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Update on my wisdom teeth extraction

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Update on my wisdom teeth extraction

Post by ithurts »

Got my wisdom teeth removed 3 weeks ago. My breath is still bad. I have been taking claritin which clears up my PND but I still feel like there is something in the back of my throat. I'm going to get my allergy shots soon.
I'm planning to go a dentist with a Halimeter soon. Thinking of this one( Does anyone have any experiences with this dude or any comments about this type of dentist?

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Post by phineas »

I'm really sorry to hear that, but don't give up. Do you still have your tonsils?
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Post by Archimonde »

sorry buddy, at least you can rule that out and look at other causes.

I tried Claritin once and felt absolutely horrible afterwards, i wonder if PND isn't something i actually need to fight off an infection otherwise why would my body produce it?
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Post by ithurts »

I am so freaking sad man.
PND is due to allergies at least in my case. Claritin definitely eliminates 80% of my PND but still bad taste in the back of my throat. I sometimes can smell my breath and I have to say it smells bad. I'm not sure how to describe it.
The people that give me weird looks and avoid me. I sometimes understand them and don't hate them as much. I sometimes smell someone with bad breath and my first reaction is gross but then feel sorry for that person. He is like me.
I'm getting my saliva cultured tomorrow, allergies shoot soon and get a freaking test on the Halimeter.
People can smell my breath more than 10 ft away if I talk long enough. what the shit..

It is such painful experience. For people like us, giving up is like giving up life. Giving up on hope. Giving up on the chance of joining humanity. I'm not giving up. I feel like I'm dying a little inside everyday.
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Post by halitosisux »

Very sad to hear it didnt help. Still definitely worth trying for anyone who clearly has odours coming from impacted teeth, but those who dont its just deciding whether its a gamble worth taking or not as part of the whole process of trial and error, since odours might not always be detectable.
Good for you that your tried it and can now rule that out, you are making progress every time you are able to rule something out. There is always hope as long as you keep moving logically forward the way you are doing.
I hope the cultures and other tests will lead you to something. Good luck.
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Post by dreamweaver »


I just made a surprising discovery about my problem. I was poking around my molars to see if there was any bad smell/pockets. Well, when I rubbed my left back molar and took a whiff of my finger, it smelled bad. Smelled like moth balls. All other areas were clean. I took a closer look at that particular molar and saw that the gum around it was paler in color and there was definitely what seemed to be a pocket around it. I'm not sure at this point if it's related to my wisdom tooth or not.

I have made an appt with a dentist to discuss the situation.

Hali, I should have paid closer attention to what you were saying about wisdom teeth/gums all along. I should have figured out this problem when I first started following this forum and reading your comments.

I'm not sure if solving this problem will resolve my BB situation, but I definitely think it will help. I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high b/c I've been let down before. But, I'm still hoping.

For those of you who haven't considered their wisdom teeth/gums as a potential cause of BB, please just take a minute to confirm once again. Who knows, you might make a similar discovery.

I'll update once I've seen the dentist.

Good luck.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi dreamweaver,
Glad u found that. It only took me 20 years despite multiple visits to multiple dentist, tonsillectomy, ENTs etc etc.
It's easy to assume your teeth are good, esp when your dentists say there is nothing wrong to cause BB. But if teeth had never caused anyone's BB before then it would be safe to assume that teeth generally have nothing to do with it. In reality its the absolute opposite.
Good luck!
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Post by ithurts »


before your wisdom teeth removal, do you have constant bad breath 24/7? Is it better on certain days?
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Post by halitosisux »

ithurts, if u can imagine the situation inside my mouth, a tooth crown which was half surrounded by tissue which trapped bacteria and debris allowing it to constantly produce very foul odour that poured into my mouth, you will get a better idea of how my mouth could smell 24/7. The only times it didnt was when i took metronidazole, but even then i had the most strange tastes, probably from microbial species unaffected by it.
The thing is these odours are so potent that they absorb into the "carpet" of the tongue, and just like any other potent odour it will linger in this way for hours. So its not the actual tooth or gum odour directly, but the sewer the mouth will become from even a small discharge of such odour being released.
By using a neutralizing chemical such as chlorine dioxide on the tongue, it would help for a few days, but as with any damage to the tongue surface, its protective mechanism will simply grow an even thicker coating and you are back to square one. It was futile, so i left my tongue alone, only the occasional scraping if i really needed it.
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Post by ithurts »

If I'm reading this right, if you don't have bad breath 24/7, the problem is not with your teeth. What do you think?
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Post by halitosisux »

I wouldnt make any such generalisations. If there is a "disease" process of some kind whether it be in the mouth or in the nose or the esophagus or the lungs, it depends on each particular case. Also if the cause is related to the natural oral bacterial environment being affected leading to transient BB, such as dehydration which happens even to BB free people when they sleep or get thirsty, then clearly this also could have variations and it would be wrong to generalise.
Its up to each person to look at their symptoms and the individual factors very carefully, fully understand the basic fundamentals of BB, and logically work their way backwards to the source of their problem.
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Post by ithurts »

Saliva culture turns out fine. I guess now I can eliminated that my bad breath is not coming from my mouth. Scheduling an appointment with my ENT in 2 weeks to do a bacteria test with my nose and throat. Even though I'm disappointed, I'm still pretty excited because I now know more about my problems.
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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Ithurts,

Could you tell me where you went for your saliva culture? Was it a dentist or a doctor?
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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Dreamweaver,

Any up date on your situation? Have you seen a dentist about the gum around your tooth yet?
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Post by dreamweaver »

Hi Snobuni,

Thanks for asking. I did visit a dentist yesterday. I got a few things accomplished during the visit:

1. x-rays
2. cleaning
3. discovered i have 4 new cavities
4. discovered that I have 2 wisdom teeth which have not erupted, both on the left side.

I told the dentist that I got a bad smell from the bottom back molar. She then showed me the x-rays and explained the situation to me. On the bottom, the wisdom tooth is still below the gum, but is pushing up towards the second molar. This created a bit of a pocket which was collecting food debris and bacteria. She told me she will take a closer look at the x-rays and get the opinion of the other dentist in the office before telling me if the wisdom tooth should be extracted.

I did notice a couple things things though. Today, 1 day after the cleaning, I rubbed around the same molar which gave the bad smell before and I did not get a bad smell on my finger. The dental assistant really cleaned the area well and also showed me how to floss properly. Whether the smell will come back in a few days remains to be seen.

Also, my mouth was more moist and my tongue was pinker. I still had the awful taste in my mouth though.

I hope the dentist gets back to me fairly quickly on the wisdom tooth.

I have a question for you guys. My sense of smell has diminished quite a bit. Are any of you experiencing this as well?

Halitosisux, how was your taste before and after you resolved your BB issue? If you had a bad taste in your mouth before, did this problem go away once your BB went away?
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