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Post by sunraq »

You can make use of the following natural ways of stopping Bad Breath:

1. Good Habits:
To do away form bad breath you must practice good hygiene habits that is brush and floss at least twice a day.

2. Keep your Tongue Clean:
When brushing your teeth, don't forget to brush your tongue. Try to invest in a tongue scrapper to stop bad breath.

3. Eat Vegetables:
Eating vegetables such as carrots, apples and celery will clean your tongue. The rough texture of these vegetables will clean your tongue to fight bad breath bacteria.

4. Drink Tea:
Drinking tea can slow the growth of bad breath bacteria. The compounds in the tea work as a wall to block the bacteria.

5. Stay Hydrated:
Make sure to stay well hydrated as bacteria will emerge when your mouth is dry.

6. Eat Parsley:
Eating parsley will certainly clear up your case of bad breath. It's stocked with tons of chlorophyll which will give off a fresh smell.

7. Watch everything you eat:
Foods laced with tons of onion and garlic are sure to make your breath worsen

8. Mouth wash:
Make sure to use the right mouth wash. For example of a great mouth wash would be Listerine, it's not working unless it burns!

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Post by Phantasist »

The above advice is good for people who don't have bad breath. Onions and garlic don't produce BB. They have a strong odor which will show up on your breath, but that is not the same as having chronic bad breath. Eating vegetables is definitely a good thing, but it will not stop BB. Good oral hygiene is also good, but all of us who have BB do that better than anyone. Listerine is a good antiseptic mouthwash, but it does not kill the anaerobic bacteria because it is not antibacterial. It is also alcohol-based and therefore dries out your mouth. Less saliva means more bad breath. Drinking tea instead of coffee might be helpful, but how many of us can do that? Besides, I have a friend who is a "coffee monger" and never has BB.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Phantasist wrote:Besides, I have a friend who is a "coffee monger" and never has BB.
Yes, and I have 100 friends who still eat bread, drink beer, and gobble down mushrooms like there's no tomorrow and they don't have bad breath either. Does that mean i'm gonna start doing all those things? Heck no, cuz I have a susceptibility to Candida apparently (which was causing my bad breath), and i'm not gonna do anything that increases my chances of getting it again.

I'm so tired of this whole "my friends do it and they don't have bad breath" argument. Guess what, you are not your friends, you are you, and unfortunately you have bad breath. So while your friends can get away with drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol, that doesn't mean you can.

Everyone's body is different. Everyone's body handles the things they put into it differently. Stop focusing on what other people are doing and start focusing on yourself.

Don't mean to sound blunt, it's just my two cents.
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Post by Phantasist »

I have read a number of your previous posts, and they were thoughtful and provided very interesting information, but I must say, the one above is below your usual standard.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Phantasist wrote:KeepTrying09,
I have read a number of your previous posts, and they were thoughtful and provided very interesting information, but I must say, the one above is below your usual standard.
Please excuse me if my post did not live up to your expectations. However, nothing's changed in my determination to help people with this horrible condition. I still relate to each and every one of you who are suffering with bad breath.

I will empathize, congratulate, assist, and provide a shoulder to cry on for anyone who needs it. But one thing i'm not here to do is coddle people. I'm here to speak the truth, and if that means I need to be a little more "direct" in my message, then so be it. How many times have I read on this forum "I know so and so does it and they don't have bad breath, so I'm not even going to consider trying it". I'm human just like the rest of you, and when I read such an illogical argument, I get frustrated just as anyone would.

Again, my demeanor in my prior post was not rude or insulting, it was just very direct and frank. I think sometimes people need that blatant honesty. My advise would be just to not take everything so personally and try to realize that sometimes directness and honesty is the best method of communication vs. sugar coating and coddling.

Anyway, hope my future posts will again live up to your standard. And good luck trying to find your cure. I really do wish you success.
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