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I met one person with BB of another BB forum

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by mike987 »

I love Science!

I'd love it more if the Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking of BB would emerge and create a modern understanding of BB and related issues.

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Post by halitosisux »

Lol Phantasist, lets just make sure it doesnt happen again then.

Mike, if there were such thing as martians and they had chronic bad breath, i'm certain scientists here would fully understand why - and there'd even be a cure for it.
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Post by jc »

Then why do my bb travel from a radius of 300 feet from all distances ( based on people`s reactions from all directions )as instant as I burp. I used to think that it will only be carried downwind. Again, I`m only talking about my type of bb & not the typical one. I chatted with one person before who have the same type of bb & he passed the oral chroma & halimeter tests so I was thinking outside the box & maybe there is a new chemical compound that are a lot smaller than the gases we know.

I`m not trying to be Einstein here but I only want to think outside the box & share my theories.Some peolpe here & other sites thinks that their bb can travel through glass & telephone lines. That sounds absurd to right but I didn`t laugh at their idea cuz realistically I don`t have a clue on my bb as well. When i come to this site the ideas revolve every 3 years. Oil pulling, hydrogen peroxide, katz products, these ideas had been repeated time & again so I want to introduce new ideas.

Now my question is there an explanation to this type of bb/
Any plausible or impossible ones are accepted.
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Post by brightonguy »

Interesting thread guys. Personally, since becoming aware of my own BB I notice it on others more rather than less. Although I will sometimes get it wrong, most of the time I can judge whether I smell bad from peoples reactions to me and by this I mean the nose touching thing. This is not paranoia, I would be dancing on the moon in happiness if I didn't stink rather than reading too much into other peoples reactions. For example, I did not stink on Saturday... I know this from peoples reactions to me... I talked to lots of people close up and all was fine. To be fair, to be able to do this in the first place I had to have a full and frank conversation with a friend of mine about my breath who assured me it was fine. Then on Sunday, it was okay but not great (some reactions from people - friend still saying it was fine) and then yesterday and today pretty horrible and I can smell it (quite a lot of reactions - friend still saying it's okay but I figured he wasn't telling the truth). Why is it so hard to get people to be honest with you? My friend asked me if his breath was okay - it wasn't great but not so bad that it would induce people to touch their noses - and I told him exactly that.
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Post by meowkity1 »

mabe its just the people. Yesterday I went to get blood drawn fo testing lady didnt react and I ws talking to her.
Went tannig -lady reacted.
Went to family fare grocery-cahsier did not react.
Went back to get blood drawn again. Still talking lady didnt react.
I knew I couldnt eat drink or pop gum or candy so my routine was vigorous yesterday.
Once again one neighbor in apt B hardly ever reacts
and apt D the lady always reacts. Its confusing
I wish it was paranoia, but when your sister has sneezing attacks as soon as she enters your presence something is wrong
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Post by Phantasist »

It seems that not all people have the same sensitivity to to our breath odor (or to the chemicals we are exhaling).
I have always noticed that some people react more to my breath and some react less.
I once had a girlfriend who was totally oblivious to my bad breath. I could talk two inches from her face and she did not react. I don't know if her sense of smell was impaired, or if she was immune to my particular odor.
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Post by halitosisux »

Just a thought, but could all the confusion be due to the fact that in certain types of BB, the odour release could be intermittent?
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Post by thomasthomas »

Jc: To me, thinking outside the box is not bad. Here is a "think outside the box" contribution of mine: we make a lot of hypothesis of how bb is occuring, and how it can come from, but to me, there is no strategy in involving scientist and doctors. Apart dr aydinmur contributions, are they real trials on getting scientist being concerned with our problem? It may be the next step. We clearly have a community of bad breath sufferers, but a very weak number of doctors (and not dishonest people who came to market their products, even though they have a shameless ignorance of scientific issues concerning BB). I'm not a professionnal about what entities and existing BB associations, but I sense that the keypoint for us is to find and get a structured step by step procedure of trial/error with researchs targeted at specific issues, with the assistance of first class doctors. My brain can't get the idea that with all the great mind of our planet, there is not way to formulate a positive solution for all of us. For me, it is matter of general strategy, fund raising and oriented actions, and most importantly, we have to reshape the selfish concept of " If I get cured, I disappear and I don't help to make emerge a strong scientific model".

