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Do you have silver fillings?

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Good News.

Post by wnaysha »

Hi everyone,

I had a dental appointment yesterday. I removed all of my silver fillings and replaced them with white fillings,

when I talked to my dentist about my silver fillings, she told me that the xrays didn't show any cavities, n it wasnt a good idea to remove them, but I still told her I wanted them removed,

So she agreed. When everything was over she told me that there were cavities under the fillings that were not visible in my xrays, n there were little cracks in my silver fillings causing food to go inside and decay.

The good news is that there was always a kind of smell in my mouth that never went away even after brushing, but is totally gone now after the removal of those silver fillings.

My bb is not cured yet, I still think the digestive system is causing my bb, BUT in our situation every single little thing couts right, SO if u have any silver fillings plz go remove them, not just because there might be invisible cavities under them, but because the mercury is not good for ur health. hope it helped uall.


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Post by Snobuni »


I've spoken to a couple of dentists about replacing my silver fillings, but, as with you, they've told me this isn't a good idea as there's no evidence of decay under the fillings that show up on an x-ray. I'm just wondering about a couple of things, firstly, can you describe the smell that you used to have that has now gone (I have an almost rotting tooth pulp smell to my bb, but no tooth decay) and has your bb changed but not entirely gone now? Also, how did you persuade your dentist to replace your silver fillings, both dentists I've seen don't want to do this.

It's also really interesting what you say about the decay and cracks which didn't show up in your x-rays, I've read a few articles online which suggests something similar (mainly that most silver fillings will have decay underneath and contain sub-surface cracks).

I think, after your experience, it may well be worthwhile having my fillings replaced to see if this improves my bb at all. Could you let me know if you experience and further improvements in your bb due to replacing your fillings?

Btw, are you in the UK? If you are, was it expensive to replace these fillings? :)

Thanks :D
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Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:30 am

Post by wnaysha »


the smell was like rotten eggs, or rotten food I think. Yes that smell is gone, but bb still exists. I told her I sometimes felt pain in those areas.

The reason why I decided to remove them was bcz when I did that survey n collected data, silver fillings was one of the common symptoms, and when I noticed those cracks on my silver fillings n after doing a little research on mercury I knew it would only benefit to remove them.

I live in U.S. It actually costed like $4000 but I have delta dental (insurance) so my copay was like $500. again I'm sure there are dentists that do it for less than $4000 so go to different dental offices ask them to give u an estimate and then do it.
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Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:17 am

Post by thf »


Thanks, that's really good info. I have a dental appt next week and I had planned on going in and asking about having my silver fillings replaced, now I won't take no for an answer. I had spoken to a previous dentist about replacing them and he didn't think I should, for whatever reason dentist are very reluctant to replace them.
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