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Visited Oral Surgeon today re wisdom teeth

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Visited Oral Surgeon today re wisdom teeth

Post by hopefulnblessed »

This is my first post although I visit this site regularly. I found this site last year actually and it has really been a blessing to read of others experiences.

I have been a sufferer since my teen years. I have siblings who told me so it isn't my imagination. My breath has been so bad that it can be smelled from across a room (fecal smell). As I am typing this it is really hard to talk about.

I have had some relief when taking Metrodianzole (sp?) Flagyl. I had to take it for an infection and noticed that my breath was good for around a week after taking it. And this has happened on more than one occasion throughout the years (I am in my 40's now)

Well today I went to an oral surgeon to schedule having my wisdom teeth removed. My dentist recommended it. So next week I am going to have the surgery. The surgeon told me that I had pockets around my wisdom teeth.

I will definetly post my experiences next week after the surgery. I really think that this is my problem.

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Post by halitosisux »

I had a wisdom tooth out in november 2008 and it worked for me. Im almost 40 and had confirmed BB since 15/16 years of age, but teased about BB since i can remember because i didnt have very good oral hygiene.
Good luck!! please keep us posted.
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Post by hopefulnblessed »

I will definitely keep everyone posted. I sure hope it works for me!!

I have tried so many remedies, therabreath, Closys II (which made me smell soooooo bad, I mean extra bad!!) I guess it killed the good bacteria?

I really pray that we all find a cure!!!
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Post by NYConfused »

good luck.

and halitosux, are you totally free from BB since removing your wisdom teeth? did you remove all? i have 3 left and will probably remove them all.
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Post by halitosisux »

I had 2 upper wisdom teeth out in my early 20s, i still have a lower left in which is completely below the gum (horizontally impacted) but recently had a lower right removed which COMPLETELY dealt with over two decades of my sewage breath.
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Post by Vivian »

Hi Halitosisux:

So removing your remaining bottom wisdom tooth has completely cured you of BB??

That's interesting. When I last went to my dentist, he said that that my righ wisdom bottom tooth - i has the left one removed years ago - might be my problem since their is a flap around my remaining bottom tooth.

I never thought it was a problem b/c I've had BB since my teens and my wisdom tooth came in my late teens / early twenties.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi Vivian,
Yes im completely cured. If you have an overcrowded jaw these wisdom teeth struggle to erupt. In my case it wasnt so much a gum flap it was because the tooth had so little room that it half grew into the rear of my mouth. This created an anaerbic pocket for oral bacteria to produce odour which infested my whole mouth, especially my tongue.
I had the upper 2 wisdom teeth out in my early 20s. I still have one of my lower wisdom teeth in, but its horizontally impacted and completely buried under the gum.
Do you detect any odour if you probe this tooth area with your finger?
If you do, RUSH to your dentist and arrange to have it out!
You may not have noticed your wisdom tooth erupting in you teens, mine starting erupting around 16 which was around the time my brother told me to get help because i have a breath problem. This is the age when they usually begin to erupt. You may also have had other dental (or whatever) reasons for your BB before your wisdom teeth appeared. I know i certainly did, i rarely brushed my teeth at that age.
If your give me an email address i'll post you a photo of what it looked like.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I dont understand people like you halitosissucks and others cured members, this site saved your life and you cant donate?

You were on the edge with your bb and now you are cured only because of this site and you dont think it is worth anything

I put my personal life out in the public, risked it tremendously and apparently for nothing

If I get cured I will donate at least 3000 USD to the good cause, and that might be to a needed memeber or a somekind of WHO organization........

People just don't get it, this site saved your life, it can't be described with how much it is worth because it is priceless.

But you dont have to donate of course, probably you don't care anyway.
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Post by wnaysha »

Hi Hopefulnblessed,

I am really very sorry to hear that, everyone is just so disappointed in this site that I sometimes think of myself as the happiest person on earth even though i have the same problems. :lol: funny but sad.

About what ur sayiing, It doesnt' just make any sense to me, I mean how can the breath that can be detected from the other side of the room be caused by a tooth, I'm sorry but It just doesn't make sense to me. I think we r just soooo into this problem that we cant look at it as a whole n try to solve it.

We all need to relax!! from what ur telling me it seems like u have some kind of stomach problem, not tooth.

N how did HALITOSISUX get better in removing it? I don't knwo, i'm going crazy, sorry.

We r all probably having some kind of a mental problem, lol.
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Post by hopefulnblessed »

I don't think that my problem is my stomach, although I have never had it tested for anything. I am actually pretty healthy in regards to digestive issues. I have regular bowel movements and such.

When I say across the room I am talking around 4 to 5 feet. When I was told it smelled it was after waking up (morning breath).

I am pretty sure my issue is bacteria in my mouth, since taking antibiotics gave me temporary relief. I don't think antibiotics work on stomach issues.

