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My experience - fixing REFLUX

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Re: My experience - fixing REFLUX

Post by elliott »

iva wrote:Perhaps you remember that I have stomach issues - reflux (turning into laryngopharingeal and contributing to my halitosis), gastritis, etc.
I fixed my reflux by having the Esophyx procedure, which restores the lower esophageal sphyncter and thus prevents the stomach contents from returning to the esophagus.
Then, since I had a thick white coating of the tongue, I took fluconazole, which made the coating disppear and also my nasal sectretion almost disappeared.
I can reassure you that I haven`t felt my mouth or throat so clean since I have had halitosis.
After going through my morning cleaning routine I get no reactions......until I eat anything (lunch for example). Still that gives me at least 4 hours without reactions. Hours of freedom!
Well, that leads me to the conclusion, that for some reason (LPR, PND) a biofilm has formed in my mouth and throat and now all I can do is fight this biofilm.
Pretty much that has been my progress so far, hope my experience can help some of you.
YOU DID IT? Great for you Iva. I have been waiting for you to come here and say that you had the test. It is the one test that I want to do, but have been wary.

Well, I'm next. Will report the result.

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Post by elliott »

iva wrote:Lost,

before thinking of surgery you should be absolutely sure u need one. Endoscopy reveals whether u have a loose non functioning lower esophageal sphincter.
Barrium swallow would show if u experience reflux and if u have hiatal hernia and good esophageal motility.
24 hour PH test (which is not available in my country and I have never done it) would show if u have reflux, how high it reaches, whether it is acidic or not.
Maybe there are other tests that I am not aware of...
Just wanna add, don't rely on the barium swallow. If you pass, you may still qualify for the surgery, If your doc ays you have hiatal hernia, you should look into the surgery. Same with the 24 hour ph test. I do not believe they are accurate. because our conditions may be better or worse at any given point of the day. However, if your sphincter has eroded, therein lies the proof.

I'm glad you bring this up, because when I did a few times long ago, I was ignored. Very glad.
ungrateful trash
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Post by mindyb »

Can you explain a little bit more where you started with narrowing it down....
Did you just go to a doctor to have the barium and endoscopy? What kind of doctor was it?
I'm not sure if hiatal hernia is inherited, but my father has it. No bad breath, but HH. I def. have some kind of reflux issue, just not diagnosed. So I'm looking to start at square 1 to check this off my list of possible causes of my bad breath.
What country are you in and what made you want to have Esophyx procedure?
Thanks in advance for the info!
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Post by iva »


obviously you are into the problem and have done a lot of research so u know what u are doing. When are u planning to have the Esophyx? Do u have a good doctor?
I agree with u that most of the tests are not very accurate and u can`t rely on them 100%. E.g. after my Barrium swallow I was told I had no reflux...

The problem with halitosis caused by stomach problems (LPR mostly) is that it is extremely hard to make the connection between the two. Then when u fix the stomach problem (if u manage to do it), the halitosis caused by it does not disappear instantaneously (like it does with dental issues) . At least I think so.

Mindy, I didn`t "just go to a doctor to have the barium and endoscopy". It took me years, a lot of money, a lot of research, numerous visits to different doctors to isolate the possible reason for my halitosis. For years I was lingering between my stomach, teeth, pnd and who knows what else. I did many crazy things like pulling a wisdom tooth out, going to ozone therapy, laser therapy, etc.
But the crucial moment for my decision to have the surgery was when after an endoscopy I was told I had a loose LES. I didn`t know I had a HH until the doctor that would perform the surgery made an endoscopy and saw it.
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Post by elliott »

Hey Iva,

actually the barium swallow, as far as I know, checks or confirms whether or not food travels down the esophagus properly. People with a weal 'swallow' or weak upper esophagus muscles have issues with food being lodged in the throat area. Few years ago, that is what I thought my problem was. Barium test showed me that food was not getting stuck, so I was left wondering why my throat still felt clogged. I believe it is what you call, biofilm...what we may mistake for pnd coating the throat and tonsil area.

Anyways, how have you been getting along so far? Obviously I am curious! :)
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Post by iva »


I also believe this globus sensation in the throat is due to biofilms. When I clean my tongue I scrape a very thick and sticky transparent "thing" which is the biofilm and I can`t imagine what it is like in the throat where you can`t scrape. I believe pnd contributes to building up a biofilm. (interesting to know that after the esophyx my pnd disappeared miraculously).

I am not sure how I have been getting along, but I may tell you that I just finished working with a colleague of mine and we were sitting very close together,about 20 cm, and she didn`t run away screaming. I guess if my situation was so bad she wouldn`t resist...
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

so what did you achieve with operation?
Is your bb gone, I think it is just useless torture of your body. Like removeing molar teeth.

Useless crap. You still have biofilm on yout tongue even though you have an operation.
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Post by iva »


as I wrote many times when u have bb due to stomach problems, your bb does not go away as fast as the bb caused by a bad tooth for example.

Before the operation nothing helped not even for half an hour...Now I can communicate normally just by performing my cleaning routine. Which, as I have already said, gives me at lleast 4 hours free of bad breath (until I eat).

As far as I can remember, I would do anything to have some bb-free time and same is true for everyone on the forum.

So the operation made a huge difference for me.
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