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Tongue Cleaning

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by austuser »

my mouth is always moist, tongue gel or not, its only when i go to talk to someone close up i get super dry. My phobia of offending people with my breath has created a vicious cycle where being scared of having bb when talking is drying my mouth out, which in turn may make my breath worse.

I think the standard amount of water a day for anyone is 8 glasses.

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Post by jc »

I don`t think that dry mouth is the sole culprit for chronic bb sufferers coz as far as I can remember I was always lacking in salivary flow but my bb only appeared when I turned 19. I also started drinking lots of h2o only because of this condition, to no avail. I suspect that it may be a hormonal problem or a mutation of the bacteria & yeast due to my consistent intake of antibiotics during my childhood. Isn`t there a lab that test these kind of stuff. I live in a third world country so we don`t have the technology for that.
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not the only thng...

Post by LJ »

Hey JC:
Dry mouth is different in people with chronic bb. It always makes it travel farther and faster than before; it's a great way to spread your joy.
Not the sole cause; there doesn't seem to be a single cause we can all rally around to cure; like if we knew 50% on the boards were suffering from halitosis erectus difficultus; we may be able to treat it with a little oral viagara.
But because it's a symptom for most of us of some unknown factor we have not yet discovered; we rely on basic information to keep the symptom under control. That is stay moist; stay away from caustic or drying agents; avoid antibiotics; use probiotics; no dairy to fuel the proteins; regular brushing (sonicare is most effective though), tongue brushing; flossing;no alcohol or soap; these are the basics that should be followed.
If you have entrenched halitosis this won't make a whole lot of diffference except to keep your mouth a little less stressed out form the assaults on it.
Dry mouth does not=bb
but mathematically, bb + dry mouth= major breath crisis
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Post by austuser »

this is where i get confused. I KNOW its bacteria that is the only cause of my bb because when i took metronidazole my bb was GONE. I am now on a tripple treatment of esomeprazole, claryththromycin and amoxycillin antibiotics for Helicobacter pylori (no lectures on the evils of antibiotics please) and my breath is odourless, confirmed by my brother and mum. Still get dry when talking, no bb.

Okay, so it may come back. But the fact is, antibiotics kill bacteria so when the bacteria in my body is dead, i dont have bb. Yes, bb is a symptom of a deeper problem. The deeper problem is that the bacteria keep coming back. Why? Some people with milder halitosis take antibiotics and the bacteria doesnt return. What is in our bodies that allows bad bacteria to return? We say, "antibiotics kill the bad bacteria but then the bacteria become resistent and thrive." But we're missing the fact that for some reason, the bacteria DOES come back. It shouldnt come back for no reason. If anything, it should be 50/50. By that i mean half the time it should be good bacteria that come back and recolonise, and half the time it should be bad bacteria, because its up to chance. So what disease or condition or deficiency makes it so that when antibiotics are done, only the bad bacteria are able to colonise? Is there something rotting in an organ that is constantly producing bad bacteria? Is there something wrong in the bowel whereby feces can leak into the system and affect the whole body constantly? Why does bb smell like feces? So many questions.
Total Newbie
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Post by rc »

Hi again. Thanks for your replies. At the moment I am using breezecare gel, but having read abount Tung gel on another topic I have decided to order some of it. Which of these, if either please, are likely to be of any benefit to me? I do consume HUGE amounts of water but I think that because I play quite a bit of sport and end up mouth breathing, my breath is still badly affected by dry mouth. But sport isn't something that I want to give up because it's a relief from worrying about my breath. Finally, could mouth breathing also be causing or making worse my bad breath by drying out my mouth? Although I would think yes, I think the smell tends to come from my throat, because when I stick a finger down my throat the smell is really awful. Surely dry mouth wouldn't be having any effect in my throat because I would've thought that is an anerobic region for everyone? Thanks, rc
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just to say it...

Post by LJ »

I'll just say it; there are always bad bacteria as you call them in your body; you have a cleaning system that has shut down. It does not break down these baddies into good guys.
when you take antibiotics; you kill them all; inviting more of the anearobic to your party. They trash your house; play loud music; spill all over your floor; and there's nothing to clean this mess up.
I myself have had temporary good breath from certain antibiotics too. But what I've found is afterwards I've created a denser jungle of despair.
I would rather wait for the STAMP technology than go again with any sort of antibiotic treatment.
The medical community is turning it's back on this old technology; antibiotics; they want to find something better that doesn't take such at toll on the body. I agree; and am plenty willing to wait.
The H pylori treatement hasn't caused a yeast or fungal infection yet? Watch for that too. And the clarithramicin is the clyndamicin I was telling you about that could cause chronic colitis. (sorry, I did it and said I wouldn't).
RC, if you're referring to the Tung Brush Gel; It's going to dry your tongue; it's got SLS and zinc. The brush itself is good; the gel is bad.
But you're young, you can figure this out for yourself. Try to do it before you end up chronic.
I hypothesize that if I knew at 18 what I know now; I may not have the severe condition I have ended up with. I hit myself with so many horrible products; antibioticis; antibacterials; that I may have damaged my system permanently.
Play it cool dude; don't get crazy and start beer bonging therabreath. Laura
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