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Candida diet makes your breath worse

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Candida diet makes your breath worse

Post by bbsux »

Avoiding carbohydrates and sugar and eating only meats and vegetables actually will make your breath worse.

I tried it and it happened to me than i also read on body building forums and people that "cut" go on a kato diet which is pretty much candida diet. Most people that dont have bb and go on that diet start having really bad breath.

When body builders cut they try to get rid of fat by going on low carbohydrates no sugar diet. When that happens the body starts burning fat for energy and this process makes your urine and breath smell really bad.

So in actuality trying to stop candida will make your breath smell worse.

My plan right now is to not completely eliminate carbohydrates but consume it low portions so that my body doesnt start burning fat. Not that i have much since i am 6'3 162 pounds so going on candida diet would probably not be good for me.

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candida diet wont do you no good

Post by ihatethebus »

im with you on this one .WOOOORSE
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Post by stressedout »

But where does it say that candida diet is all about meat? Main point is to cut down the sugar that feeds candida, and since sugar is in carbs, one has to choose their carbs better.
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candida diet

Post by malory »

It is interesting but depressing news that candida diets can cause bb as candida itself also causes bb.
One diet I did included 'healthy carbs'. There was no white flour, no potatoes or white rice, no dairy, no fruit for the 1st 6 weeks, but I could eat spelt pasta, kamut pasta and wholegrain rice, also non-yeasted rye bread. I ate loads of oatcakes. I only ate pulses and eggs for protein as i don't eat meat of fish.
It's probably worth trying to get rid of candida though 'cause it has so many effects besides the bb.
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Post by bbsux »

you can eat as much meat as you want on candida diet. But you cannot eat pasta , macarnoi , etc etc. Only carbs that i heard were ok to use is brown rice.
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Post by stressedout »

Too much of anything is not good, especially meat. Protein is the hardest to digest, more so when we get older and lack in enzymes. I like this paragraph i copied from somewhere:

Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.
A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice.

So this can get applied to candida (acid body), or digestive problems (lack of enzymes), and both are probably interconnected.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey Guys,

It's not the Candida diet that's giving you bad breath, it's the fact that you're eating too much meats and proteins. When your body has to break down an overly large amount of meats and proteins it can cause bad breath. It's exactly why some body builders have bad breath, because they eat way too much protein.

Anything else you talk about on this forum and I will say I might not be the expert on, but if it's Candida you're talking about, then yeah, I consider myself an expert. All these Candida diets are just gimmicks, nothing more than that. Basically they are a way to sell a book. The simple fact is, if you indeed have a problem with Candida in your body, then as long as blood is flowing through your veins, Candida will have a food source.

If you suffer from a Candida infection or imbalance, getting rid of it is not that hard. Prescription medications (to kill it off quickly) + natural antifungals (because you can't take prescription meds forever) + probiotics (to populate your body with enough good bacteria so Candida doesn't have any space left to grow and proliferate) + changing your lifestyle around (no drinking, no smoking, plenty of rest and exercise to boost your immune system) + eating a balanced healthy diet (again, to boost your immune system) = No More Candida.

As I mentioned in the past, I stopped eating yeast containing products (mainly bread) and mushrooms, and I stopped drinking alcohol. Other than that I eat everything else (including foods containing carbs). I have no idea if excluding bread and mushrooms from my diet helps me. But I do know that Candida has two forms, a yeast form and a fungal form. As bread is made with yeast, and mushrooms are a fungus, it gives me peace of mind that I don't eat them.

In regards to all these Candida diets, seriously save yourself the torture. I've seen almost all of them, and believe me, that's all they are is torture. They are severely unhealthy and impossible to stick with. You're better off just eating a healthy balanced diet (which includes both proteins and carbs).
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Post by bbsux »

Keeptrying, i definitely agree about the candida doesnt make much sense because you will always have sugar in your body. Eating only proteins and vegetables without carbs cannot be good for you because your body needs carbs for energy. Its especially bad for you if you are skinny as me and dont have much fat to burn to turn it into energy.

Can you tell me what is the best probiotics i can order from amazon. I am already taking gardens life anti fungals (just started). I am also taking "Real food organics your daily probiotic" but 1 tablet has 5 billion probiotics so not sure how good that number is compared to others.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

bbsux wrote:Keeptrying, i definitely agree about the candida doesnt make much sense because you will always have sugar in your body.
Exactly. :D

bbsux wrote:Eating only proteins and vegetables without carbs cannot be good for you because your body needs carbs for energy. Its especially bad for you if you are skinny as me and dont have much fat to burn to turn it into energy.
Again, exactly. :lol:
bbsux wrote:Can you tell me what is the best probiotics i can order from amazon. I am already taking gardens life anti fungals (just started). I am also taking "Real food organics your daily probiotic" but 1 tablet has 5 billion probiotics so not sure how good that number is compared to others.
I will be the first to admit that I am biased on this one. I prefer Nature's Way Brand probiotics because that is what I take personally. Well, used to take. I ran out of my supply from America and am waiting to stock up on them again next time my family comes around. But yeah, if I had to recommend any probiotics, it would be Nature's Way Brand. I actually used to take 4 different kinds. They are called:

Primadophilus Optima
Primadophilus Bifidus
Primadophilus Reuteri
Primadophilus Intensive

I would just rotate them out on a daily basis to make sure I was getting a mix of different probiotic strains per day.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any specific questions about anything as I'm not on the forum too much anymore. You can just click on the e-mail button under all my posts or in my profile.
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Post by bbsux »

Holly crap that last one is 127 dollars on amazon. all others i can manage but $127 IS a bit much imo. Can you not order probiotics from ??

Also i sent you a private msg. i have you on googletalk but i barely see you on there. I would definitely like to talk to you.
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