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I SWEAR By This Stuff!!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I SWEAR By This Stuff!!

Post by BreathGuRu »

I have suffered from bad breath for as long as I can remember. I wrote a story on my blog, but to sum it up, I now have it completely under control.

It took a ton of research from me, but I found the exact cause of Bad Breath (there are many) and a solution to each of these causes.

You can get a free copy of the ebook that helped me

It really gives you an in depth understanding of the causes and solutions to bad breath. The doctor who wrote it is a Dentist, with a STRONG background in the studies of Micro Bacteria, such as the sulfur producing ones that can grow in our mouths.

It is completely free to download.

The doctor also has a trial pack he sends out for free, if you want to give the products a try. I PROMISE YOU, THEY WILL WORK FOR SOME OF YOU! I SWEAR by them!

If you want to try them, you can see them all here:

Let me know if you have questions.
Last edited by BreathGuRu on Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by halitosisux »

How funny.. I never used any of this shit, only 1 bottle of RetardEX one of my crook dentists swindled me over about 10 years ago which helped for the first day until a thick tongue coating developed.
And yet im cured now because I persisted in finding out why I had BB, not waiting for someone else to do it for me, which would have been nice of course, but if only it was true.
Waste your money if you want to make this guy even fatter and maybe slightly help your BB situation for a few days AT BEST.
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Post by katie »

Unfortunately, I have purchased several therabreath products in the past and none of them worked for me.
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Post by hope4now »

Thanks, SpamGuRu!

Anyone who's tried that stuff knows it don't work for chronic bb.
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Post by Sally »

I've tried these products and they simply don't work !!!

Please be honest in these forums and stop trying to sell stuff - I would like to see soem genuine info on helping people with BB

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Post by smileyXDD »

hi breathguru :D
I know how u feel about how well that thing works.
Honestly I do think it works.
I've tried it one day and it worked instantly.
Seriously people,
When I mean right combination,
you need to know your problem first.
Let's say u have tonsil stones,
well u should use the nasal drops and try to oral rinse with toothpaste.
It totally works.
Because it's not like those gay mint coverups Crest uses to
"cure" bad breath.
Honestly people, how many of you actually READ the ebook to see
what it does?
Dude, it works.
Just believe XDDD
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Post by Ice »

smileyXDD wrote:hi breathguru :D
I know how u feel about how well that thing works.
Honestly I do think it works.
I've tried it one day and it worked instantly.
Seriously people,
When I mean right combination,
you need to know your problem first.
Let's say u have tonsil stones,
well u should use the nasal drops and try to oral rinse with toothpaste.
It totally works.
Because it's not like those gay mint coverups Crest uses to
"cure" bad breath.
Honestly people, how many of you actually READ the ebook to see
what it does?
Dude, it works.
Just believe XDDD
unfortunatelly i tried It and used it for about a year or so... still had bb, but atleast I had feeling I did is expensive, and doesn't work :(
-I read the bible any many other literature about bb...
-I used nasal spray, drops etch... burning sensation but no relief... (AO tablets help with the stones, but bb is still there... if anything I would by them but there are no in my country, shipping etch costs more than the relief that brings...
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Post by Susie »

Never trust a bald ugly man hehe

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Post by deebas »

My BB actually got worse from using Therabreath.

I would recommend that everyone stay away from that stuff.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

never trust fucks with only 1 posts who are plugging

i will remove fascists links
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Post by celica »

I got scam for paying an internet of abible to download who can help you instantly for 25 dollars theres none and so Im waiting for it to be download and nothing happened I called paypal and paypal will not give back my money its good that AMerican express refund it to me. so I dont believe this GURu stupid just to extract money from desperate people now that there is a forum like this who can share each other their scam is finish and done. No one will believe on them or this site was never created and popular.
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Post by BreathGuRu »

celica wrote:I got scam for paying an internet of abible to download who can help you instantly for 25 dollars theres none and so Im waiting for it to be download and nothing happened I called paypal and paypal will not give back my money its good that AMerican express refund it to me. so I dont believe this GURu stupid just to extract money from desperate people now that there is a forum like this who can share each other their scam is finish and done. No one will believe on them or this site was never created and popular.
Sorry you got scammed in the past, but this really is a free eBook. You can get it at the TheraBreath site if you want.

