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question for the health nuts

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question for the health nuts

Post by Susie »

Does anyone know how many spinch drinks(smoothies) you can drink a week? I heard if you drink to many you can get kidney stones???


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Post by tony »

Hi Susie

I'm not sure exactly but I have been advised that if you have too much of a vegetable ie.spinich juice, then you are likely to have an allergic reaction.

When it comes to juicing I try and have my green juice such as brocolli, spinach etc in the , evening and then my red juice such as beetroot, carrot & capsicun in the mornings.

I recon since doing it there has been a improvement in the BB but I'm not yet cured.

I also include a bit of ginger
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Post by Susie »

thanks Tony. I actually like these spinach smoothies!! Thats crazy, but they taste good. I put a few strawberries in there and can't even taste the spinach one bit.
I'm slowly trying to cut out junk
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Well if it's good for Popeye... :lol:

Also, have you tried wheatgrass shots? I've read that those are supposed to be super good for you, and they are packed with Chlorophyll.
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