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To Newcomers who have gum problems and have chronic bb

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:42 am

To Newcomers who have gum problems and have chronic bb

Post by Green »

To all newcomers,

I remember when I first came to the forums, and I had yet to perform my gingivitis deep cleaning. I had bad breath 24/7 nonstop. Listen, you guys may be skeptical that gingivitis can cause chronic, terrible bb 24/7, but IT CAN! So I'm telling this to all of you: GET DEEP CLEANING. Then, brush your teeth and floss for at least 1 month and you'll see a difference eventually.

Posts: 383
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:53 am

Post by Snobuni »

Hi Green,

Has your deep cleaning improved you bb in the long-term? What exactly did it involve? And how much did it cost?

Were you diagnosed with gingivitus, or did you just try the treatment on the off chance that it would help your bb?
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Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:05 pm

Post by TiredofThis »

I agree that this could very well be a problem for some who have gum issues. Although it wasn't the cause of my bb, i had TERRIBLE plaque build up on my teeth that was never taken away after my braces came off. My teeth and gums are so much healthier now that I had my cleaning done (about 7 months ago). My gum pockets are filling nicely in around my teeth and my mouth definitely always feels fresher. Now that i've found the source of my bb, it just makes me that much more confident that I have no plaque build up in my mouth contributing to SITUATIONAL bad breath.
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Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:54 pm

Post by ithurts »

I had deep cleaning done at the same time as my wisdom teeth extraction. I think your insurance covers it. I didn't have to pay for anything. Deep cleaning involves basic cleaning and cleaning up your gum. Your gum would bleed for a few days. Your gum has a lot of build up that needs to be cleaned.
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:42 am

Post by Green »

Basically, my gums would bleed whenever I brushed--even if I didn't brush that hard. Anyway, I figured out about gingivitis from a friend when he kept telling me a long time ago that my gums would bleed and that I have gingivitis. At that time, I had no idea that my gingivitis was the cause of my bad breath. I got the deep cleaning this year. Medical insurance covered it so I was ok. It hurts quite a bit though. Remember to ask ur dentists for Chlorohexidine mouthwash after the treatment--I forgot and they didn't give me it! Anyway, after 1 1/2 months of brushing (and flossing occasionally) my bb went away. I have bad tastes in my mouth occasionally but I can gaurantee no more bad breath. I can actually drink milk and not have bb and even on an empty stomach I do not have bb.
why me?
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Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:28 pm

Post by why me? »

I read what searching did and decided to try it. Searching used a waterpik w/ hdyrogen peroxide and water and brushed w/ colgate w/ triclosan. I decided to try it last week and my bb is gone. I've had perio problems since I was 30 and in the past 7 years had tons of teeth extractions, crown, fillings, perio cleanings done. I still had ferocious bb. I couldn't understand why this was happening. I didn't have this problem when I was in my 20's, but I neglected to have my teeth checked on a regular basis. My pockets are 4's and up. I believe my bb had to do w/ my severe gingivitis and perio problems. I asked my son who i'm close to to test out my breath and he said he couldn't smell anything. I asked him what it smelled like before and he said it was so bad he couldn't even describe it. I have noticed changes in social get togethers. No one backs away or leaves me to sit by myself. I'm still a little paranoid and feel like I have bb at times. I asked my son to let me know if I he ever smells bb coming from me to let me know immediately!

I decided to try going w/ out using the waterpik and the bb came back. I know it has to do w/ my pockets in the gums. I can't believe there was that much bateria accumulated there.
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