For those of you who think your Breath got "Worse", and that it didn't "work"... HOW DO YOU KNOW?! You cannot smell your own breath!

Yes, the products give you a funny taste to begin with, but that is because it is KILLING THE BACTERIA that has been adding flavor to your mouth!

GOD YOU PEOPLE ARE BITTER! And no, I honestly DO BELIEVE IN THIS STUFF! And I do not make anything for telling people about it. Seriously, you are a bunch of ingrates!

Your breath is foul - JUST LIKE YOUR ATTITUDES!

You all "WANT A CURE" now. You want it to be easy, and to have the same thing work for everyone.

Well newsflash... NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! Thera Breath has tons of products for various different kinds of Bad Breath that have been proven to WORK! And they worked for me. So if you personally had a bad experience - I would ask yourself.

1) Do you even know what is causing your bad breath?

2) Are you just jumping and trying various products without knowing if they will help YOUR specific condition?

3) Are you expecting to NEVER have bad breath again? And never have to rinse with mouthwashes or retreat the areas?

If you don't know what causes your Halitosis... then DO NOT JUMP TO A PRODUCT AND SAY IT DOESN'T WORK! Maybe THAT specific type is not for YOUR CASE!

So, spare me your Pitty-Party because IT DOES WORK FOR ME!

And as far as being "Cured". Never gonna happen lazy people! You can control the condition and find what works on a daily basis, but YOUR MOUTH WILL ALWAYS BREED BACTERIA cause it is WARM and DAMP!

Just like you can't have a "CURE" for having to do your hair everyday, you cannot have a cure for bad breath completely! YOU STILL HAVE TO MANAGE IT!

Seriously, I don't know why I am bothering to try and help people who are so negative, demanding, and DO NOT do their research.

Stop being Lazy!

And yes, the eBook is free. I am not sharing it with you guys though. Find it on your own.
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Post by halitosisux »

People are sick of hearing this insulting brainwashing sales hyped BULLSHIT.
The fact is it would be GREAT if something actually DID exist that worked but NOTHING WORKS because people on this site dont have garlic breath or coffee breath or what most people would consider nuisance odours which linger from food etc, their breath smells of SHIT because there's more to it than just zapping oral bacteria temporarily. Oral bacteria grows exponentially like a chain-reaction. And the smell of SHIT lingers too, so the benefits of zapping everything dont last for long, literally a few minutes.

No matter what you do to oral bacteria it will RESUME itself and whatever situation causes these bacteria to create a SEWER inside the mouth is still there.

This INSULTING NONSENSE means nothing to the people on here and all you want to do is prolong the misery and protect your business.

If any professional people are reading this, what sufferers need is DEDICATED help to get their underlying causes diagnosed. A place they can go to which will take them and OFFER to do all the necessary investigations, instead of leaving people to grind through a lifetime of trying to solve it for themselves. JUST IMAGINE IF PEOPLE HAD TO THIS FOR EVERY MEDICAL PROBLEM, but they dont, they are treated with dignity and given the help they need.
BB isnt treated as a medical problem because it has stigma attached to it because of what USUALLY causes bad breath, poor oral hygiene etc. And yet people on here go to the ends of the earth just HOPING to find out why they have BB, let alone the dream of curing it.
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Post by BreathGuRu »

halitosisux wrote:People are sick of hearing this insulting brainwashing sales hyped BULLSHIT.
The fact is it would be GREAT if something actually DID exist that worked but NOTHING WORKS because people on this site dont have garlic breath or coffee breath or what most people would consider nuisance odours which linger from food etc, their breath smells of SHIT because there's more to it than just zapping oral bacteria temporarily. Oral bacteria grows exponentially like a chain-reaction. And the smell of SHIT lingers too, so the benefits of zapping everything dont last for long, literally a few minutes.

No matter what you do to oral bacteria it will RESUME itself and whatever situation causes these bacteria to create a SEWER inside the mouth is still there.

This INSULTING NONSENSE means nothing to the people on here and all you want to do is prolong the misery and protect your business.

