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Keeptrying what's the deal?

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Keeptrying what's the deal?

Post by Susie »

ok Keeptrying,
What is your deal? Please just be open and honest so we can clear the air. I know you can't be making to much money off this so that's not the reason. Is it just as simple as you really believe you were cured by these antibiotics and antifungals and want to help others.

Billie said she thought they were fake? Why would she think that? I'm just curious here that's all.


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Post by guzler »

Susie. KT is a good guy , he refused to sell me the biozol because i have diabeties . he cheked my old post and he refused to sell them to me . he is a great guy
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Post by stressedout »

KT, why dont you respond about # of people you sent the meds to and success rate if you are aware of it (even if i believe it is between you and those people, whoever wants to post about them taking the meds, already have). Just so this issue is put to rest.

I doubt that KT is making any money on this - if you Jimi are wondering, do you know how much antifungals cost in the west? If he made a dollar on me that is least he can take for being bothered to go to pharmacy and to the post-office, whats the fuss?

Most important - Jimi please dont erase any valuable info from the site by banning him (had a glimpse of your message that disappeared). Gees, will this issue be ever put to rest, who else is with me on it?

Here found one thread that has other people discussing yeast in esophagus ... /show/7494
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Post by ihatethebus »

Stressout...your thread... the people their seem to have sensitivities and reactions to sea salt..

almost everyone has a specific amount of sea salt they can take before they get the same opinion n-e ways
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Susie wrote:ok Keeptrying,
What is your deal?
Hey Susie. Could you be more specific? I don't mind answering any questions you have, but if you could kinda narrow them down a bit. "What's your deal" is very broad and if i'm put in a position to explain myself, it would be helpful if you could ask me exactly what you want clarified.
Susie wrote:Please just be open and honest so we can clear the air.
I have always and will always be open and honest, so you don't need to worry about this.
Susie wrote:I know you can't be making to much money off this so that's not the reason. Is it just as simple as you really believe you were cured by these antibiotics and antifungals and want to help others.
Yes, it's really that simple. But you made an error in your question. I never took antibiotics to cure my bad breath. The Candida infection in my esophagus was a fungal infection, so the only medication I required was Fluconazole (an antifungal).

As i've mentioned in previous threads, the only reason I offer the antibiotics is because I have read several posts from people on this forum who mentioned that Metronidazole cleared up their bad breath. As I am able to get that here too, I figured I would offer it as well. But I have never personally taken Metronidazole, only Fluconazole.

And you asked "you really believe you were cured by these antibiotics and antifungals." I know I was cured by the antifungal. I have had several people verify since I was treated for Candida that I no longer have bad breath. And I don't get reactions anymore like I used to. So it's not a question of believing, it's a question of knowing. Although as i've said before, there are definitely psychological scars that remain since I suffered with bad breath for more than half my life. So yeah, sometimes I still worry with it. I can't help that, but it has gotten easier for me in the almost 3 years since I was treated for Candida.
Susie wrote:Billie said she thought they were fake? Why would she think that? I'm just curious here that's all.
I guess she thinks that because she said they didn't work for her??? I really have no idea why she thinks that because that's the first I've heard her say that. She never contacted me with her concerns so I had no idea she felt that way. But I responded to her in the other thread where she said that. Not sure if you saw my response, but i'm quoting it below for easier reference.
billie wrote: To be honest, i really thought the antibiotics were FAKE.
Keeptying09 wrote:Really? If you had concerns like that why didn't you contact me? I would have been and am still more than happy to verify in anyway that I can that the medications I send out are real and from a licensed pharmacy here in Thailand.

I was just looking through some of our e-mails that we exchanged though, and I hope you don't mind but I'm going to quote them. The first I received from you on February 26th.
After the fluconazol treatment i noticed a light pink spot on my tongue.
I think it came a couple days after i stopped. I was also using threelac and vsl3.
Now i'm on the metronidazole and my tongue is totally white. Now i'm thinking that i really got a bad candida infection that needs a treatment that is longer then 14 days.
If i had bacterial overgrowth, then the antibiotic would have done something.
I read about someone who took fluconazole longer then 14 days.
When i was on fluconazole all the itching just dissapeared, but after i finished it came back. The little pink spot is almost gone today, but couple of days ago i could still see it.

