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Fruitarianism: WE CAN DO THIS!

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Fruitarianism: WE CAN DO THIS!

Post by bimms »

Here's a couple of sites that I have been reading lately about the "raw food" diet, which is also known as "fruitarianism."

I really believe that this diet not only can heal bad breath permanently, but that it is also the most healthy diet we can have as human beings, BAR NONE!

Here is a couple of sites I have found about this:

The first one is all about fruitarianism:

The second one is a thirty day blog about somebody who seriously tried it:

I Have been inspired to seriously give it a go!

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Post by christyxxx »

dont know if this'll work. the whole point of getting rid of bb is to starve those bacteria that cause Volatile Sulphur Compounds. the fruitarian diet consists of raw fruit and seeds.Fruits still contain natural sugars. and the bacteria can still feed off these and cause the VSCs. and most seeds consist of protein, which, again doesn't help the situation. but i guess this diet is better than most of the others because it helps to cleanse the body. i think i'll give it a go anyway. see what happens. i havent got anythin to lose.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

this will cure you, but you have to add raw veggies, it almost cured me but I switched back to cooked food

If you want cure, than this is it, but never again you will eat good food, raw foodis good, but you get bored and starve all the time
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Post by bimms »

I've been reading some more stuff about the Fruitarian or Raw Food diet:

1. They say you should eat melons in the morning, so I have been stocking up on different melons. It is kind of fun to explore all the different melons there are, like Santa Claus melons and others that I never thought about before.

2. I have been eating other fruits while working. (Bananas, Apples, Oranges, et cetera). Fruits are actually very satisfying, I just get hungry toward the end of the work day for something fatty.

3. Once I get home, I allow myself to eat fatty type food. For example, soybean meat substitutes, or fatty nuts (especially macadamias.) Soybean "meats" and macadamias seem like they are able to cure my craving for fats and oils. They satiate me after a day of fruits.

4. I end the day with microwaved veggies, especially broccoli and cauliflower. There are all kinds of herbs and sauces you can put on them to make them so tasty.

5. I really think this is do-able. I already feel my mouth is losing the constant reflux that I believe was causing my BB.

6. There is a book called "Grain Damage" that I plan to read. Basically, the idea is that eating grains stresses the Thyroid gland, which causes the body to react harmfully. Also, I think grains are responsible for making me get reflux, which then leads to BB.

7. I believe that cutting out grains, meat, and dairy, will almost certainly eliminate BB. My experiment will continue, but I already feel healthier and I know I can keep this up.

8. The key is fruit all day until you get home, then satiate your need for fatty proteins with soybeans and various fatty nuts. Top off with healthy veggies, and BB doesn't stand a chance.
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Post by deebas »

Jimi wrote:this will cure you, but you have to add raw veggies, it almost cured me but I switched back to cooked food

If you want cure, than this is it, but never again you will eat good food, raw foodis good, but you get bored and starve all the time
reminds me of the guy in the matrix who couldn't stand eating the protein gruel 8)

I think cooked vegies and raw fruit would be ok... According to most science articles, cooking vegies is as good if not better for most vegetables.. as long as you don't nuke them
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Post by ithurts »

I'm on the candida diet which is much easier than raw.
I have to say that for all the suffering that I went through, this diet is a piece of cake. I was never into food that much so it's easier.

All my ambitions in life are on hold due to bb. I don't want children because I'm afraid I would spread this disease to them. I thought I'll be alone for the rest of my life because of this disease. I'm a decent looking man and so afraid of women due to bb.

So this little trade-off is the easy way out.
I encourage everyone to give this or candida diet a try.
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