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Change of environment?

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Change of environment?

Post by brightonguy »

I was wonderng if anyone has any stories they can share about how a change of environment may have either triggered or cured their halitosis? I'm afraid my situation is getting quite desperate to the extent that I'm considering quitting my job and moving back into my parents place for a while. I usually wake up in the morning feeling hopeful, get dressed and do my oral hygiene routine and try and think that each day will be different at work - I won't get bad reactions today or smell myself but it doesn't happen. I'm just wondering whether a change of environment might help? I know there is only anecdotal evidence on the relationship between stress and BB but there are other numerous factors which would be different in one's life in a different environment too I guess.

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Post by Phantasist »

At the risk of sounding pessimistic, I wouln't put too much hope in a change of environment. I have been in a number of different environments in my life and my bad breath never changed. That shouldn't be too surprising, because the odor on my breath isn't due to the environment, but due to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth. Of course, what is causing this is in question.
I have lately had some success with a procedure which I described in the thread "Oral Hygiene Regimen That May Help" (August 5th, 2010). It appears that no one in this forum thought much of it, but it has brought my bad breath down by about 80%. I don't think it's 100%, but I have no accurate way of testing it. Maybe it will help you, at least to a degree.
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Post by brightonguy »

Thanks for your response. Possibly just wishful thinking on my part eh? I realise that an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria is the most likely cause but the environment I'm in at least partly determines the environment that is letting these bacteria flourish so rampantly - and blimey they really are, I smelt deathly today at work despite near constant chewing of cardomom. Am I lucky that I can smell my own breath daily or is this merely indicative of it's severity? I'm planning on confronting my boss about it tomorrow to hopefully quell any suspcions along the lines of... ""Why isn't he bothering to clean his teeth anymore?" :-))
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Post by bbsux »

Change of environment wont help much, i moved away from my parents house into new apartment and its same problem..

I also confronted my manager who was always having hand under nose and would touch his nose when i talked to him telling him that i wanted to quit because i had sinus issues which cause me to have bad breath.

My managers response "If it makes you feel any better i have never smelled anything. Dont quit you are very important to our company , you are a good worker etc etc."

Asked my mom and sis they claim they cant smell me either.. I go to college go in class and everyone around me has hand under nose within 3-4 minutes of sitting there. Not to mention coughing sneezing and clearing of the throat usually starts within 5-10 minutes.Just a Coincidence??? maybe if it happened in one class or one time but i have 6 classes and it happens all the time and every time. I also can taste my bad breath sometime and most of the time fail the lick test as it smells like shit.

I do think its a good thing to talk to a manager, it will be uncomfortable but you will feel better about it afterwords and he will know that you are aware of the issue and are working on it. Furthermore he/she will know that it is not a hygiene issue like most people are so quick to assume.
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Post by brightonguy »

I tried something new last night, I didn't use mouthwash or clean my tongue, just cleaned my teeth for a few minutes like the average person would. This morning, same, no mouthwash. Also, this morning I didn't eat breakfast. I only started eating breakfast and really stepping up my oral hygiene at the onset of BB because that's what we're told to do right? Guess what? No BB so far today for the first time this year. I met with my manager and didn't bring it up because I couldn't smell myself and he wasn't reacting badly to me when I spoke so I had no reason to bring it up. Okay, okay, I know the pitfalls of generalising from one person's half day experience but for me at least this is very significant. Neither can I definitely say that what I've just described is the reason that I don't stink today - it could be because I've been eating probiotic yoghurt for a week or because I've also been using xylitol for a week. Whatever the reason and even if I end up smelling this afternoon, this feels like progress. It's so nice to be smell free even if it is for half a day. I will let you know how things progress.
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Post by ihatethebus »

hey bright. i keep trying to emphasise that everyones body has its way of dealing with how they treat it when they are young and forming a constant stable evironment with those conditions. bb usually starts when we tilt them,,,lets say: you only brushed once a morning when you were a kid or even once in a week because you couldnt stand the cold water at yo british boarding school and started immitating everyones habits, your mouth flora starts making the best of this situation and your metabolism allows for change.

if you change your habits to tongue brushing, three times a day and all that kind of stuff that halitophobics in high school make you believe, your mouth flora tilts dangerously and bad bacteria take charge because after wiping out all the good it grows at a faster rate.

getting your mouth flora to tilt back when youre now old(i.e your body used all its supplies to build you pubic hair,sperm,breasts, beards,hips n a a@# e.t.c) is the major problem. youre prolly smart enough to know how changing your regimen for just that one day helped.
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