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Has anyone tried breathing oxygen?

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Has anyone tried breathing oxygen?

Post by TeamZissou »

It is the concept behind many oral products that don't work. Getting oxygen to the tissues in your nose and throat to reduce anaerobic bacteria.

Has anyone tried breathing oxygen for any length of time, like individuals with lung problems do? Obviously the environment in the mouth and nasal passages of those with BB is ideal for bacteria that produce VSC's, so what about changing the environment?

Perhaps if these areas are exposed to oxygen in levels higher than the atmosphere in the average room for maybe say, an hour per day, it would inhibit the growth of anaerobic bacteria, and promote the growth of aerobic bacteria.

Has anyone ever tried this, or read about someone trying it?

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Post by halitosisux »

My nephew spent some time in hospial once, and during visits i played around with everything and i had the same thought as you have and tried this. It made no difference to me, i even undid the tube that goes into the mask and fed it up my nostril.

But saliva and mucus contain oxygen. I've even measured the quantity of oxygen in mine with an aquarium tester i bought especially to test this. It was normal, and just to make sure i tried it on someone who is BB-free. It was the same. Enzymes are also present which kill germs. Its contained in egg-white too for same reasons. I tried an experiment once - have you ever spat mucousy saliva mixed in with some oral bacteria into a container and kept it in a warm place? Its the most foul smell ive ever come across.
But do the same thing with some egg-white in it and it doesnt smell. I dont know whether that signifies anything or whether we just dont have as much of this enzyme normally.
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Post by TeamZissou »

halitosisux wrote:My nephew spent some time in hospial once, and during visits i played around with everything and i had the same thought as you have and tried this. It made no difference to me, i even undid the tube that goes into the mask and fed it up my nostril.

But saliva and mucus contain oxygen. I've even measured the quantity of oxygen in mine with an aquarium tester i bought especially to test this. It was normal, and just to make sure i tried it on someone who is BB-free. It was the same. Enzymes are also present which kill germs. Its contained in egg-white too for same reasons. I tried an experiment once - have you ever spat mucousy saliva mixed in with some oral bacteria into a container and kept it in a warm place? Its the most foul smell ive ever come across.
But do the same thing with some egg-white in it and it doesnt smell. I dont know whether that signifies anything or whether we just dont have as much of this enzyme normally.
Well so much for the oxygen idea.

That's interesting about the enzyme though. Do you know any more detail about what specific enzymes they are?
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Post by halitosisux »

lol sorry..
and if i remember correctly the enzyme is called Lysozyme. You can buy supplements i believe that contain this, but ive never tried it. Maybe could be the answer :idea:
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Post by TeamZissou »

How long did you try using oxygen for? I don't think merely exposing the areas to increased oxygen would kill off the bad bacteria. My guess is it would have to be done for long periods over a few weeks maybe to allow the bacteria populations to change.
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Post by hope4now »

halitosisux wrote:lol sorry..
and if i remember correctly the enzyme is called Lysozyme. You can buy supplements i believe that contain this, but ive never tried it. Maybe could be the answer :idea:
You can buy lysozyme in bulk from beer and wine making supply companies. Here's one source:

I ordered some for myself. It's worth a try.
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Post by halitosisux »

wow, let us know how you get on please. How do u plan on taking this?
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Post by hope4now »

halitosisux wrote:wow, let us know how you get on please. How do u plan on taking this?
I plan on mixing a bit with water or juice, use it as a mouth rinse, gargle, and swallow it. It should be safe enough to take internally if it's found in egg whites. I'll report back the results after a week or two.

It's interesting that this enzyme works mostly on gram-positive bacteria. Most non-pathogenic bacteria are gram positive. One of the known bad breath germs, Solobacterium moorei is gram-positive.
Last edited by hope4now on Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

I can remember years ago my dad used to whisk egg-white into a frothy drink and make us drink it - god it was awful especially if he didnt whisk it thoroughly and you could feel the thick clumps in your mouth. I have no clue why he did this, i'll have to ask him next time i see him. It was a dim and distant memory until i just started thinking about it a few minutes ago.

Wouldnt it just be fantastic if this worked. Simple safe and cheap solution to everyone's problem. I noticed on that website it said it affects the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria, but if i remember correctly its gram-negative bacteria that cause us problems?

Anyway, try the highest dosage that u dare, and keep doubling it each time til it works lol. Keep us informed and good luck!
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Post by hope4now »

I never heard of that egg white folk remedy before. I suppose we could all try beating some egg whites into a froth and eat that. It doesn't taste bad on lemon meringue pie. ;)

The bad breath germs are all gram-positive from what I've read. I'll let you know if lysozyme works for me. Thanks for the information, HS.
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Post by halitosisux »

thanx, im going to research it more too..
I was just thinking that maybe he gave us this drink because of BB alone? i cant wait to ask him now. I've never come across anyone else being subjected to that vile drink he made. I can still picture him sitting there taking forever to whisk that stuff by hand.. i think he put sugar in too. Amazing we didnt get salmonella poisoning, but it just shows how effective the lysozyme must be.
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Post by hope4now »

I got the lysozyme in the mail today from the supplier I linked to above. It's a white powder.

I mixed less than 1/8 teaspoon with some water. It dissolved easily. I rinsed my mouth with it, gargled, swallowed, and drank the rest. After swishing it around, it tastes slightly sweet, not unpleasant at all.

I'll keep you updated on the results. I plan on using it twice a day, before going to bed and in the morning after using conventional mouthwash.

Maybe I'll start a new thread for this topic next time.

Update: I've been using it off and on as a mouth wash. I don't swallow it anymore as it seemed to affect my mood in a negative way. I think I may have a food allergy to egg protein. Can't say it has stopped the bb, but my problem seems to arise from the esophagus, where the mouthwash can't reach.
Last edited by hope4now on Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Great, i cant wait to hear how you get on.

Start a new thread if it has any positive effect, and if it works 100% then lets get on our rooftops and start yelling!

I wonder if a lozenge or some way of holding this stuff in the mouth for longer would have a better chance of doing anything? you could make some yourself by melting some sugar or whatever it is that lozenges are made of.

Good luck and keep us posted!
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