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for aydinmur part 2

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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for aydinmur part 2

Post by paranoid92 »

i am a very depressed teenager.... i was reading your posts about how normal ecology give normal bacterial composition and how you classified the different types of bb and was wondering whether you help me

ive been having having bb for 2years now and i remember still why i got it initially i was 16 and i was prescribed with some medication to treat some mild acidity problems ever since then ive been having bb...after that i had bouts of fever and got a pylori infection and reflux also followed..but after visting these sites ive learned ways to control it i had some laxatives which i got from a local herbal doctor here in chennai(india) and ever since then ive been having no reflux and my bb reduces but i get a serious of different bacteria colonizing my gastrointestinal tract which give a distinct odour to my breath and my poop each time but go away quickly and a new bacteria replaces it the next day when i have probiotics like for example lactobacillus containing ones they give my breath a very acidic and fish like odour and even my poop smells the same the only time i have no bad breath is when my farts and poop smell like a healthy mans fart but this never lasts too long and the bad odours return as some new bacterial colonizes by gastrointestinal tract

can you please help me by suggesting methods i could return my ecology for good and by the way i feel like my breath leaves through my nose and mouth i feel it has something to do with my lower esophageal sphincter being relaxed please sir i just want to do want every other kid should be able to do withouth thinking twice :cry:

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Re: for aydinmur part 2

Post by aydinmur »

Lovely paranoid92

Rare cases can be healed via internet, even if a good cooperation was established. Because, Its difficult to detect some biologic parameters without carefully examine patient. There are dozens questions should be forwarded. This takes at least 50-60 min. There are some chemical tests (cystein and ZnCl2 dropping on tongue dorsum, sulphur content, pH of saliva test, nasal odor measurement while either static or expiration) must be done. Perhaps blood analyses, aminoacid chromatography, stool anaylysis more and more.. This may take from hours to 1 day or more. Despite to these, I can not gurantee you will heal.

According to my experience, young patients like you, may have type 2 halitosis, (some times type2+1). For this reason often wash your nose with saline.
I advise you, brush your teeth and tongue with a zinc containing toothpaste, rinse with a zinc containin gargle, sleep enough long time, make sport, keep your body clean, dont use regular pills even vitamin, take balanced diet, no alcohool and cigar, eat probiotic yoghurt, dont focus yourself on your halitosis. Remember: every mouth smells bad.

Hope helps
- Murat
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Post by paranoid92 »

dear aydinmur,
sir you have just made my day by replying i would glady cooperate to any test you suggest in fact ive allready made arrangements for some of the tests you mentioned ill submit my findings on this forum as soon as can complete all these test and post it on the website once again thanks a lot
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Post by paranoid92 »

could you suggest more test for my gastrointestinal tracts which may cause an ecology imbalance because im pretty sure the problem is from my gastrointestinal i remember taking an endoscopy and it showed that my lower esophageal sphincter was relaxed i think that it could be gases escaping from my gastrointestinal tract through this sphincter and like i said before the only time i feel like theres no gas escaping is when my farts smell like a healthy mans gas and also its feel like my sphincter also seems tighter and no gas gets released
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