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New to the forum, some ideas

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by TeamZissou »

I read through your story and about your wisdom tooth. Seems like a plausible reason to me. Getting it out is a no brainer. Do you know if your mother had wisdom teeth removed at the time she had other teeth taken out and was cured?

The only thing I wonder about is the fact that you said you had BB as a young child, which is before wisdom teeth really come into play. That's not to say it isn't possible though. Who knows what they're doing in your gums and up near your sinuses before they begin to descend.

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Post by halitosisux »

Thanks TeamZissou,
and sorry for my delays but im still working and checking postings from time to time.
I have some days off next week and will hopefully get a dental appointment arranged tomorrow.
Good luck with your upcoming ENT appointment, everything we try is knowledge gained about ourselves and the more we know the more we are closing in on it. The important thing is to stay positive and assertive and keep an open mind.
My mother had wisdoms still when she had them all extracted. Didnt know much about their condition though.
If your read carefully on all my postings you'll see that i didnt take care of my teeth during childhood, hardly ever brushed them. This alone could have been responsible for my halitosis at the time.
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Post by azishazi »

Well there should be a symptom, if there was anything wrong with wisdom teeth. I have all 4 errupted. but i tried digging in the pockets with my finger and there is no smell what so ever. They seem perfectly fine.

But if i eat alot of roast beef and eggs my gums do swell. But that is rare and only if i have had wayy to much during couple days. Might be due to chewing.

My condition started at 13 or 14 like alot others here. My question is, do widom teeth start errupting at the age of 13 or 14, cuz if yes, then maybe i could suspect them.

but im tried scrpping around it with my nail and tried to dig in my gum but there is no smell.

By the way i tried reverse nasal irrigation and it seems that it helped me a lil bit.

I did that by sticking my irrigator directly under my tonsil pocket into the throat and waited till water came out my nose. Alot of phlegm and mucus came out, like lava. Alot of came out my nose too. But only short term relief.
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Post by TeamZissou »

azishazi wrote:Well there should be a symptom, if there was anything wrong with wisdom teeth. I have all 4 errupted. but i tried digging in the pockets with my finger and there is no smell what so ever. They seem perfectly fine.

But if i eat alot of roast beef and eggs my gums do swell. But that is rare and only if i have had wayy to much during couple days. Might be due to chewing.

My condition started at 13 or 14 like alot others here. My question is, do widom teeth start errupting at the age of 13 or 14, cuz if yes, then maybe i could suspect them.

but im tried scrpping around it with my nail and tried to dig in my gum but there is no smell.

By the way i tried reverse nasal irrigation and it seems that it helped me a lil bit.

I did that by sticking my irrigator directly under my tonsil pocket into the throat and waited till water came out my nose. Alot of phlegm and mucus came out, like lava. Alot of came out my nose too. But only short term relief.
I do find the overlap between age in BB onset and wisdom tooth activity interesting. I have all 4 as well, and they are all fully erupted and seemingly healthy. Having said that though, I have heard many people say that they are very close to the sinuses.

I can also recall having pain in a few of them on and off for a number of years as they were coming in.
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Location: dc, va, md.

Post by azishazi »

ok at least we are getting somewhere.

Do u have any symptoms at all?

excess mucus?
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Post by TeamZissou »

Some excess I guess, but not much. I think it's more the fact that its thicker than it should be. I also get the sensation of having something stuck in my throat. Probably mucous accumulating.

My ears also feel plugged when I get up in the morning. This is probably from swelling of the tissue around the auditory tubes, or swelling of the adenoids. Not sure what causes this to happen only at night though.
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Post by TeamZissou »

halitosisux wrote:Thanks TeamZissou,
and sorry for my delays but im still working and checking postings from time to time.
I have some days off next week and will hopefully get a dental appointment arranged tomorrow.
Good luck with your upcoming ENT appointment, everything we try is knowledge gained about ourselves and the more we know the more we are closing in on it. The important thing is to stay positive and assertive and keep an open mind.
My mother had wisdoms still when she had them all extracted. Didnt know much about their condition though.
If your read carefully on all my postings you'll see that i didnt take care of my teeth during childhood, hardly ever brushed them. This alone could have been responsible for my halitosis at the time.

I had read that part about your BB as a child and poor hygine. Not sure how it all fits together. Hopefully removing this tooth will be the answer.

