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Anyone Out There?? PARTICIPATE "Don't be lazy"

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Anyone Out There?? PARTICIPATE "Don't be lazy"

Post by wnaysha »

I know we all have talked for years about bb and how it can be cured, found some information that were helpful, but never really got to put all the puzzle pieces together.

Its NOW time to act professional like a scientist, collect data and get a good result from it/the time we spend here.

I want YOU to PLEASE post all of your SYMPTOMS. Ever single little thing. I want you to think for a few minutes about all different kinds of health problems you have, and those health problems that bother/don't bother you.

Lets be of the ones who don't just save themself , but others after them. So that no one goes through what we went through.

its not like we all know/seen eachother, lets discuss our symptoms openly.


talking and posting things won't help us, PLEASE help me HELP all of us,


Last edited by wnaysha on Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:29 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Hank »

This isn't such a bad idea, but the thing to remember here is that all the data you need is contained in the previous posts. No need to recreate the wheel. If someone were to go thru all the posts, one by one, and extract the meaningful data and put it in some intuitive logical format, I'm sure we would start to see some patterns emerge regarding symptoms, remedies, and cures. Someone could probably write a book on the subject with all the data on this forum. But it would take a lot of time and someone with intelligence to put it all together in a meaningful/useful way.

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Post by dreamweaver »


Wow. I was actually thinking along the same lines the past week or so. Here is what I was thinking though. I think we should form "mini-communities" or "mini-forums" based on the symptoms people have. For example, if person A has BB related to teeth/gum problems, then person A has no need to read/follow/post regarding digestive system-related symptoms and vice versa. This way, you will only talk with the people who are in the same boat as you are and be able to share opinions/strategies in a more organized manner. I know this is very general at this point, but if people agree with the idea, then we can work on the details.

As a start, here are my symptoms, whether related to BB or not, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1=doesn't bother me that much, 5=pain in the @$$

male, 27, 5' 8", 145 lbs, have been up to 155 lbs, suffering for 15 years, had mercury fillings which were replaced with "white" fillings, had tonsillitis (stones) b/c of which had tonsillectomy, non-smoker, non-drinker, overall "good" diet but could be better, should cut down on meat, try to stay away from junk food, drink plenty of water, good oral hygiene including flossing at night

-bad breath - 5
-bad/bitter taste in mouth - 5
-PND - 5
-dry mouth/thirst - 4
-white coating on tongue - 3
-dairy intolerance - 3
-allergies - 2
-general fatigue - 3
-lack of restful sleep - 4
-recently noticed possible pericoronitis in lower left wisdom tooth - 5

that's all for now. looking forward to people's responses.
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my symptoms

Post by wnaysha »

I have read everyone's posts and symptoms, but as you said It is not easy to put them together it needs a lot of work, so the best way is to ask every single member here to PARTICIPATE and post their symptoms.

YES it is a very good idea to have different sections for different kinds of bb, but we first need to categorize, I thank both of you =D> for starting this process, we need to keep posting our symptoms if we want a cure.

here are my symptoms:

-Dry mouth-2
-Acid/silent reflux-5
-Constipation/abnormal like digestive system/irregular bowel movement-5
-Dairy intolerance/spicy food-4
-tongue coating-2
-bumps in the back of my tongue-2
-silver fillings-0.1
-gets worse when hungry-5
-deppression/hair loss/nervousness-1
-impacted wisdom teeth-0.1
-sore throat-1
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Post by mich »

This is a good idea :D


Female, 22yrs old, asian, slim, have 1 mercury filling and still have it, I still have my wisdom teeth, I dont know if this is related but I have OCD(not severe) when I was a kid. But when I get older it goes away, still have it though sometimes. I have bb since 13 or 14yrs old, have tried different products with no help. The only thing that helped me manage my bb is when I have had 3 months of veggie diet. It has reduced my bb/bad taste for about 50% but It is difficult to continue due to I was lossing a lot of weight.

BB - 5
Nasal odor - 5
Bad taste - 5
Constipation - 5
Bloating - 5
Hairloss - 5
Crave for sweets - 5
Crave for bread - 4
Dry mouth - 4
Nervousness - 4
Feeling tired after eating - 4
Feeling sleepy after eating - 4
Frequent Urination with no pain - 3
Depression - 3
Low energy - 3
Acne - 3
Sinus prob - 1
Gum prob - 0

Yea, Guys take a little time to think and write in every symptoms that you have. All of us will benefit from this :D :lol:
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Post by TiredofThis »

I no longer have BB, but I'm going to post my previous symptoms anyway just for the benefit of other members.

