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My bad breath is gone!

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My bad breath is gone!

Post by fashionista1 »

I am a 17 year old female starting college and just like everyone I dreaded being in social settings where I'd have to talk to people with my horrendous breath. On a scale of 1-10 for me it was a 10. Not only did I have bad breath but even with my mouth closed my bad breath was detectable for others and my self. No matter how long I brushed , at one point I'd use a tongue cleaner every hour to make my tongue pink my breath still smelled.I've used crest, colgate therabreath(Which tasted awful). For many years I figured it was my mouth, with this website I learned about sinus and post nasal drip. I went out a d bought a sinus rinse.WHile tryig to do the rinse the water wouldt come out the other nostril . Then I figured why not spit my mucus into a container and see how it smells, it was the most awful thing I've ever smelled it even leaves a smell behind.My mouth was always dry,no amoun of water could moisturize my mouth. When I'd brush I'd get a nice pink tongue then it'd turn white with no coating at the end of the day. I went to an ent doctor where i was diagosed with having a deviated septum making it hard to breath out my left nostril,swollen turbinates and swollen adenoids which produced the smelly mucus onto my throat . After the surgery, I have more saliva in my mouth, my breath is fresher than it has tongue is pink. There's no more bumps In the back of my tongue and no more cringing from friends,family teachers and bad breath filled up my feels good being cured And I have come to share my story to help others.I've been in most of the positions you guys have been in and I thank god for guiding me on my way to finding this cure.

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Post by ihatethebus »

in your case its probably the swolen turbinates that were the major issue, causing other glands to join ensuite. good for you hop you stick to your story if youll be planning to hang around. others start there cure stories with metro and biozole, then it becomes biozole only , then kliss b12 bropiotics and end up sending every desperate person on the forum on a wild goose chase.

wish you the best of luckwith your new life
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Post by john »

@ fashionista1.
what kind of operation was it?
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Post by terranpatriot » could just be the antibiotics doing their thing. make sure you have a lot of probiotics during this recovery period..
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Post by fashionista1 »

@ john it was a septoplasty, adenoidectomy and turbinectomy with nasal endoscopy
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Post by George80 »

I have a problem with PND too. How did you experience the Drip? Was it just in your throat or did you experience it on one side? What side was the drip, and to what side was the deviated septum? The same?

I have a very slightly deviated septum and ENT do not recommend a surgery. To what degree was yours deviated. Could you rinse water thru both sides?

my right nostril is a bit smaller than the left one, but the drip comes down on the left side.

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Post by fashionista1 »

@ george 80 It was in my throat, it gave off sulphurous smell of crap.My deviated septum was on the left side. Before the surgery, I could not rinse wAter out of my nostril, while I haven't tried to rinse water out of my nose since the surgey,I'm sure it will be better than my attempt before the surgery.I'm not sure to what degree it was deviated but it was causing breathing problems an d sometimes a whistle out of my nose
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terranpatriot could just be the antibiotics doing their thing. make sure you have a lot of probiotics during this recovery period..
Yeah but according to some on this site, antibiotics don't do anything for a white tongue.............guess you can rule that out.

To the OP......thanks for posting this. It really drives the point home that you need to rule out your sinuses as a possible cause of your halitosis. Particularly if you have thick mucus with dry mouth and/or bad smells coming from your nose.
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