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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by azishazi »

Is it a coincidence that I there is no doctor on this forum, or that I have never came across a person on any bb forum who was a doctor himself.

Few reason for this might be that a doctor, due to his network with other doctors and being a doctor himself, who encountered this plague of chronic bb, found a cure since he understands medicine.

Or another reason could be that since most of the people get this problem in the age of 14, or in their 20's, they never end up being doctors since being a doctor takes alot of motivation.


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Post by halitosisux »

I've often thought about this too. I wanted to be a doctor when i was younger but i ended up in this skewed existance where everything about my life is dictated by this curse.

Maybe any doctors who then went on to develop BB used their knowledge to their advantage and managed to go through all common causes efficiently and logically, unlike for us.
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Post by Larc400 »

I'm soon a doctor. I'll let u know if there is a secret cure in the medical world, as u seem to suggest :oops:
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Post by halitosisux »

lol.. it's ok..
If you become anything like my doctor i'll know before you anyway :mrgreen:
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Post by fthis »

"Or another reason could be that since most of the people get this problem in the age of 14, or in their 20's, they never end up being doctors since being a doctor takes alot of motivation. "

Nail. Head.

I've suffered from it as far back as I can remember. My whole life is infected by it. It's impossible for someone with my condition to get a degree without going through 4 years of humiliation, and even if I did put up with it, I'dd still have a hard time finding a job. And lord knows I tried.

How do you guys make money? seriously I'm completely broke.
No money, no girlfriend, no life, might as well kill myself.

. :-({|=

Hi btw, I'm new here (well long time lurker first time poster), great forum you guys have here, I hope I can contribute.
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Post by DRASTIC »

Hi fthis,

I am unemployed but well trained in a job which requires speaking to people 24/7.

Anyways, I am flat broke, unemployed, and searching desperately for a job not necessarily for what I git my degree in.

How do I make it.?????

I ask myself everyday.

Answer: God provides a way. I give God thanks everyday. I could be worst off but I am not.

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Post by halitosisux »

Hi fthis and congratulations on your transition to a poster.
So please dont go and kill yourself now :!: - fthat!
I look forward to any discussions (they are rare as rocking horse shit atm)
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Post by fthis »

I think about killing myself way too often. But I don't have the balls - yet.

I've been unemployed for about sx months and do not receive a wellfare check, I've been pretty much paying for my livingcosts with some money my grandfather left me, but that's all gone...and I can't find a job,ffs, if constant BB/ 'smelly nose currents' wasn't enough, there's now something like an Economic Crisis going on, which makes it even harder!aah, my dad thinks I'm a complete screwup. I can't talk to anyone about it, everyone thinks I'm arrogant 'cause I don't talk to them, whenever I see someone ,like in a store, I try to avoid them or just MUMBLE hi and run off, that is if they haven't seen me first and ran off themselves.
Christmas was hell, New Year even worst, Family gatherings are a tormenting event.

Why is my condition not recognized for it's severeness? Why can't I be labeled disabled? It would be doing society a favour ,let me become a hermit, give me a check, both parties would profit.

Anyways, I think Nick Drake had halitosis.
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Post by TeamZissou »

lol, what makes you say Nick Drake had halitosis? I'm a big fan of his music.

He was incredibly depressed, but that could be the result of any number of things.
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Post by fthis »

So am I.

Well, for starters I once read in an interview that, and I paraphrase "he was always focussed on his breath", that was his sister i think who said that, now you could interpret that he did this in a budhist kind of way, but I have my doubts.

Secondly, he was not an ugly guy and an amazing musician, yet he never had a girlfriend, he had been in love but the girl rejected him, for unknown reasons...

He was extremely shy and depressed.

Just a theory really.

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Post by fthis »

Like your nick btw...

Goddamn dolphins
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Post by TeamZissou »

haha thanks.

well, interesting theory. it's certainly easy to relate to his depression if that is the case.
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