It also makes me somewhat hopeful that your mother's wisdom teeth were among those removed when she was cured. Doesn't mean they were the cause, but it leaves it open as a possibility.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi guys,
Just to clear up any confusion TeamZissou, I never took good care of my teeth in childhood and was always taunted about my breath but i just didnt care because i couldnt smell it myself due to a deviated septum and could hardly breathe through my nose, let alone smell anything. But around 15 like my ENT had predicted my nose had grown enough to open up the airways and i could now had a sense of smell. By now i'd started taking very good care of my teeth and it was around this time that people said my breath was very bad and this coincided with the eruption of my wisdom teeth. My point is, that this could have been two separate episodes of BB, one caused by neglect of teeth in childhood, the second by my widsom teeth in adulthood.

Interestingly, i too get the feeling that my ears are plugged in the morning, as though i have a cold or flu. It clears within 15-30 mins. I wonder if this is normal, or could something be going on via the eustachian tubes? a bacterial orgy in the throat that spreads as far as it can during sleep?

I had some thoughts on the way to work this morning..
We mentioned structural variations - i wonder if for some people the rear of the tongue is in such a position that it's more exposed to normal PND. It could be further into the nasopharynx area than people without BB? either because the tongue itself sits further back or because rear of the roof of the mouth sits further forwards than normal, thus exposing more tongue dorsum?

Also this morning i saw a guy walking along who looked like a tramp and whilst imagining that he probably has better breath than i do, i wondered if the mystery why people can have dental/gum issues and not have dreadful breath is simply because of the types of bacteria they happen to have populated in their mouth, whereas someone else could have much less dental/gum issues but because of the type of bacteria population they have much worse breath.
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Post by TeamZissou »


I had realized you were describing two different episodes of BB. I was just thinking aloud that maybe they were actually caused by the same thing, even though you didn't have proper hygine. As we've realized, some people have poor hygine but their breath is still fine.

Interesting point about the tounge. It could be a contributing factor. For some reason though, I feel that the back of the toungue is only a partial contributor, because even when it's clean it doesn't resolve the issue.

I think the mouths and nasal passages of people with BB are more hospitable to certain kinds of bacteria, not necessarily that they invaded healthy mouths and created a problem. I think if you can change the atmosphere in these areas or the condition of your immune system, that their numbers can be reduced. Not quite sure how to do that yet though obviously, lol.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi there..
I've just read your oxygen question too, so i'll answer everything in here because it relates to what im about to say..

Firstly I agree that a few minutes with the oxygen was unlikely to achieve much, which was about the maximum dosage i had in any one go. I guess maybe if the oxygen were able to reach any anaerobic areas of bacterial infestation it might have had a rapid effect.

This leads me onto the next part, which is common knowledge really, but worth a mention based on what u last said... but from what i understand, isnt it usually anaerobic bacteria that are responsible for the worst and most pungent odour production, and aerobic bacteria which produce hardly any? If so then this surely means that for whatever reason someone may have for having anaerobic areas containing bacteria, this would be where the BB "source" is situated, and then whether directly or indirectly causing perceivable BB?

Or another way of putting it.. any aerobic areas will only be populated by aerobic bacteria and thus not be contributing directly to any BB. And that its not like some infection we've picked up or the kinds of bacteria we happen to have, but whatever structures that are present which are favouring the BB producing bacteria - basically something physically wrong which is harboring and favouring anaerobic bacteria somewhere which needs to be isolated and dealt with, like you said.
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Post by TeamZissou »

It probably isn't a black and white thing. I think most healthy, BB free people have anaerobic areas in their nasal passages and throat. BB people probably just have more, or maybe they just have poor drainage or lymphatic activity in those areas for one reason or another.

My thought was that maybe prolonged exposure to more oxygen would lessen the areas that are unnaturally anaerobic, for whatever reason, in BB people.
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Post by halitosisux »

It would be an interesting experiment to try, although im not sure what would be learnt or gained from any improvement, no more so than gargling with petrol and lighting a match lol

I think the body has evolved in such a way that it has ensured that anaerobic areas are kept to a minimum for obvious reasons, and where this is more difficult it has evolved enzymes or systems to keep things in check - unfortunately for some, things go wrong, maybe very minor things, but nature doesnt care much because the human species continues to thrive despite our suffering.
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