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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Jimi wrote:ok but dont blame me if that perv ... suck an idiot...What an idiot...Idiot...but you are just an ass
Wow, now i'm a perv as well as an idiot, ass, jerk...what other name would you like to call me? LOL, i'll add it to the ever growing list.
Jimi wrote:ok but dont blame me if that perv kill somebody with his drugs
I've told everyone numerous times that prescription medications are not for everyone, and i've even refused to send out medications to certain people because I found out they had conditions that might complicate things. If someone is crazy enough to take a medication when they have no business taking it, then it's really unfortunate and I hope that they would think again.

The information on all prescription medications is out there. All a person has to do is google it. If they see that they have some condition or are taking another medication that would cause complications with a specific medication, then I pray they are intelligent enough to heed those warnings.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, even while under the care of a doctor, it is still the responsibility of the patient to take matters into their own hands by researching and learning as much as they can, and then making an informed educated decision based on those facts.
Jimi wrote:suck an idiot, he thinks i created people myself to criticize him...

What an idiot. Do you think i have time to create new profiles and post shit about him. He thinks he is so important.
LOL, well i've thought that several times but i've never posted it on the forum anywhere. Interesting though you automatically thought that....Kinda makes a person wonder a bit since you defend yourself against something I didn't even say. :-k
Jimi wrote:he thinks I am the only one who don't like him
I'm glad you are a mind reader. Please tell me what i'm thinking now. I'll give you 2 guesses.

I never assume that everyone likes me. In fact i'm sure there are some people who don't. But I don't really care whether someone likes me or not. I know who I am, and I'm comfortable in my own skin. I just go about life the best I can, try to do the best I can, treat others with the same courtesy and respect they show me, and leave the other parts for a higher power to worry with. If someone doesn't like me, oh well, whatever. The world is so big and there are so many beautiful places to see and interesting people to meet. If everyone was concerned about 100% of the people liking them, then they are gonna have one miserable life.
Jimi wrote:Idiot. Clearly people are fed up with him because 99% of them took the drugs, got possible sideeffects for life with no success.

Oh wow, you actually spoke to 99% of the people I sent the medications to, asked them about their success or failure, and inquired about any side effects they experienced or are still experiencing? How fantastic!

Oh wait a minute, that's impossible. You didn't speak to 99% of them.

Since we are pulling imaginary percentages out of our heads, I'll join in the fun. I would gather that 99% of your forum members think this forum would be better served if you stepped down as site admin, handed the reins over to someone who could relate and communicate to others in a more productive way, and then went on about your merry life.

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Post by halitosisux »

Hey KT,
Just out of curiousity, why did you have the endoscopy that led to you discovering the candida infection in there if you had none of the symptoms of esophegeal candidiasis?

BTW, the symptoms of esophegeal candidiasis are chronic cough and painful swallowing - but maybe not in your case then - and with no way of knowing when your infection inside your esophagus started, you have no way of knowing for certain whether it was actually the esophegeal candidiasis or candida elsewhere in your body causing your BB - your sinuses for example.
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Post by stressedout »

Here is an article that speaks about Fluconazole being counter-effective in helping to overcome Candida. Seems like Candida is a lifetime battle.

http://www.natural-health-and-wellbeing ... cures.html
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »


Thanks god I did not sell the site to you in the past like you asked me to, you would create a drugstore here for sure.

I can't sell this site, I dont want all this info to come into bad hands. And for sure not in your hands.

I mean you were one of three people who offered me money to sell the site to them. And you are saying that you are here only to help people?
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Post by halitosisux »

This is the same site that tries to sell one of those oraltech-style bibles on candida for $29.99. Its just unreal how much quackery there is on candida just because its sometimes hard to get rid of. Most cases of recurrent candida (except for those with clear medical problems involving the immune system, etc) is partners keep passing it to each other during sex or they are TEMPORARILY doing things that wipe out the bacteria that keep candida in check (such as antibiotics) or creating an environment that allows candida to floruish (dampness for example).
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

halitosisux wrote:Hey KT,
Just out of curiousity, why did you have the endoscopy that led to you discovering the candida infection in there if you had none of the symptoms of esophegeal candidiasis?
Hey Hal,

