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Hospitalised and so alone

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Hospitalised and so alone

Post by scarzxx »

Hi I Have just come out of a hospital after 7 moths because of my BB. I tried to overdose on 48 paracetamol and even then the doctors were denying i have BB. So the twats put me in hospital. They even put me on anti psychotic drugs and tried to make out it was all in my head. My life is so miserable I am only 17 but ive had BB since I was 12. My social and educational life is failing. I am just a step away from dropping out of college. Noone in my class will sit near me, everytime i step in the room they open the window and when im at the gym the people there say shit really loudly around me. I havnt had a proper intimate relationship because of my BB. I am losing my psyche and I dont know what to do. I feel so alone. Being in hospital didnt help, the other patients constantly made remarks about my BB not to me but behind my back. I dont know what to do. and i want to die. :(

LiFeS a BiTcH...sHiT hApPeNs!
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am so sorry my girl for you sufferings, there are probably many people here that ended in hospital because of bb. Try to be strong, you are still very young and have a chance for cure!

Welcome back to the site.
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Post by block »

im in 25, finishing colleage, and I know exactly what ure going through, high school, colleage was hell for me, people holding their mouth, their breath, looking at me like im a freak, like i dont brush my teeth 3 times a day... and im positive I have bb, I mean strong bad breath, people started leaving classes after sitting next to me, told me directly etch... I have had so many coments, from friends and drom strangers, belive it or not... i lost couple of jobs due to bb, manager talked to me about how important higiene is, so trust me i know what ure goin through!
BUT the amizing thing is, that not all noticed my bb, I had a stady girlfriend for many years (she was hot, everyone envied me), I dont need to tell u this, but I never was sure why was shee with me?..turns out she didnt notice my bb, ever (maybe twice, when it was a disaster, I ate food with garlic, chocholate, beer etch, os I knew it was bad at those times) but otheer than that she never noticed it! after her I had another girlfriend, never noticed my bb, seriously-she allways wanted to kiss, and i wasnt to font to kissing.... I asked some of my close frineds about bb, friends i trust with my life, real friends, and they never noticed my bb... which gave me hope... because i know there are some chicks, well people that dont smell my bb. I mean it is hard to find someone who is compatible with u without bb, but with bb, it only limits u to only certain people, but one of them is right for u,

u dont need everyone to love u, only that one special person, and trust me if I had girls/women, u will to.... now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting u should try being a lesbian, but its an option :D - u know i'm kidding, at least in this part ;)
I'm finishing colleage, have a great job, people respect me because of what I do, and know, and because of the person I am, handsome with great sense for humor ;) (no its nott an add, I'm just bragging ;) )
anyway chin up, and u'll see in a couple of years u'll thank me, for giving u this tip right now, u can't be pesimistiv in these years, scientist find every day something new, and u are giving up?? are u a pussy?? then stop acting like that...(I wanted to write something else here, but changed my mid ;) )
if u killed urself today, and the cure was found tomorow, or next week, wouldn't u feel really silly?? come on, use ure brains missy!

anyway I hope any of these advices gave u a clearer view to the situation, being pesimistic takes u nowhere.... and better not hear u dropping out of school! what u cant do it? because ure to stupid? other girls in ure class are smarter than u?? ure slow?? think about ure friends for a second, ad I bet u got at least one freind who is dumb as a rock, but will finish colleage, and u will not? if thats the case, then u really are stupid. + if u want to try different stuff, cures etch, those things cost, so u need a good job to aford them, a good job is for well educated people, not for life time loosers who give up on their first obsticle in their way...
+ think of ure family, s*****e is selfish! and don't u want to experience more stuff in life??driving an aeroplane or jetskiing, or first kiss, first sex, maybe winnig a loteryy and funding the cure :) u would give all this up?? Me for instance, I just live for expresion on my neighbours face when he goes to pick up his newspaper, and its gone, because kids took it (or me :) ) it makes my day, I'm laughing just thinking about it,... who knows what else life has for me... maybe I'll meet maddona? who knows,.. but I do know I dont want to miss a thing, not even strawberry cake, my favorite... I know I'm not missing noone of this! u decide for urself, if u die, ure just another nut, that toook her life for nothing... just a something,and someone, I'm trying different stuff to decrese bb, and so far going good, + its good when ure educated people take u more seriously, and u get to know "important" people, that can help u with ure problem... as I said, I dont want to waste my time, by now either u got it, or not, its up to u...

Good luck
I hope some day when we're all cured we'll meet for a drink and u'll say:" damn Ice so good to know uuuuu!" ;)
that stands for the rest of u guys here ;)

bye ICE
(Block= ICE, my account was dissabled by jimi)
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Post by Snobuni »

Aaaaw, Scarz, I feel for your situation so much, but Ice is right! :D

I've been feeling so low lately, thinking of dropping out of uni and ending all this. But Ice, you've really made me think, and you're right!! I have days when I get so angry 'cos I don't want to miss out on life and everything I've still got to experience, but sometimes I feel like life is too hard to live with this disease :(

Your posting was great tho, whenever I read a post like this is gives me hope, and makes me think I should just give myself a kick up the arse (easier said than done tho eh?)

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for the post Ice.... steal you neighbours newspaper?!! :lol:
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Post by Archimonde »

When i feel really low, i go buy cookie dough. That's probably not the answer you were looking for but that always cheers me up a lil :oops:
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Post by scarzxx »

Thanks Jimi

And Ice You are totally right, I shouldnt let this get me down, it would be such a waste to end it all because of this horrid problem. I have to keep strong and keep on fighting.
Winners never quit and quiters never win! i will keep on going :)
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Post by block »

@ snobi,
well its not that much of stealing, Its more borrowing, I often put it back in the mailbox... a week or two later.. so the man knows whats he been missing O:)

offcourse I'm right! ;)
PS: what is a winner actually? a loser that never gave up ;)
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Post by goldenbrown »

I know how you feel. I'm 16 and I overdosed and ended up in hospital.
I just can't cope anymore you know x
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Post by exume »

im also 16 but to the user please dont kill urself i kno how this feels it sucks ppl are so cruel
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