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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by PR1988 »

thanx for the information and sorry to be askin all these question but i really want to get to the problem and fixed it.

so today i went to the ENT dr. he didnt give me anything said iwas ok nothing =[ left there really disappointed.

an allergist, how much is that i have no insurance?? but ill pay watever if it really will help? is that how you found your cure???

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Hey, sorry for the delay. I have insurance and no longer have any medical receipts so I can't give you a solid answer as to price. ENT told you your sinuses were ok huh? You still think it's PND? How's your diet, what do you eat and drink in a typical day? How much water, caffeine, etc?

I am all for you getting a second opinion and an allergy test but I'm pretty sure it will be expensive if you live in the U.S. You may be able to get some flonase and astepro from an "online pharmacy" maybe in Canada or UK. In my case though, I was put on Prednisone first then, the nasal steroid/antihistamine combo. So, I'm not sure if it was the whole combination of the 3 drugs that cured it or what.

I do remember getting a Z-PAK sometime ago and experiencing a permanent improvement in my BB of about 30%. This may have HELPED my sinus situation but not cured it. a Z-PAK (azythromicin) only cost me $7 but it was prescription also.

Again, give me a meal day........I think sometimes it's what we put in our bodies that helps the halitosis get strong.
Your friend NOTANYMORE
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Post by PR1988 »

again sorry for being so ignorant......

yes that wat he said but i dont believe him 100% he is an old doctor but you would think he has alot of exprenince right.

my diet well i drink two protien shakes a day, i try to eatin anything with protein in it like tuna chicken, im hispanic so i eat tortillas everyday lol. all i drink is water now. i dont drink colored drinks or anything like that.

when you havd PND would you blow out from nose lots of mucus? and did you have that feeling like if you had something in your throat?

i contacted a allergy clinic they charge me 400 for allergy test ima go for it.
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Hey PR......I don't think you're ignorant. Anyway, I think you will overcome your problem just because you are tenacious and you don't seem like you'll ever give up. GOOD FOR YOU!

So your diet sounds good. Sounds like you get lot's of protein. You lift weights or workout? If you do, do you take supplements? The reason I'm asking is because some pre-workout sups have loads of caffeine in them like NO2 sups and creatine is known for it's drying affect in the mouth.

To answer your question about the symptoms of my PND. Yes, lump in throat almost all the time and especially in the morning and night and when I blew my nose it was GREEN. Green snot is USUALLY a sign of infection. Also, the saliva in my mouth was super thick and so stringy that a couple of times when I hacked up phlegm (sorry, kinda gross) and spit it out, some would actually stay attached to my tongue. Also, I was coughing a few times when I woke up in the morning...this is another sign of PND.

At first, the symptoms were like GERD. I had no idea it was PND because I usually couldn't FEEL it dripping down the back of my throat. Since I was treated my metallic taste and reflux symptoms went away. I know it's because my saliva is thin now and when I swallow it's easy with NO feeling in my throat.

BTW, my allergy test was negative and the allergist just recommended I not eat dairy (because it thickens the mucus) and she contributed the PND to "ENVIRONMENTAL REASONS", whatever THAT means. I still don't know what it is that caused the PND.

Let me know how things go and stay positive!
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Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:39 pm

Post by PR1988 »

ok im back thanx for always answering my question @notanymore

so i called an allergist clinic tried to make an appointment told them the reason why i wanted to see the doctor she told me she was booked till next month she suggested to qo to a clinic family doctor. she told me what they would do to me to treat my symptoms.

so i did. i went to a walk in clinic. and the took me in the nurse took my weight and all that they do. asked me wat was wronq i told her. then she left next the doctor came in and took a look at me. he diagnoised me with sore throat =/ they qave me a shot and qave me antibotics. iv been on the med for 7 days now and i feel the lump in throat qoin away. and i have less mucs but im still paranoid if i have bad breath or not? wat did they qive to treat your PND?
Posts: 259
Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:44 am


Hey, glad to hear you are making progress! It's difficult to tell if you have true BB now because you are on a medication (which can cause dry mouth and BB) so you must wait until you are done with the med then test it. As for the meds I've taken, check my second I'm interested to know what shot you got and what antibiotic you are taking. Let me know and congrats again on your progress.
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Post by PR1988 »

hi there the doctor prescribed me amoxil and the shot all he told me was some kind of steroid shot to dry up the mucus. im still spectacle that this will be the cure.

what are the possibilities that bb is coming from stomach?
Posts: 259
Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:44 am


Hey, unless it's H.Pylori I wouldn't put much weight in the "BB from the stomach" thing. Just focus on one thing at a time. Work on eliminating the Post nasal drip first and if that doesn't cure your BB then move on to something else.

IMHO reflux doesn't cause BB
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Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:39 pm

Post by PR1988 »

thanx for answerin.

okay but i dont know when and if my PND has stop. i finish my antibotics tomorrow and after that ill see if it has workd or not. but wat i notice is dat the salavia from back of my throat is wat has a bad odor. thats cuz of PND riqht?
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