My wisdom teeth have pockets (gum disease) so I really need them removed anyway. I am really hoping that the bacteria in the pockets is the cause. I didn't have bb until my wisdom teeth came in.
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Post by halitosisux »


You are certainly doctor material.
First of all, apart from a few other obvious well-established and proven concepts, is your belief that we must be absorbing the odours from our shit into the bloodstream. If you believe that so fiercely, why didnt you answer my simple question regarding onion breath in the other thread?
Secondly, who do you think you are questioning what i've been through in 22+ years of life with BB and the cause which i eventually discovered to be 100% behind my problem. I never used people's reactions as feedback, everything i knew about my breath was from what i was told by reliable sources.
The odour isnt merely a TOOTH, its the potent chemicals which pour out from such areas of concentrated bacterial activity, that infest the whole mouth, tongue, throat, tonsils etc. Unless you have has such a source isolated and removed you will never comprehend how efficiently a single gum pocket can destroy a person's life. Im not implying that such situations are the only cause of BB, but how important it is to rule them out with total certainty.
I've never come across anyone whose breath can be detected across a room, but i dont dismiss it, because certain foul odours can linger and travel that far. I never had odours coming from my nose, but many people on here do. And since the nasal cavities can so easily become chronically infected, or the adenoids can literally ROT when they shrink, odours like that could well be due to such issues.

YOU try relaxing with your unfounded theories and god knows what daft remedies you intend to promote, not that most people wont have already gone to hell and back trying them already. If it were that simple then chlorophyll and charcoal, colonic irrigation and all the rest of them for onion breath would be the cure for the type of breath problems on this site, but they are NOT, they dont even make a difference for most people, and if they ever do its probably due to something as simple as increased hydration which anyone with BB will admit improves things, not to mention improved general health and placebo effects.
And as for the effects on BB from the things we eat, since people are quick to notice when something makes their breath worse soon having consumed them, then its also just as feasible that when we eat things which make our BB better, its due to this direct effect of these foods on the oral bacteria and oral environment.

And jimi, after our friendly conversation last night in the chat room (which was after you posted your comments in here and before i managed to read them) where i was pleased to learn that you have an appointment for laser treatment on an impacted wisdom tooth which you are feeling very hopeful with, I would like to mention that i told you already i intend to donate, whether i was cured or not. Like most people on here im struggling financially, I dont even have a paypal account and i know nothing about the system, but in the last month my feet have hardly touched the floor with the joy, i hadnt given donations any thought because i stuck around and ive spent every spare moment trying to help others and make sure people who come to this site discover that BB for most people really can be due to the most basic and PROVEN reasons.
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Post by NYConfused »

it would be nice to donate, but at the least he is giving advice on how to help others.

but i have a question halitosux. was there a reason that you removed that 3rd wisdom tooth( that seems to have cured you)? was there an odor you knew was coming from it or something? causing you any problems?
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Post by Vivian »

Thanks Halitosixux, you're giving me new hope.....
My remaining bottom wisdom tooth is actually impacted, but I only had the other one removed b/c the oral surgeon reassured me that the right one was as impacted as the left one; so I could leave it in if I wanted. So i left it in.

In taking my index finger and touching my wisdom tooth, yes it does actually smell more then the rest of my mouth.

I'm excited that this could be my cure!!! I'll make an appt. with my dentist this monday.

Thanks, V
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi NYConfused,

Its quite a long story, most of it is scattered around in my posts, but basically if i prodded my finger anywhere near this tooth it smelled very similar to tonsilloliths and the odour you randomly get between the teeth when flossing. The gum wasnt diseased, just big pocket around the enamel which was buried. Also, the way this tooth was situated, every time i moved my jaw chewing or talking etc, it acted like a pump against the rear of my mouth where the tooth was buried into, pushing contents in and foul chemicals out into my mouth. No matter how hard i'd try to keep that area clean, within a few minutes it would be full of odour again.
Apart from that it never gave me many problems, only a slight aching which sometimes became very painful if it flared up with some gum infection deeper inside.
I can email a photo if anyone is interested.

Vivian i really hope this leads to something for you, and judging by your dentist's enthusiasm regarding the flap of gum you described there is very real hope. Whatever happens at least you'll know its something you'll have ruled out. Fingers crossed and good luck!!
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Post by mindyb »

Dear Halitosisux-
I am very glad to hear of your success! It strikes a cord with me, as my horrendous breath started around the age of 18. I remember being home for Thanksgiving from college and I had horrible horrible pains in my mouth. My mother rushed me to a 24 hr. dentist and he pulled wisdom teeth out. I have no idea which ones or how many. I don't think he stitched my holes, as I had gaps and food got stuck in there. EVER since this procedure I've had terrible BB. Since you've recently seen a doc, and hearing my story, where would you go from here to see if wisdom teeth are my problem. I also took a strong drug called Accutane around this age, so I've always thought my bb was linked to my wisdom procedure or that drug.
My holes healed up, and don't probe back there much. I have no idea where my odor comes from, but its def. in my mouth and upper throat. I do get the horrid smell on my floss from time to time.
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