You mentioned that while on the Metronidazole you developed a white tongue. This is one of the reported side effects that can possibly happens to someone who takes it. It doesn't happen to everyone, but to some it does. If the Metronidazole were fake, this side effect would not have happened.

I'm pasting a 2nd e-mail you sent me regarding the Clotrimazole lozenges you asked for. This e-mail was is dated March 21st.
The clotrimazole seems to be working for me, but i think 2 weeks is not enough.
The hairy things on my tongue are getting shorter and there is a pink spot on my tongue.
I still got BB, but if the hairynes on my tongue starts to dissapear slowly, then that means that i do have yeast infection in my mouth right ? the fluconazole doesn't do anything for me so i'm gona order some more of the lozenges next week.

I'm gonna try to find some natural antifunals that fight candida in the mouth. Do you know something natural that would work? The pink spot is only on the place where the lozenges have been dissolved. I tried to put it on the back of my tongue but i won't stay there. Anyway, i'm glad that something happening.

Here you mentioned that the Fluconazole didn't do much for you, but the Clotrimazole was reducing the hairiness of your tongue and causing some pink to show through. You mentioned it was only showing through on the areas of your tongue where you placed the lozenges. Again, if these meds were fake, you wouldn't have experienced these results.

Anyway, please feel free to go back through your e-mails to verify what I posted. I copied everything word for word from my g-mail.
stressedout wrote:KT, why dont you respond about # of people you sent the meds to and success rate if you are aware of it (even if i believe it is between you and those people, whoever wants to post about them taking the meds, already have). Just so this issue is put to rest.
Well you kinda answered your own question stressedout. It is between me and the people I sent the medications to. That's the reason I don't answer Jimi's question. But yeah, just to put this to rest I can give you a ballpark figure. In the nearly a year since I joined this forum, I have only sent out somewhere between 80-90 packages give or take. I don't aggressively push these meds on anyone (as Jimi suggests) which is probably why I haven't really sent out all that many. So if anyone thinks the only reason i'm doing this is to get rich, they are sorely mistaken. I only make the offer to help people if they want.

About the success rate, I will be completely upfront with you, I have received some e-mails from people saying that the meds have helped, and I have received some e-mails from people saying that the meds haven't helped. But have I received an e-mail from every person that I sent meds to? Not at all. Maybe about 10% of them respond with any kind of feedback, and as I said the results have been mixed. I really wish 100% of them would respond, even if they didn't have success.
stressedout wrote:I doubt that KT is making any money on this - if you Jimi are wondering, do you know how much antifungals cost in the west? If he made a dollar on me that is least he can take for being bothered to go to pharmacy and to the post-office, whats the fuss?
To answer your question about how much antifungals cost in the West, they are super expensive. Jimi even said he went to the local pharmacy and saw that 1 capsule of Fluconazole was $10, which leads me to believe that he does not live in Thailand because that seems like what it costs in Western countries.

I've already answered the question on whether or not i'm earning anything from doing this in another thread, but I can say it again here so everyone knows that I am being open and honest. It is true that I have not been sending the medications at cost. As you mentioned, I take time out of my day to run to the pharmacy, purchase the medications, go home, prepare the packages, go to the post office, mail them off, pick up more envelopes and bubble wrap, come home, scan a copy of the shipping receipt, and then e-mail the person this copy so they have the tracking number. It takes a lot of time and effort to do this, and to be completely honest, I don't have a car here in Thailand (I use public transportation) so I have to pay for that too every time I leave the house. I don't mind doing all this though. If the meds work for someone, then it's all worth it because i've brought so much relief and happiness to another person's life. If the meds don't work for someone, then at least I've enabled them to stop worrying with one cause of bad breath that clearly isn't affecting them so they can move on to another possible cause. For me, at least that's worth it too because beating this condition is all about narrowing down the possible causes until you finally find your cause.
stressedout wrote:Most important - Jimi please dont erase any valuable info from the site by banning him (had a glimpse of your message that disappeared).
Jimi is deleting posts? Which post did he specifically delete? I didn't notice it but since you mentioned it i'm now curious.
stressedout wrote:Gees, will this issue be ever put to rest, who else is with me on it?
I think one of the forum members said it best, me and Jimi have very strong opposing viewpoints and we are both not going to budge an inch on them (at least i'm not). So yeah, I think as long as Jimi is the site admin then this will probably be a never ending battle. But in all honesty I hadn't even mentioned anything about the medications in several months as Jimi told me to stop awhile back, so i'm not even sure why he brought up the whole Fluconazole debate again. I thought it had died down already.
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Post by halitosisux »

In support of KT, he comes across as a level-headed, intelligent friendly guy who just feels grateful and realised he had an opportunity to perhaps help at least a few members on here by offering these meds cheaply to those who might find it difficult to obtain them, in the hope they might be as lucky as he was and find their BB was due to the same reasons as his, without having to go through the whole procedure of getting a doctor to refer for endoscopy etc. At the time I never agreed with KT on sending out these medications to anyone - primarily for reasons of safety - but more so because I could see all this coming.