I did so because that is what my gastro doctor recommended. I had no idea about an endoscopy until she recommended it. She just told me to try PPI medications for a couple weeks and if it didn't help to come back and she would do an upper endoscopy to see if she could see anything further. Naturally the PPI meds didn't work, so I went back there two weeks later and she scheduled the endoscopy for me.

halitosisux wrote:BTW, the symptoms of esophegeal candidiasis are chronic cough and painful swallowing - but maybe not in your case then - and with no way of knowing when your infection inside your esophagus started, you have no way of knowing for certain whether it was actually the esophegeal candidiasis or candida elsewhere in your body causing your BB - your sinuses for example.
I don't agree with that assessment Hal. It's really simple. I had bad breath for more than half my life. I took the Fluconazole, my Candida infection was gone, and my bad breath disappeared. I really don't think there is need to try and analyze it any further because it's rather obvious that the Candida infection was the cause of my bad breath.
stressedout wrote:Here is an article that speaks about Fluconazole being counter-effective in helping to overcome Candida. Seems like Candida is a lifetime battle.

http://www.natural-health-and-wellbeing ... cures.html

I would trust that website you linked to if it were from a trusted site or from a research journal. But it's just a website that's trying to sell Threelac probiotics, so no, I don't put much faith in it at all.
Jimi wrote:@KT

Thanks god I did not sell the site to you in the past like you asked me to, you would create a drugstore here for sure.

I can't sell this site, I dont want all this info to come into bad hands. And for sure not in your hands.

I mean you were one of three people who offered me money to sell the site to them. And you are saying that you are here only to help people?
I only offered to take over the site from you because you kept threatening everyone that you were going to have to shut it down because you couldn't afford it.

As much as we disagree, I would hate for this forum to disappear. There is a wealth of information on it, and if you shut it down as you threatened, it would really be a shame for all of the members.

That's the only reason I offered to take over the forum. But clearly you have no intention of shutting the forum down. You just threaten to do so so people will donate money to you.
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Post by halitosisux »

KeepTrying2009 wrote:I really don't think there is need to try and analyze it any further because it's rather obvious that the Candida infection was the cause of my bad breath.
I'm not saying that the candida infection wasnt the cause of your bad breath. I'm not trying to analyse your cause either, just trying to learn from it. There are people who may have BB similar to yours due to candida in other parts of the body - but in areas where actual candidiasis or other fungal infections can become chronic, like yours was, or in other areas such as the sinuses - and its always possible that even though you were found to have candida in your esophagus, it may also have been in your sinuses and that's where the source of your BB might have been. And taking fluconazole could have got rid of it there as well as your esophagus.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

halitosisux wrote:I'm not saying that the candida infection wasnt the cause of your bad breath. I'm not trying to analyse your cause either, just trying to learn from it.
Sorry Hal, I just quickly glanced over your last post and misread it. I thought you were debating whether or not it was a Candida infection that was causing my bad breath to begin with.

But you do make a valid point. I was only diagnosed with an esophageal Candida infection. My doctor did not take a biopsy from my sinuses, nor did she do a lower endoscopy to check my colon. It is possible that I had Candida overgrowing in other parts of my body, but I will never know for sure. The only thing I do know for sure was that it was overgrowing in my esophagus as that's what the upper endoscopy revealed.

For what it's worth though, I believe whole heartedly that it was the Candida infection in my esophagus that was causing it. If you re-read my very first post on the forum, you will see that 3 years prior to my endoscopy in Thailand, I had an endoscopy in America in which the ENT doctor saw the same white patches in my esophagus, however he failed to tell me what they were. He just made me take an HIV test, which turned out to be negative. This was right before I had my tonsils removed. I would tell the story again, but it's in my original post on the very first page a couple posts down from the top.