We should get inspiration from orphan diseases. It is much more organized, and honestly, there are much more halitosis people than progeria sufferer! Of course you could argue that a very rare condition is a stimulating point and halitosis is not so glamorous...
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Post by brightonguy »

Phantasist wrote: I once had a girlfriend who was totally oblivious to my bad breath. I could talk two inches from her face and she did not react. I don't know if her sense of smell was impaired, or if she was immune to my particular odor.
.... I fantasise about getting a partner who has impaired smell. There must be a group or society for such people, can we find out where they have their gatherings and go hang out with them? :lol: 8)
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Post by jc »

brightonguy wrote:
.... I fantasise about getting a partner who has impaired smell. There must be a group or society for such people, can we find out where they have their gatherings and go hang out with them? :lol: 8)

I saw on news once about an odor fetish convention in the US.
They had a contest of people smelling dirty shoes & armpits.
I also saw something similar in a japanese channel.
I really want to live in their community :P
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Post by jc »

Thomasthomas, you have a good point. Some rare diseases are more organized. We have diverse causes of bb & we do not have a complete idea on our condition that`s probably why most of us are hesitant to organize more. There`s also the issue of trust. I`ve always wanted to pitch in some money to research but the thought of "who do I give to ?" comes into mind.

There`s also the thought of " if I give money to them , could they really find a cure ?".

The Australian TMAU research have a rich sponsor apart from the members donation. Maybe we need a billionaire with bb to fund our own research :D
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Post by thomasthomas »

Jc: Great remarks!
We have to take into account our diverse but quite common condition, because a type 1 halitosis and a type 4 halitosis are halitosis too...
A thing that is for me essential if we want to create an association or something is fund raising, and transparency. People should know that the 10$ they give go into the website hosting or a specific research.

The thought of being cured instantly by giving money should be reframed maybe: look at orphan disease as I said, I think they are medically more complex than treating halitosis,and they can give the feeling that they are progressing very well. I'm quite sure they are at least a thousand or two thousand bb sufferers, or much much more.

A real issue with organizations like that is not getting into the pitfall of accepting money from oral mouth care companies or people that want to hold a general belief that bb is caused by poor hygiene. Money is not hard to get if people know where it goes and it is oriented at getting result.

Another interesting thing with orphan disease; their communication is great in the sense they make everybody feel emotional and guilty about their (uncool) illness. If a good portion of people realize the truth of halitosis condition (an illness, not a question of will and hygiene), then most people would get involve, to get involvment it must be clear that is not giving money to lazy guys who don't want to use a mouthwash:). I think you get the idea.

I know that a research is expensive, and I know that a lot of halitosis sufferers in the world exist. Look at an example in my country, the Telethon:
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Holy Cowbells

Post by hopefulness »

Does this mean my bad breath can pass right through earth and disgust someone is china?

And could this be the cause of the faulty iphones made there?

Can I claim a refund under super string theory?
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Post by bbsmells »

interesting thread you guys! i feel like we are getting somewhere. i have been getting many reactions even when i talk to my friends, which i don't have many because people don't want to be friends with the smelly one lol. i have cavities and a few of my teeth feel slightly loose. i told my dentist i thought i had gum disease, but she said nothing was wrong. people are always saying that my breath smells like shit but i can never smell it. don't get me wrong, my nose works because i can smell people with bad breath, but they never get teased or get reactions. why?! they stink! i have tried just about every product on the market for bad breath to no avail! HELP!!!!
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Post by bbsux »

So some of you guys never smell bb from other people. I smell it often but it doesnt make me cover my nose or instantly touch my nose like most people do to me.
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