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Thank You and Good luck

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Thank You and Good luck

Post by asd »

Hello, I havnt been on this site that long, but the time I have has given me hope, and I wouldnt be here without it.
I had a tonsillectomy about a month ago. I am now free.
There is a lot of other parts to my story, but I am not going to write some sort of autobiography.

However one thing I will say, is apart from when I had tonsil stones, I dont believe my breath was as bad as many on the forum. I was able to easily clean my tonsils, which not everyone can do.

My mouth doesnt get the nasty tastes. However as someone cured, it is important for me to say that I sitll get strange sort of unpleasent tastes in my mouth- however because we are so mouth obsessed, these tastes would usually be ignored. I will get it and then go swish my mouth around a bit and they go. Also I still have white tongue, not as bad as it has been, but i believe many people have it.
This is for those who are fightin still, i hope i can offer some help.

Anyways my advice for someone with this is: ask loved one, badger them, make sure they dont lie, tell them it is worse for you if they lie. Make sure you believe them. If its your tonsils that are suspect, eg tonsil stones, get them out. They are damaged and not doing there job, its the only thing I have seen actually cure people.
This advice should be taken with a pinch of salt, but I would just say consider it.

Anyways, things that I think have helped me:tonsillectomy, waterpik, vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, tung brush.

Right now, even though part of me wants to stay on the forum, I need to move on with my life, and visiting the site each day wont help me.
I will maybe come back, in a while, I hope I reach the stage when I feel confident enough to come here without becoming paranoid or something again.
I will never forget this chapter of my life, and it HAS made me a better person. If you are spiritual maybe it could be seen as a lesson?

I want to thank Jimi for the site, and everyone who is on it.
I wish you luck, and I know this may seem like im cured so i dont really care about it anymore, but I do, its just i dont want to remind myself all the time.
There will be a cure, but I havnt really learnt anything of the disease to impart, except what worked for me.
All I can really say is keep your head up, I will pray for you all, and keep on trying.
Check your teeth, gums, sinuses and tonsils. Upper respiratory tract is the most likely cause imho.
I will now try to repair the damage this has caused me. To put my life on the track I should be on.
xxxxxxxx one love xxxxxxxx

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Post by DRASTIC »

Well done, Asd.

I am happy for you. Please feel free to check up on us once in a while.

I am so happy for you.

Take care of yourself and dont forget US. GO now and live your life for the rest of us who cant. God Bless You.

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Post by halitosisux »

Well done and good luck asd
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Re: Thank You and Good luck

Post by Charley »

asd wrote:Hello, I havnt been on this site that long, but the time I have has given me hope, and I wouldnt be here without it.
I had a tonsillectomy about a month ago. I am now free.
This brought tears to my eyes.

All the very best asd, go live that life and do it for the rest of us.

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Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:42 am

Post by Green »

Like the rest: All I will say is well done asd.
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