Its a shame people who chose to try fluco/metro combination cant obtain them directly from the pharmacy you are getting them from KT. (or any other reputable pharmacy for that matter)

Anyway, I can totally see jimi's dilemma too. He is afterall legally responsible for the site if things like this go wrong and I think he's done a fantastic job to make this site what it is by being the person that he is.
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Post by ihatethebus »

KT.. you seem to want to help people without access to these meds so much.. O:)

since youve asked jimi to sell the site to u, y dont you start another site for supplyin thes meds to every ''unfortunate'' bb patient hu needs these meds.

you wont have to take insults from jimi any more. ive NEVER seen you respond to any insult with there you hav it. you the good guy if thats what you want to hear.

only one problem tho,,,if youre on the bad guys turf you have to follow his simple rules. Jimi has aked you to stop ''helping'' these people with your ''kindness'', countless times.

Personality wise, id pick you over jimi on any day. Givin people access to non-prescription drugs, ill weigh out any of jimis flaws for peoples safety. Jus kindly askin,,,how about jimi's way or the road/your own site while youre on his site.
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Post by stressedout »

Jimi is deleting posts? Which post did he specifically delete? I didn't notice it but since you mentioned it i'm now curious.
Thats not what I wanted to say, as I mentioned I saw a glimpse of Jimi's response to this thread (one that he probably deleted) where he said he was going to ban KT for life. And my reaction was to ask him not to delete any info along with banning KT as I am not sure if you can ban someone and still keep all the threads. This whole thing seems so silly - if KT is not advertising anything on Jimi's site anymore, why banning? Seems so extreme. Free speech?

As for KT having his own site for the meds, doesnt he already - breathreset or something...
Last edited by stressedout on Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

What do you want from me????

I am still the owner and I like some rules, you know there are hardly any rules.

But if KT would not post at least how many drugs he shipped to how many people I would ban him.

I need to know that what is the success rate, also people need to know if it is worth it.

For now the success rate is 1 %. I only saw one person from 90 people being saved by antifungals. I am vorried what nobody else come forward. I cant beleive they just run away afetr they got cured.

So people I dont think it is worth it. 1% rate is really really low. That is my opinion. Better check with your doc and ask him if it is ok to take meds.

Yes KT I think it is better for you to create your own site. Where you will take all the responsibillity for your action. I dont know if people know where you live if something goes wrong, I hope you leave your real adress and name when you send them meds.
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Post by stressedout »

I dont deny that Jimi is the site owner and can do what he pleases. Though Jimi, you can't deny that aside from talking about meds, KT has posted other valuable information on your site. What banning him will achieve?

On the success rate - what can it tell someone who could well indeed be suffering from fungus overgrowth? I think it is irresponsible for someone to leave their health in the hands of "the success rate". So folks, back to our beloved doctors!
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am not gonna ban him, but if he play more games, like he did not want to reveal how many people he sent meds than it is useless to allow him to post on board.

OK at least now we know and let the war end. KT please dont mention selling meds do it through pm. I am not sure if this is legal or not.
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Post by hopelessone »

thanks for not banning KT, Jimi. He has offered so MUCH positive information here on this site, like the thread i just read he posted i think in June about coconut oil.

We're all in this together. Jimi, you are a God-send for starting this site. And you're right. We gotta stick together.