So this is what I do know, I at least had that Candida infection in my esophagus before I had my tonsils removed when I was about 22 years old, and I still had the Candida infection in my esophagus when I visited my doctor here in Thailand when I was 25 (almost 26) years old. I'm just putting two and two together here....while I could have had Candida in other parts of my body, the most obvious cause of my bad breath seems like it was from my esophagus. This is just for me though. Perhaps there are others who have Candida overgrowths or infections elsewhere in their body that are causing them problems, like in the sinuses as you mention.
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Post by halitosisux »

Its ok. Its easy to misread I do it all the time cos im usually rushing to read on here. Thanks for your clear reply.
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Post by shmooze »

stressedout wrote:Here is an article that speaks about Fluconazole being counter-effective in helping to overcome Candida. Seems like Candida is a lifetime battle.

http://www.natural-health-and-wellbeing ... cures.html
Again, Candida is a lifetimebattle as long as people don't remove cause, which is heavy metals poison, mercury first of all. Mercury usually come from dental amalgam e seafood ... ptoms.html

Most people with mercury poisoning or other metal poisoning think they have candida. Maybe they do, because candida yeast is an immune system reaction to heavy metals! ... a-for-good

Detox Mercury If You Want To Cure Candida For Good
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Post by Susie »

I used to be upset about keeptrying and his pills. But I've come to the conclusion we are all adults and if people are damn dumb enough to take pills from someone they don't know for whatever reason that's on them. Jimi you shouldn't let it get to you. If they fall over oh well shouldn't of been so dumb!

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Post by Susie »

oh and I do really think keeptrying is just trying to help and has good intentions.

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Post by ihatethebus »

KT. Jimi is in thailand too, why dont you go meet him as he kindly asked countless times. prove you dont have bb and breath in his frippin face(no offence there jimbo).

Candida, candida, candida, : i 100 % believe you eliminated your ''yeást'' with the meds. the bb goin away with it im not sure but im not in your face so i cant know.

the reason ill always take Jimis side on this matter is because i care for every single person on this forum and dont appreciate any of them takin meds without a prescription (+ from a stranger) to fight a candida infection they havnt even been tested for.

biozole can cause a bad offset in the little bacterial balance most of these people are remaining with as a last stand. candida in right amounts is essential forr keepin bacteria in check. if someone has a bacteria growth in their gut and takes those meds & wipes out the little ''good'' candida they have left...........i need not say more
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Susie wrote:oh and I do really think keeptrying is just trying to help and has good intentions.

Thanks Susie. Believe me I know how you feel about getting medications from someone overseas. I can honestly say that if I were still in America, I would probably have the exact same feelings. I don't expect everyone to think what I'm doing is right because I know there are going to be people who just don't agree with what i'm doing.

For what it's worth though, the medications are from a licensed pharmacy, I have absolutely no intention of ripping people off, nor do I have any intention of harming people in any way. That's not the kind of person I am, or was raised to be.

It just comes down to trust really. Some people trust me and some people might not. All I can do is be 100% honest with people and let them make the decision for themselves. :)
ihatethebus wrote:KT. Jimi is in thailand too, why dont you go meet him as he kindly asked countless times. prove you dont have bb and breath in his frippin face(no offence there jimbo).
If Jimi lives in Thailand, then I'm wondering why he said he went to the local pharmacy and saw that Fluconazole was $10 a pill. It's nowhere near that much here. That price is more like what they charge in the UK.

Anyway, I already did meet one of the forum members, macks86. We actually met up twice during his stay here but I only posted about our first meeting. Anyway, he's left Thailand and is home already....And yeah, I wish he would post about it.....(hint hint macks86, but don't tell them where we went out for our wild night on the town! haha)

Seriously though, after all the names Jimi has called me and accused me of being, I have no desire to meet him whatsoever. Would you want to meet someone who called you a perv, idiot, ass, jerk, called you a liar, a scam, a drug pusher, etc etc.... I have no time in my life for negative people, and I don't really see myself being all friendly like with Jimi. Maybe if he responded to me differently from the very beginning my feelings would have been different.
ihatethebus wrote:biozole can cause a bad offset in the little bacterial balance most of these people are remaining with as a last stand. candida in right amounts is essential forr keepin bacteria in check. if someone has a bacteria growth in their gut and takes those meds & wipes out the little ''good'' candida they have left...........i need not say more
That's why i've always said that people should be on probiotics if they are going to try the medications.
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Post by ihatethebus »

@ keeptryin. a person who caleed me a ... id give a tooth to meet.

this whole macks86 or wateva. thingy no one is buying. you can easily make another user and support yo meeting up thingy. the only person who can verify you dont have bb is jimi himself.

if you dont want to meet him , why dont you stop posting on his forum. Jimi , YOU created this forum and i think everyone has had enough of you and K.T going at each others throats. if you really have a problem with him then ban him and let everybody move on without havin to come across yo rantings every other day.
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