Just a condition seemed to be a bit different from everybody else, since it was a very bad dairy intolerance.

female, 23, 5' 6", 148 lbs, suffered for 13 years, 1 mercury filling which doesn't bother me at all, have had it since 15 years of age, non-smoker, non-drinker, ENT diagnosed me with Acid Reflux but I never EVER had any symptoms so I have stopped taking my Nexium with no problems, it obviously wasn't a cause of my bb, around the time of my complete dairy elimination, I also started weight watchers and went from a high fat diet to a diet high in fiber, fruits and vegetables, love red meat but don't eat it too often. When I do (like this weekend), I get a terrible feeling in my stomach. I stick mostly to chicken, floss every night before bed, scrape tongue with BreathRX tongue cleaner and use the paste/mouthwash products. I really like them. Cut out cheese, milk, and chocolate. I do still eat breads, pastas and cakes that don't have cream or chocolate in them (just started incorporating the sweets back into the diet to see if they mess with my breath. So far, so good)

This is a measure of how bad my breath WAS

-bad breath - 5
-bad nose air- 5
-bad/bitter taste in mouth - 0
-PND - 0
-dry mouth/thirst - 3 (dry mouth only since my change of diet)
-white coating on tongue - 3 (easily scraped off morning and night, comes back during the day though)
-dairy intolerance - 5 (obviously that was my issue. I'd give it a 10 if that was an option)
-allergies - 1
-general fatigue - 1
-lack of restful sleep - 3.5
-I have all four wisdom teeth, 3 impacted under the gum and one is slightly up, but I have no trouble with that area at all. My upper left molar was producing a terrible smell when I would floss but once I stopped consuming dairy, that smell went away and I haven't had it since.

Another tidbit of information: My dairy intolerance was an odd one. I was a chocolate addict. I loved cheese but tried not to eat it too often. I never had bloating, stomach cramps, diharrea or anything else associated with dairy intolerance besides the terrible cheese smelling breath.

Hope this helps
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Post by dreamweaver »

Excellent information. I have started compiling the data into Excel and created a simple graph. I will continue to update as we get get more responses. Obviously, the more responses we get, the better the data will be.

Jimi, once I feel that we've gathered a good amount of data, I'd like to send it to you so you can post it on the website. Or should I just paste it as an image or something?
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Post by Harry_2K »

I wrote everything and suddenly the page refreshed on it's own, not sure why and I lost all the data. That really was very detailed. Not in a mood to retype everything again. Would do that, tomorrow. Sorry guys.

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Post by wnaysha »



thank u soooooo much, I didn't know how to put this whole thing together, u made it a lot more easier. :D
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Post by Green »

Hey you all, this is a good idea, Wnaysha.
However, remember that we all function on a different the discrepancy between 5 for someone and 4 for someone else probably does not exist...Anyway, remember this is subjective stuff...Also, one more thing, Wnaysha, the two bumps on the back of your tongue are taste buds. We all have them ;)
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Post by wnaysha »

Hi Green,

tnx, results are looking good, we need to keep working on it, plz don't forget to post ur symptoms :) .

I know its subjective stuff , to tell u the truth, at this point any data is better than wasting time here/ at least for me.

oh, about the bumps, lol, I know we all have them, what happens in my case is that, the acid/silent reflux, and salty pnd, ewwwww, lol, kinda makes them painful n big, n I also get white coating on them/ making my bb worse.
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Post by prey »

wnaysha wrote:Hi Green,

tnx, results are looking good, we need to keep working on it, plz don't forget to post ur symptoms :) .

I know its subjective stuff , to tell u the truth, at this point any data is better than wasting time here/ at least for me.

oh, about the bumps, lol, I know we all have them, what happens in my case is that, the acid/silent reflux, and salty pnd, ewwwww, lol, kinda makes them painful n big, n I also get white coating on them/ making my bb worse.
salty pnd?how often do you experience it?
i notice that i get salty pnd when i am in the gym and i run alot

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Post by Hal »

Hi Fellow Sufferers,

I'm not sure if you guy's have seen and or filled out the surveys that Jimi created for this purpose. If you click on the surveys link at the left of this page it will take you there. The survey seemed to be very thorough. If I remember correctly it even has a place to write any other symptons that you think are pertinent.

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Post by Sara »

Hal, people looking, I looked for the survey on the left and then found it at the top and on the right - survey results only on the left I think ...


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Post by halitosisux »

Hi, this is good and im sorry to distract from the main topic and efforts people have put in so far, but I was wondering if on a similar concept, everyone could make an individual thread in "MY STORY" section - for example:-
wnaysha - MY STORY
This way people could write very detailed history as long or as short as they need it to be. People will be free to read and discuss and post on that individual. People can keep a diary of the things they have or havent tried and it will remain there for others to go over and make connections or offer advice.
Jimi if u agree maybe u know a better way to structure this in a more effective way.
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