If any professional people are reading this, what sufferers need is DEDICATED help to get their underlying causes diagnosed. A place they can go to which will take them and OFFER to do all the necessary investigations, instead of leaving people to grind through a lifetime of trying to solve it for themselves. JUST IMAGINE IF PEOPLE HAD TO THIS FOR EVERY MEDICAL PROBLEM, but they dont, they are treated with dignity and given the help they need.
BB isnt treated as a medical problem because it has stigma attached to it because of what USUALLY causes bad breath, poor oral hygiene etc. And yet people on here go to the ends of the earth just HOPING to find out why they have BB, let alone the dream of curing it.

Once again - Not sure if you can read.


It's fine if that is your case, but there are some people who do browse through here that this could help.

Second, It's not my "business"! HA! I wish! I am not affiliated with them at all - nor do I plan on being. I am simply telling you what has worked for me and my advice. But seriously, everyone on here is SOOOOO BITTER! It's ridiculous!

BTW, When are you coming out with your doctorate degree that qualifies you to say that this product - which has been proven to work for many people- is "Bullshit"?

If you don't like the suggestion - or you say it didn't work for you - then that's fine! But it was you guys, and people like YOU personally, who started flying off the handle over it! RELAX! Move on if it didn't work for you! No need to call it "useless" and "Bullshit", cause guess what, it's not! It works for me and a lot of other people, and I continue to use it daily.
Last edited by BreathGuRu on Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BreathGuRu »

BreathGuRu wrote:
halitosisux wrote:People are sick of hearing this insulting brainwashing sales hyped BULLSHIT.
The fact is it would be GREAT if something actually DID exist that worked but NOTHING WORKS because people on this site dont have garlic breath or coffee breath or what most people would consider nuisance odours which linger from food etc, their breath smells of SHIT because there's more to it than just zapping oral bacteria temporarily. Oral bacteria grows exponentially like a chain-reaction. And the smell of SHIT lingers too, so the benefits of zapping everything dont last for long, literally a few minutes.

No matter what you do to oral bacteria it will RESUME itself and whatever situation causes these bacteria to create a SEWER inside the mouth is still there.

This INSULTING NONSENSE means nothing to the people on here and all you want to do is prolong the misery and protect your business.

If any professional people are reading this, what sufferers need is DEDICATED help to get their underlying causes diagnosed. A place they can go to which will take them and OFFER to do all the necessary investigations, instead of leaving people to grind through a lifetime of trying to solve it for themselves. JUST IMAGINE IF PEOPLE HAD TO THIS FOR EVERY MEDICAL PROBLEM, but they dont, they are treated with dignity and given the help they need.
BB isnt treated as a medical problem because it has stigma attached to it because of what USUALLY causes bad breath, poor oral hygiene etc. And yet people on here go to the ends of the earth just HOPING to find out why they have BB, let alone the dream of curing it.

Once again - Not sure if you can read.


It's fine if that is your case, but there are some people who do browse through here that this could help.

Second, It's not my business! HA! I wish! I am not affiliated with them at all - nor do I plan on being. I am simply telling you what has worked for me and my advice. But seriously, everyone on here is SOOOOO BITTER! It's ridiculous!

BTW, When are you coming out with your doctorate degree that qualifies you to say that this product - which has been proven to work for many people- is "Bullshit"?

If you don't like the suggestion - or you say it didn't work for you - then that's fine! But it was You guys, and people like YOU personally who started flying off the handle over it! RELAX! Move on if it didn't work for you! No need to call it "useless" and "Bullshit", cause guess what, it's not! It works for me and a lot of other people, and I continue to use it daily.

For example... and this is JUST an example, so please no flying off the handle people.

If you had, say an abscessed tooth and didn't know it, and the infection in your tooth was what was actually causing your Bad Breath. You could use PRODUCT after PRODUCT after PRODUCT, and nothing would work for you!

Then you could proceed to say that those products were all "Bullshit" cause they didn't get rid of the odor!

In this situation the products DIDN'T WORK FOR YOUR CASE, but they could very well work in someone else's!

This is why it is so important to know WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS! It is very hard to find out, though! Sometimes Dentist, Doctors, and even Yourself will all overlook things.

So, it could be a combination of several things that are causing your odors, a couple things, or maybe even just ONE thing.

Point is, there are literally thousands of combinations of things that could be causing your bad breath. This product I mentioned CAN WORK FOR THE RIGHT PERSON! It did for me!

So don't knock something just cause it didn't save your day. Let it save someone else's!

The End.
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