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Need Help Badly

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:46 pm

Need Help Badly

Post by Michael123 »

Hi Everyone,

I felt the need to ask advice from you guys as my situation is getting desperate.

I've been experiencing bad breath for about 10 years now (so far as I can tell-it might have been present longer). I've been fighting it desperately for the past three year or so. Through my research, I reasoned that the problem is due to an excess of anaerobic bacteria in my mouth. I think most of the bacteria is on my tongue; especially at the back. So in trying to get rid of it, I've been scrubbing my tongue like hell, everyday, for over a year.

A tongue scraper didn't work at all. I've been using a toothbrush.

It's weird, I brush my whole tongue with anti-bacterial toothpaste and very little happens. There's some reduction in bad breath levels but not by much. I also find that I have to press extremely hard against my tongue to get decent results. And when I say decent, I don't mean anything spectacular-just reducing the smell to reasonable levels.

When I press lightly against my tongue, I get virtually no reduction in smell,

I also get a nasal odour now aswell, which is disastrous too.

Anyway, things are bad with my tongue at the moment. I've been pressing so hard, so often and for so long the skin is really thin now and doesn't allow me to press hard without extreme pain. This being the case, the bacterial levels are way up so that I find myself stinking of shit, gas, sulfur and worst of all-horse manuire. This last is absolutely crushing to me. Horse manuire coming through my nose and mouth. What am I supposed to do?

Anyway guys, I wanted to ask for any and all advice. From my story, do you think my problem is mouth bacteria? I've brushed my mouth so thoroughly it's unbelievable it can be bacteria. And why do I need to brush my tongue so vigorously to get any kind of a result?

Any advice would be really welcome, especially on dealing with mouth bacteria and the problems I listed above.

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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:29 pm

Post by halitosisux »

have you still got your tonsils/adenoids?
When I still had stone-infested tonsils, the odour coming from them had a uniquely "tonsilly" odour which would sometimes resemble a pure shite manure smell.

I have no idea if I still had my tonsils, whether I'd still have BB or not. Probably not. But if you have no clue what's causing your BB and you have smelly tonsils, then consider having them removed. I wouldnt bother with cryptolysis. If you have BB caused by your tonsils then you'll want to have them completely removed and beyond any doubts.
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:46 pm

Post by Michael123 »

Hello Halitosisux,

Thanks for replying mate,

I do stil have my tonsils, and come to think of it-I used to cough up the little white things that stank like shit. Are those tonsil stones? I don't have them anymore but it could point to the fact that there is bacteria in the tonsils causing bad breath.

Also have partially erupted wisdom tooth in my lower row of teeth. Suppose that could also be worth investigating.

I know it's bacteria, I think it's just a case of tracking down where abouts in my mouth the strongest concentrations of bad breath causing bacteria are. Could be tonsils, adenoids, wisdom tooth.
Posts: 3339
Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:29 pm

Post by halitosisux »

yw Michael,
What does your dentist think to your tonsils and wisdom teeth situation as a possible cause of your BB?
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