God bless you.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

halitosisux wrote:In support of KT, he comes across as a level-headed, intelligent friendly guy who just feels grateful and...
Thanks Hal. I appreciate your kind words. I've always found your posts to be quite thoughtful, well written, and informative, and I think you've posted twice as much valuable information on the site as me. Your presence here is definitely welcomed and appreciated by many!
ihatethebus wrote:only one problem tho,,,if youre on the bad guys turf you have to follow his simple rules. Jimi has aked you to stop ''helping'' these people with your ''kindness'', countless times.
Yes, and I did stop. I haven't mentioned anything about meds on the forum for months now. That issue was brought up again by Jimi. I just responded to his thread, that's all.
stressedout wrote:Thats not what I wanted to say, as I mentioned I saw a glimpse of Jimi's response to this thread (one that he probably deleted) where he said he was going to ban KT for life. And my reaction was to ask him not to delete any info along with banning KT as I am not sure if you can ban someone and still keep all the threads. This whole thing seems so silly - if KT is not advertising anything on Jimi's site anymore, why banning? Seems so extreme. Free speech?
Ahh, ok. I thought you meant he was deleting posts. Don't worry, even if I were banned, it wouldn't automatically delete all my posts, Jimi would have to go in and do that himself (which I hope he wouldn't).
Jimi wrote:What do you want from me????
I don't want anything from you Jimi. Well, actually, I do. I just want you to find some peace in your life, and if you are still suffering from bad breath, then of course I want you to find your cure. Oh yeah, and I would also like for you to learn how to communicate better with people.
Jimi wrote:I need to know that what is the success rate, also people need to know if it is worth it.
Jimi, I don't know how to make you understand this, but you are never going to know for certain the success rate. Even I am never going to know the success rate. It's just impossible. We are never going to know the amount of people in the world who have tried either antibiotics or antifungals to cure their bad breath. If you are going to determine a success rate based on the few people who come back and post on your forum, then seriously you are going to think that every single possible bad breath cure out there is a failure. I don't know how to make you understand that, and quite frankly i'm tired of trying.
Jimi wrote:For now the success rate is 1 %. I only saw one person from 90 people being saved by antifungals.
You have absolutely no idea the way statistics work if you think like this. My advice would be to go back to a continuing education class and relearn statistics. I believe they teach basic statistics in High School math class, with an even more in depth field at the university level. I guess you were asleep during that part of class? LOL, or maybe you just skipped that part.

Anyway, your 1% figure is flawed. I've gotten e-mails from more than 1 person that said the meds helped. I've also gotten more than 1 e-mail saying that the meds didn't help. As I told you the results have been mixed. And again, out of everyone i'd say only about 10% have even kept me up to date.

So the point of all that is, the success rate is unknown. Any attempt to attach a percentage to it at this point would lead to an inaccurate figure. So please, stop pulling imaginary percentages out of the sky.
Jimi wrote:I am vorried what nobody else come forward. I cant beleive they just run away afetr they got cured.
I know for a fact there have been some people who haven't come back to your forum to post their results. I know that because they e-mailed me and told me they didn't want to. They said there were certain people here that were just too negative and they didn't want to be brought down. ALthough it was only 2 people who told me this, I assume that others feel the same way. Anyway, I posted 1 of those e-mail messages I received ages ago. It's somewhere here on the forum, but you'd have to go digging through all my old posts to find it. Not saying that to talk smack about your forum, just telling you it is what it is.
stressedout wrote:On the success rate - what can it tell someone who could well indeed be suffering from fungus overgrowth? I think it is irresponsible for someone to leave their health in the hands of "the success rate". So folks, back to our beloved doctors!
Jimi wrote:I am not gonna ban him, but if he play more games, like he did not want to reveal how many people he sent meds than it is useless to allow him to post on board.
I never played "games".

Sorry if you think that my 450+ posts have all been useless. I think other people would beg to differ.
OK at least now we know and let the war end. KT please dont mention selling meds do it through pm. I am not sure if this is legal or not.
Again, I stopped ages ago when you asked me the first time around.

But yeah, it's ended, so let's just let it be that.
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Post by ihatethebus »

ihatethebus wrote:only one problem tho,,,if youre on the bad guys turf you have to follow his simple rules. Jimi has aked you to stop ''helping'' these people with your ''kindness'', countless times.
Yes, and I did stop. I haven't mentioned anything about meds on the forum for months now. That issue was brought up again by Jimi. I just responded to his thread, that's all.

\:D/ . On my side were cool then. I''ll stand wit you if anyone trys to post bull about you as long as you arent sellin meds no matta what.
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KeepTrying09 is full of shit

Post by JennyWilson »

KeepTrying09 is full of shit, I wasted over $400 on your junk and you still crap on about how great your junk is. Heres a free hint FUCKOFF.

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