before in PM about how she has the cure for bb and she will sell the ebook on the net. It is kind of bad breath report, similar spammer. She just wants the money

***k you old witch

She thinks she discovered the cure, ****ing spammer, it was the first thing doctors told me to take vitamin B in the past, years ago, but she thinks she is the chosen one!!!!
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Post by Anne »

Hi there,

No my own breath didn't reach the stage of being Chronic because I knew what to do but my grand daughter's breath - I could smell it from several feet away and at first it wasn't too bad but it rapidly got worse and after a few days it was really strong and unpleasant so I told her mum what she needed. In fact I went home and returned with vitamins B6 and B2. (I always have a stock of vitamins and minerals) Went back and checked her the next day and her breath was fine.

Years later, it started again and all she needed was a reminder of what to take. Problem solved. Family are easy to help because they trust me and know I can often help

Now Ray, I never met him but I read what he'd posted in a forum and he was desperate, close to suicidal because his breath was ruining his life.
He begged for someone to email him if they had an answer, a cure, so I did
and shortly after he wrote to me. You saw part of his email.

I don't think you were discouraging other people but you were discouraging YOURSELF! Please give it a try - Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B2, 50mg daily.

It's a shame to decide that 'just a vitamin' won't help you. It might take a lot longer (might not even work for you) but realise that the B vitamins are essential for good health, for your skin, (eg: if you have open pores on your face they will slowly improve until, like mine, they're gone) your nerves, all sorts of things, and some people have a greater need for certain vitamins.

The lack of whichever vitamin or mineral is needed is usually the cause of illhealth, depression, anxiety, constipation, a low sex drive, etc etc. I could write reams on this stuff and I rarely need to see my doctor because I recognise what my body needs and take it, or eat the right foods that contain what I need.

A cure, doesn't have to be nasty or drastic to bring about a good result.

By all means clean your teeth after meals and use floss, even a tongue scraper, to keep your mouth clean and fresh, but halitosis very often comes from an insufficiency of the correct foods in your diet. The right vitamins correct that very quickly.

One other point, for all of you, don't overdose on Vitamin B6, or you could have side effects, like numbness in your arm/s. Take just 50mg daily and remember to take Vitamin B2 as well if you're doing it longterm.

Personally I prefer to take Vitamin B Complex because then I'm getting all eleven B Vitamins, but B6 is the one for bad breath.

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Post by Anne »

Jimi, I am not asking anyone for money. I am trying to help at least some of your members.

What are you doing? You should be fervently hoping that some of these people will find that their breath is fine and pleasant soon. That was the original purpose of this site, wasn't it? To find a cure?

I know it probably won't help them all, but the ones I help can then begin to enjoy life. Please don't try to put them off.

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Post by viva »


It's somewhat inacurate to claim you found in cure for BB.Cure for Chronic BB isn't something you get in one pill.
Vitamins B are in all vitamin suplements, that most of us take including me everyday.

I'm happy it helped you.
We'll keep in mind Vit B.
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Post by Snobuni »


Is there a particularly distinctive smell that your breath will have if you're suffering from a vitamin D deficiency (just like how diabetics will have a fermenting apples smell to their breath if they're undiagnosed)?
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Post by Anne »

Hi there,

I've read nothing to indicate that a lack of vitamin D will cause a distinctive smell on the breath but it can cause pyorrhea, which is a disease involving infection.

A lack will adversely affect the bones, in rapidly growing children and in adults who have always eaten a poor diet deficient in vitamin D. They suffer the effects when they are elderly.

Fish oils are the best source of vitamin D, as you probably know. Calcium is absorbed much better if there is adequate vitamin D.

I don't know if you have been tested and told you are deficient in vitamin D? I'm pretty sure it won't affect your breath but you do need vitamin D, just as you need all vitamins and minerals for optimum health.

i'm sorry if this doesn't help much, it's nearly midnight here in the UK and I'm getting tired. Hard to think...


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Post by Snobuni »

Sorry Anne, I meant a vitamin B6 deficiency, I don't know why I typed vitamin D!!! :oops:
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Post by elliott »

Been taking well over the daily recommended value of B6 for awhile now. No dice for me. It's easy to take, so I will continue though.

Thanks for the info. It's good to hear the details.
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Post by 04paynem »

For me its allergy shots to get rid of the PND, netty pot with basic salt rinse, brushing teeth with tootpaste+baking soda(add a tiny sppon full to mouth before the brushing), rinse with baking soda+warm water and swallow slowly.

I get about 6 hours with absolutely no BB, unless I let my mouth dry out from nerves.

Not a complete cure, but its easily manageable.
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